Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What Does It Take To Get Your Attention

Acts 7:30-31
And when forty years were expired, there appeared to him in the wilderness of mount Sina an angel of the Lord in a flame of fire in a bush.
When Moses saw it, he wondered at the sight: and as he drew near to behold it, the voice of the LORD came unto him,
We find Moses wandering in the desert after he has defended a Hebrew worker and killed an Egyptian. He was sure his life in Egypt was over and had no purpose or direction. The Lord had other ideas. He decided it was time to get Moses’ attention---to place him back in service.
Moses thought life was as good as it gets, he married and was raising a family had few cares until that fateful morning. As he was tending his sheep he noticed a very strange thing. There in the desert a bush was burning but something was not right. So he gets closer to see just what is going on. As he gets closer he not only sees the burning bush he hears the voice of God. No doubt that got his attention.
Many times when we are in our own desert, out self imposed exile as it were, we don't hear the Lord's voice because we are too consumed with our own thoughts -- so the Lord needs to get our attention. Do we see a burning bush or hear the booming voice of God? No but God does use circumstances and events to get our attention.
In Moses' case it was a burning bush -- something ordinary (a bush), that became extraordinary. It was amazing to him (after all it's not every day you see a burning bush in the middle of the desert), so he went over to check it out (the Lord got his attention).
It took a bush set on fire to get Moses’ attention, but once God had his attention He was able to talk to him. This is a really important point to me. Many people think the key to this story is the burning bush (the miracle); I think the more important point is that God is always speaking to us -- it's just sometimes He needs to use rather dramatic means to get our attention so we hear him. What would it take for God to get your attention?
Most women are sure their husbands possess selective hearing. We men certainly do appear to have an innate ability to concentrate and block out all distractions at times. Unfortunately, this same ability to insulate ourselves can also hurt us when God is trying to talk to us. How does God get your attention? Does He have to set something on fire, tear something down or break something before we will hear Him? Does He currently have your attention? What is He trying to tell you? Are you listening? Or are you waiting for a burning bush?

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