God Made You-You for a reason.
One of the best-kept secrets in the church today is that God had a very special purpose for everyone in His church. Its not really a secret it is just one that is ignored. He made each one unequaled and with special talents that only they possess. He then placed positions in the church that only that person could handle. Each and every person God made has a reason and a mission in life. He fully expected for us to use what He gave us in His service. Should we decide not to follow what God has planned for us to do then someone will miss out on a blessing and a very important area of God’s work will go undone. God did not make pew warmers He made people with specialized talents to reach a lost and dieing world for Jesus Christ.
Every one was given natural talents at birth that no one else in the universe has. God then designed places for each to use those talents for His glory and to provide a blessing for someone else. Not every one can preach, not everyone can sing nor can everyone plan direct or teach. Yet we seem to place that burden on those who are not gifted to do those activities because we don’t want to get involved.
Often we hear the excuse for not serving God, “I just don’t have any abilities to offer.” This is ludicrous. That would be like telling God He made a mistake. Every ability can and should be used for God. It is the churches responsibility to identify and release your abilities for serving God. It is your responsibility to put your talents to use.
For some strange reason we have gotten hung up on only a very few gifts God has given to only a few. And we feel we should have received one of those special talents so we try to show God we have developed the talent we want. I feel the reason for this is that many of the churches of today are man made and man controlled, and driven for entertainment rather that serving God.
We should all say,” What I’m able to do, God wants me to do.” He never intended for us to do something He did not equip us to do. You are the only person on the planet who has your talents and abilities and you are the only one who can use those abilities. We each have a special mission and God expects us to accomplish that mission. I expect that will cause many thoughts to rush through your mind. ‘Oh I am not cut out to go to the mission field.” Or “I am just not a person who can teach or preach.” May I suggest you speak to God before you determine what you can’t do?
Your abilities and talents were not given simply to make a living. God gave them to you to be used in the ministry He designed for you. Others may appear to have similar ministries but only you can do what God wanted you to do. Only you are you there is not another like you on the entire planet. Maybe just maybe there is one person God is seeking to turn this world upside down and your mission is to tell them about Jesus. Who will miss the blessing if you don’t do your job?
No matter what you are good at that is what you should be doing for God in His church.
There is an old saying,” It is not work if you love doing it.” The problem today we have lost our first love.
We should each take time and look God square in the eye and ask, “What can I do for you today?” Instead of asking God, “ I need you to give me something.”
If you are serious about doing this be ready for the answer.
As we prepare for the New Year let us stop and reflect on what God has done. As God was preparing to carpet the fields with clover, to give flight to eagles and to sculpt mountains He was thinking about each of us, and what we were to do. He placed the detailed design for the mighty oak in the tiny acorn. At the same time He placed within each of us a complete design for our purpose and mission. Nothing was left to chance. He thought of everything; gave us the tools only we can use. Every one was custom made by God. Each has a special purpose and mission that only they can accomplish. He gave each the necessary talents and gifts at birth so as to be able to accomplish the mission. Custom tailored talents crafted prior to our birth and lovingly given so that the designed purpose could be accomplished.
The Psalmist had this to say, “For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee when I was made in secret, and couriously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.” Psalms 139:13-16
As we look into the New Year let us seek our purpose and mission as God designed. The design is within and we must look there to see all the plans He made for us.
A new day is dawning and along with it is a new year. There is much work to do to prepare for the coming of our Lord. The fields are white unto harvest and the laborers are few. Let me leave you with this question who would you want to leave behind?
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
What really matters
This will be the last post before Christmas. I wish all a Merry Christmas and my prayer is Jesus is your reason for the season.
As we approach the Christmas event of the year let us stop for a moment to consider what all this is about. Surely we aren’t serious about a peasant boy being born in a stable some 200 years ago. We had better be serious. For that was the greatest Christmas gift ever given to this entire world. The creator of heaven and earth just gave this world His only begotten son. He gave him to us knowing full well some 33 years later he would be hung on a cruel cross giving us a second gift of greater magnitude. There this carpenters’ boy son of the living Go would give his life so that we might be saved. He also knew that gift of the life of His son was the only way we would ever be able to come into His presence. So that was the reason for the season. God gave a life so we might have life and that life more abundantly.
Somehow we have managed to twist that into something that I am not sure even God recognizes any more. Originally the name Christmas meant Christ Mass or a religious ceremony to celebrate the birth of the Christ child by the Catholic church. It was a church service not a political event. I was a solemn event and one of great joy and celebration.
For today's Christian, the origin of Christmas is, and should be, the birth of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible. Nothing more and nothing less. However, most of what we witness on December 25th each year has absolutely nothing to do with that blessed day, which probably occurred in late summer or early fall about 2,000 years ago. In fact, most of the customs and traditions of Christmas actually pre-date the birth of Jesus, and many of them are downright deceptive in their meaning and origin. . Here are a few examples:
The date of December 25th probably originated with the ancient "birthday" of the son-god, Mithra, a pagan deity whose religious influence became widespread in the Roman Empire during the first few centuries A.D. Mithra was related to the Semitic sun-god, Shamash, and his worship spread throughout Asia to Europe where he was called Deus Sol Invictus Mithras. Rome was well-known for absorbing the pagan religions and rituals of its widespread empire. As such, Rome converted this pagan legacy to a celebration of the god, Saturn, and the rebirth of the sun god during the winter solstice period. The winter holiday became known as Saturnalia and began the week prior to December 25th. The festival was characterized by gift-giving, feasting, singing and downright debauchery, as the priests of Saturn carried wreaths of evergreen boughs in procession throughout the Roman temples.
Variations of this pagan holiday flourished throughout the first few centuries after Jesus Christ, but it probably wasn't until 336 AD that Emperor Constantine officially converted this pagan tradition into the "Christian" holiday of Christmas.
The question now arises: How did all of these customs find their way into contemporary Christianity, ranging from Catholicism to Protestantism to fundamentalist churches?
The word "Christmas"itself reveals who married paganism to Christianity.
The word "Christmas" is a combination of the words "Christ" and "Mass.
The word "Mass" means death and was coined originally by the Roman Catholic Church, and belongs exclusively to the church of Rome.
The ritual of the Mass involves the death of Christ, and the distribution of the "Host", a word taken from the Latin word "hostiall" meaning victim!
In short, Christmas is strictly a Roman Catholic word.
A simple study of the tactics of the Roman Church reveals that in every case, the church absorbed the customs, traditions and general paganism of every tribe, culture and nation in their efforts to increase the number of people under their control.
In short, the Roman church told all of these pagan cultures, "Bring your gods, goddesses, rituals and rites, and we will assign Christian sounding titles and names to them.
When Martin Luther started the reformation on October 31st, 1517, and other reformers followed his lead, all of them took with them the paganism that was so firmly imbedded in Rome.
These reformers left Christmas intact.
In England, as the authorized Bible became available to the common people by the decree of King James the II in 1611, people began to discover the pagan roots of Christmas, which are clearly revealed in Scripture.
The Puritans in England, and later in Massachusetts Colony, outlawed this holiday as witchcraft.
Near the end of the nineteenth century, when other Bible versions began to appear, there was a revival of the celebration of Christmas.
We are now seeing ever-increasing celebrating of Christmas or Yule, its true name, as we draw closer to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ!
In both witchcraft circles and contemporary Christian churches, the same things are going on.
As the Bible clearly states in Jeremiah 10:2-4, "Thus saith the Lord, learn not the way of the heathen; and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven. For the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain. For one cutteth a tree out of the forest. The work of the hands of the workman with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold. They fasten it with nails and with hammers that it move not."
What Really Matters?
The true origin of Christmas is filled with controversy and compromise. A quick study will reveal a number of disturbing roots that we haven't been able to cover in this brief article. In short, the Christmas holiday we celebrate today is indicative of Christianity's willingness to absorb the world's customs and traditions, and forget its simple roots in the historical reality of Jesus Christ. Christmas should be nothing more than a simple, yet wonderful reminder of Christ's humble beginning as a human child in this world. His birth merely set the stage for the power, glory, and salvation that would be revealed in His life, death, and resurrection! Whether it's December 25th, sometime in late September, or any other day of the year, we should use each and every opportunity to reflect on Jesus Christ and His message of hope for all of us.
Let us reflect on the manger that shows humility. Jesus had a humble beginning and his life was one that taught humility and caring. The story told to the shepherds on the hill side shows God was excited about His son and the gift He was giving to the world. The host of heaven proclaimed his birth and the heavens rang with their song. God’s gift was given to all. Kings and common alike came to see the Christ child. Each brought gifts to give to Jesus. Each brought their very best. The bible says they opened their treasures; the Kings brought gold, frankincense and myrrh. Notice one very important thing each person who came to see the baby in the manger did before they gave their gifts. The all fell down and worshipped him. For each knew who he was and why he came. God placed that on each heart. He in effect gave each a gift that night a gift of love and hope for a better world to come.
So then we have a picture of what and how we are to give gifts this Christmas. On His birthday we are to fall down and worship Him as King of Kings and Lord of Lords the savior of the world and our eternal souls. Then we are to offer the best we have to give. We should give Jesus ourselves for that is what he came for to save. What will you give Jesus this Christmas day?
As we approach the Christmas event of the year let us stop for a moment to consider what all this is about. Surely we aren’t serious about a peasant boy being born in a stable some 200 years ago. We had better be serious. For that was the greatest Christmas gift ever given to this entire world. The creator of heaven and earth just gave this world His only begotten son. He gave him to us knowing full well some 33 years later he would be hung on a cruel cross giving us a second gift of greater magnitude. There this carpenters’ boy son of the living Go would give his life so that we might be saved. He also knew that gift of the life of His son was the only way we would ever be able to come into His presence. So that was the reason for the season. God gave a life so we might have life and that life more abundantly.
Somehow we have managed to twist that into something that I am not sure even God recognizes any more. Originally the name Christmas meant Christ Mass or a religious ceremony to celebrate the birth of the Christ child by the Catholic church. It was a church service not a political event. I was a solemn event and one of great joy and celebration.
For today's Christian, the origin of Christmas is, and should be, the birth of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible. Nothing more and nothing less. However, most of what we witness on December 25th each year has absolutely nothing to do with that blessed day, which probably occurred in late summer or early fall about 2,000 years ago. In fact, most of the customs and traditions of Christmas actually pre-date the birth of Jesus, and many of them are downright deceptive in their meaning and origin. . Here are a few examples:
The date of December 25th probably originated with the ancient "birthday" of the son-god, Mithra, a pagan deity whose religious influence became widespread in the Roman Empire during the first few centuries A.D. Mithra was related to the Semitic sun-god, Shamash, and his worship spread throughout Asia to Europe where he was called Deus Sol Invictus Mithras. Rome was well-known for absorbing the pagan religions and rituals of its widespread empire. As such, Rome converted this pagan legacy to a celebration of the god, Saturn, and the rebirth of the sun god during the winter solstice period. The winter holiday became known as Saturnalia and began the week prior to December 25th. The festival was characterized by gift-giving, feasting, singing and downright debauchery, as the priests of Saturn carried wreaths of evergreen boughs in procession throughout the Roman temples.
Variations of this pagan holiday flourished throughout the first few centuries after Jesus Christ, but it probably wasn't until 336 AD that Emperor Constantine officially converted this pagan tradition into the "Christian" holiday of Christmas.
The question now arises: How did all of these customs find their way into contemporary Christianity, ranging from Catholicism to Protestantism to fundamentalist churches?
The word "Christmas"itself reveals who married paganism to Christianity.
The word "Christmas" is a combination of the words "Christ" and "Mass.
The word "Mass" means death and was coined originally by the Roman Catholic Church, and belongs exclusively to the church of Rome.
The ritual of the Mass involves the death of Christ, and the distribution of the "Host", a word taken from the Latin word "hostiall" meaning victim!
In short, Christmas is strictly a Roman Catholic word.
A simple study of the tactics of the Roman Church reveals that in every case, the church absorbed the customs, traditions and general paganism of every tribe, culture and nation in their efforts to increase the number of people under their control.
In short, the Roman church told all of these pagan cultures, "Bring your gods, goddesses, rituals and rites, and we will assign Christian sounding titles and names to them.
When Martin Luther started the reformation on October 31st, 1517, and other reformers followed his lead, all of them took with them the paganism that was so firmly imbedded in Rome.
These reformers left Christmas intact.
In England, as the authorized Bible became available to the common people by the decree of King James the II in 1611, people began to discover the pagan roots of Christmas, which are clearly revealed in Scripture.
The Puritans in England, and later in Massachusetts Colony, outlawed this holiday as witchcraft.
Near the end of the nineteenth century, when other Bible versions began to appear, there was a revival of the celebration of Christmas.
We are now seeing ever-increasing celebrating of Christmas or Yule, its true name, as we draw closer to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ!
In both witchcraft circles and contemporary Christian churches, the same things are going on.
As the Bible clearly states in Jeremiah 10:2-4, "Thus saith the Lord, learn not the way of the heathen; and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven. For the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain. For one cutteth a tree out of the forest. The work of the hands of the workman with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold. They fasten it with nails and with hammers that it move not."
What Really Matters?
The true origin of Christmas is filled with controversy and compromise. A quick study will reveal a number of disturbing roots that we haven't been able to cover in this brief article. In short, the Christmas holiday we celebrate today is indicative of Christianity's willingness to absorb the world's customs and traditions, and forget its simple roots in the historical reality of Jesus Christ. Christmas should be nothing more than a simple, yet wonderful reminder of Christ's humble beginning as a human child in this world. His birth merely set the stage for the power, glory, and salvation that would be revealed in His life, death, and resurrection! Whether it's December 25th, sometime in late September, or any other day of the year, we should use each and every opportunity to reflect on Jesus Christ and His message of hope for all of us.
Let us reflect on the manger that shows humility. Jesus had a humble beginning and his life was one that taught humility and caring. The story told to the shepherds on the hill side shows God was excited about His son and the gift He was giving to the world. The host of heaven proclaimed his birth and the heavens rang with their song. God’s gift was given to all. Kings and common alike came to see the Christ child. Each brought gifts to give to Jesus. Each brought their very best. The bible says they opened their treasures; the Kings brought gold, frankincense and myrrh. Notice one very important thing each person who came to see the baby in the manger did before they gave their gifts. The all fell down and worshipped him. For each knew who he was and why he came. God placed that on each heart. He in effect gave each a gift that night a gift of love and hope for a better world to come.
So then we have a picture of what and how we are to give gifts this Christmas. On His birthday we are to fall down and worship Him as King of Kings and Lord of Lords the savior of the world and our eternal souls. Then we are to offer the best we have to give. We should give Jesus ourselves for that is what he came for to save. What will you give Jesus this Christmas day?
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Are You ready for Christmas?
In this one of the busiest times of the year we are hurriedly trying to get ready for the holidays. People are frantic to select just the right gift. Trying to give what will please others. Make the decorations look just right. Make sure all is in readiness for Christmas. The question you always hear is, “Are you ready for Christmas?” Most answer, “No I may never be ready?”
As we prepare for the Lord’s birthday let us not lose sight of what we must prepare.
We must prepare our gifts. Each selected with the utmost care and thought. We select gifts for all our loved ones. We give to each a gift selected and given with love. God is no different. He looked all over heaven and selected the most perfect gift He cold find. In the book of John we get a glimpse of what God found to give to us. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. “ John 3:16
Now that is a gift worth giving. God gave his very best. What kind of gift are you going to give to the Lord on his birthday? As I looked into God’s Word I found in First Corinthians 3:10-13 “According to the grace of God which is the master builder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood hay, stubble; every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be tried by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is.”
On the Lord’s birthday many will give him precious stones—for they are shining lights to a world of darkness. These stones may look like service, testimony, talent, time, love one for another, just to mention a few.
Others will give gold, and silver. For they love the Lord and want to share with others what they have received. This may be in the form of spiritual or material gifts.
But the majority will give the Lord a box of sticks. Boxes filled with wood hay and stubble, the leftovers and the most worthless with only superficial value. This is evidenced by their lack of concern for the lost, needs of others, or for the Lord’s church. They love sin too much. There is pleasure in sin for a season then we must pay the price. Most just love themselves too much they only want what is in it for me. Sounds a lot like vanity and pride is coming before the Lord.
You can’t just go out to Wal-Mart and buy Christ a gift. You do have something he wants and would love to get on his birthday. You have the power to give Jesus you soul. Are you saved do you know Jesus as savior? “For by grace ye are saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works lest any man should boast.” Eph 2:8-9. You can give him your heart. How much do you really love God? How about your talent? God gave each of us special talents that only we can use. He would like to have you use those talents for him. It has been said if we don’t use the talents we have we stand a chance to loose those talents. What about your time? Oh wait now…. I am way too bust to give any of my time. Ok, but could you simply study to show yourself approved, pray for those who are in need of God’s help and guidance, how about telling someone about Jesus. How much time would that take?
Do we give God our best or is God last on our list? Is He even on our list? While you are making a list and checking it twice make sure Jesus is on your list. It is His birthday after all. On that first Christmas God gave the very best He had to offer. The best gift he owned. What will we give him?
Why does God only get the seconds, thirds the unwanted? Why never the newest and best? We give our family and friends our best. We search every store to find the perfect gift. How come we leave God out?
If you knew Jesus was coming to your house Christmas morning what would He find under your tree with His name on it? Would he find his name on any gift? If there is a gift there would it be fit for a king or a pauper?
Jesus is coming one day how have you prepared for His coming? Jesus said, “In My fathers house there are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. He is preparing for you are you preparing for Him?
People today are busy preparing for many things. We all have plans to make and places we want to go and things we want to do. There is one thing we fail to do we fail to prepare for Christ’ return. We must prepare and be ready.
Our hearts must be ready. “Prepare to meet thy God.” Amos 4:12 Are you saved? Is there hidden sin in your life? Are you where God would have you to be serving Him?
We must prepare our minds “Let this mind be in you which also was in Christ Jesus.” Philip 2:5 What kind of mind was that? One that loves thy neighbor and you love yourself. Forgive those who wronged you and love those who used you.
In the book of Matthew 5:23-24 I find what and how we are to present our gift. “Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the alter, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift.”
When Jesus comes how will He find you? Will He even know who you are?
As you are preparing your gifts does Jesus have one? What kind is it? Is it gold, silver precious stones or a box of sticks?
There is no better way to start this New Year than to have Jesus in your heart, mind and life.
Something to think about:
The old man came and stood outside in the snow.
Though he knocked no one came to open the door.
Through the window he saw gifts or every size.
Each one containing a very special prize.
Many there were gathered all singing joyfully.
Decorations were hung skillfully.
The news spread around the world of this special day.
A time to reflect, to share and to play.
The word went out the celebration to begin.
All the guest anxiously waited warm within.
For each one a gift they would raise.
Singing songs of royal birth and Holy praise.
The old man watched as each gift was in sight.
Each name checked to be sure it was right.
Though he tried to see, and searched in vain.
Not one gift did bare his name.
As all the guest left not one stopped to ask.
Where in this world was the honored guest.
The old man turned and again walked away.
Shoulders shook and tears filled his eyes.
Another celebration for him was complete
And once again he was left out in the street.
“ Behold I stand at the door and knock.”
Did you leave Jesus out in the cold again this year?
As we prepare for the Lord’s birthday let us not lose sight of what we must prepare.
We must prepare our gifts. Each selected with the utmost care and thought. We select gifts for all our loved ones. We give to each a gift selected and given with love. God is no different. He looked all over heaven and selected the most perfect gift He cold find. In the book of John we get a glimpse of what God found to give to us. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. “ John 3:16
Now that is a gift worth giving. God gave his very best. What kind of gift are you going to give to the Lord on his birthday? As I looked into God’s Word I found in First Corinthians 3:10-13 “According to the grace of God which is the master builder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood hay, stubble; every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be tried by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is.”
On the Lord’s birthday many will give him precious stones—for they are shining lights to a world of darkness. These stones may look like service, testimony, talent, time, love one for another, just to mention a few.
Others will give gold, and silver. For they love the Lord and want to share with others what they have received. This may be in the form of spiritual or material gifts.
But the majority will give the Lord a box of sticks. Boxes filled with wood hay and stubble, the leftovers and the most worthless with only superficial value. This is evidenced by their lack of concern for the lost, needs of others, or for the Lord’s church. They love sin too much. There is pleasure in sin for a season then we must pay the price. Most just love themselves too much they only want what is in it for me. Sounds a lot like vanity and pride is coming before the Lord.
You can’t just go out to Wal-Mart and buy Christ a gift. You do have something he wants and would love to get on his birthday. You have the power to give Jesus you soul. Are you saved do you know Jesus as savior? “For by grace ye are saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works lest any man should boast.” Eph 2:8-9. You can give him your heart. How much do you really love God? How about your talent? God gave each of us special talents that only we can use. He would like to have you use those talents for him. It has been said if we don’t use the talents we have we stand a chance to loose those talents. What about your time? Oh wait now…. I am way too bust to give any of my time. Ok, but could you simply study to show yourself approved, pray for those who are in need of God’s help and guidance, how about telling someone about Jesus. How much time would that take?
Do we give God our best or is God last on our list? Is He even on our list? While you are making a list and checking it twice make sure Jesus is on your list. It is His birthday after all. On that first Christmas God gave the very best He had to offer. The best gift he owned. What will we give him?
Why does God only get the seconds, thirds the unwanted? Why never the newest and best? We give our family and friends our best. We search every store to find the perfect gift. How come we leave God out?
If you knew Jesus was coming to your house Christmas morning what would He find under your tree with His name on it? Would he find his name on any gift? If there is a gift there would it be fit for a king or a pauper?
Jesus is coming one day how have you prepared for His coming? Jesus said, “In My fathers house there are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. He is preparing for you are you preparing for Him?
People today are busy preparing for many things. We all have plans to make and places we want to go and things we want to do. There is one thing we fail to do we fail to prepare for Christ’ return. We must prepare and be ready.
Our hearts must be ready. “Prepare to meet thy God.” Amos 4:12 Are you saved? Is there hidden sin in your life? Are you where God would have you to be serving Him?
We must prepare our minds “Let this mind be in you which also was in Christ Jesus.” Philip 2:5 What kind of mind was that? One that loves thy neighbor and you love yourself. Forgive those who wronged you and love those who used you.
In the book of Matthew 5:23-24 I find what and how we are to present our gift. “Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the alter, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift.”
When Jesus comes how will He find you? Will He even know who you are?
As you are preparing your gifts does Jesus have one? What kind is it? Is it gold, silver precious stones or a box of sticks?
There is no better way to start this New Year than to have Jesus in your heart, mind and life.
Something to think about:
The old man came and stood outside in the snow.
Though he knocked no one came to open the door.
Through the window he saw gifts or every size.
Each one containing a very special prize.
Many there were gathered all singing joyfully.
Decorations were hung skillfully.
The news spread around the world of this special day.
A time to reflect, to share and to play.
The word went out the celebration to begin.
All the guest anxiously waited warm within.
For each one a gift they would raise.
Singing songs of royal birth and Holy praise.
The old man watched as each gift was in sight.
Each name checked to be sure it was right.
Though he tried to see, and searched in vain.
Not one gift did bare his name.
As all the guest left not one stopped to ask.
Where in this world was the honored guest.
The old man turned and again walked away.
Shoulders shook and tears filled his eyes.
Another celebration for him was complete
And once again he was left out in the street.
“ Behold I stand at the door and knock.”
Did you leave Jesus out in the cold again this year?
Saturday, December 11, 2010
You Have Not Passed This Way Before
Thus far we have seen how paths are chosen; fires are built and heard God speaking. We have seen how Moses gave final instructions on how to cross the river.
The book of Joshua records the trip taken by the Jews into the land God promised and prepared for them.
You have not passed this way before is the understatement of the decade.
There comes a time when we all must go to new ground. How we get there can be a story in its own right. The experiences we encounter and the problems we face could be the stuff movies are made of.
Nothing could be truer than the story of the children of Israel. As the story goes several million people had camped by the Jordan River. This was the jumping off place after forty years of going in circles in the desert. Forty years of rebellion, lack of trust whining complaining and the loss of an entire generation of people. As we look at this setting we see a remarkable picture. The river was at flood stage nobody had a boat. As far as the eye could see in either direction no bridges could be seen. All the news reports were gloomy. In the land across the river were giants, walled cities and hostile crowds. No banners or welcoming committees had been prepared. After three days of rest and preparation Joshua tells his captains. “Ok its time. Tell all the people we will cross the river in the morning. Tell them 12 members of the tribe of Levy will carry the ark. All the rest of the people are to follow two thousand cubits behind. (That’s about 972 yards.) Tell them to pay close attention to where the ark goes cause they have not passed this way before. “
To say the least this statement caused no small stir among the nation of Israel. Many may have wondered if Joshua had spent too much time on the wine.
Sleep was a lost commodity that night.
God had told Joshua he was to lead Israel after Moses‘ death. Keep one thing in mind God is only speaking to Joshua. Israel did not want God to talk directly to them. God is giving Joshua instructions as to how where and when things are to happen. Joshua was to take Israel to the Promised Land and there they were to live. God would drive out the current residents and He would open the river for them to pass. All they had to do was to go and possess the land. They had been through a lot. Forty years of hot dry desert, deadly snakes, unmarked graves not to mention blisters and sunburn. Yet God had done what He said He would do. He has brought them to the Promised Land, a land flowing with milk and honey. As they all stared across the river that night truly they had not been this way before.
Joshua had one final instruction all the people had to do before any could cross the river. Joshua 3:5 “Sanctify yourselves. For tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” In other words they were to clean themselves of sin, dedicate themselves wholly to God, for His purpose. Do exactly what He told them to do the way He told them to do it. They were not to call a meeting, establish a committee to question if Joshua was crazy or not. They were to follow where the Ark of the Covenant led.
At daylight the Ark of the Covenant was to be carried into the river by 12 members of the tribe of Levy. Then the people were to follow by 972 yards. To cross the flooded river many things had to be done. Each and every person had to sanctify him or herself. You have not passed this way before they were told.
They had to pack not only their physical belongings but they had to make sure their spiritual life was in order.
On the surface no one could see how this river crossing was going to have a good outcome. No bridges, no boats, the river was at flood stage. It is a good bet some said or at least thought, “Let’s just stay here.” Fortunately for Israel God had gotten rid of all the old mosey horns that refused to follow any of God’s instructions. Remember an entire generation had to die before the nation of Israel could cross the river.
God did not want them to stay there it was not home. What were they to do? Well first each person had to dedicate his or her life wholly to God for His purpose. They must trust God to do what He said He would do. They were to walk into the river by faith. Keep that thought clear in your mind. They were to walk boldly into a flooded river that led into a land they had never seen. Inhabited by giants and a whole lot of mean tempered people that did not want to give up what they owned. Logic said if you do you will die. God said if you don’t you will die. What a dilemma. What a place to be! Yes we have never been here before.
God told Joshua He would part the river and make a way for them. The people not only had to trust God they had to trust Joshua. Trusting God is a difficult thing for people to do. But are we sure Joshua knows what he is doing. It is difficult to be submissive to God’s will. People have no problem trusting God with their eternal soul. When it comes to time, talent, and physical possessions trust seems to go out the window.
Had Israel felt that way many would not have survived the crossing with their worldly possessions. Many more would have lost their lives.
This is an amazing picture of what can happen when people completely and totally trust God.
Let’s take a look at the crossing. Who had to go first? Why the priest carrying the ark of course. Remember the water did not part until the first foot of the first priest touched the water. Only then did God open the path. God’s chosen men who were to carry the Ark of the Covenant had to boldly walk into a raging swollen river with complete trust that they would not get wet or drown. They had to boldly go where none had gone before.
These 12 men could only carry the ark, each trusting and working together. Each had to have total faith in God. Who carried their belongings? Someone following behind, a family member or a friend they were to support God’s men. God’s men today are to step boldly into the river; God’s people are to carry their things. This requires unity. This is how a church should be pictured.
These 12 men six on each side lifted the ark and stepped into what could not be seen with physical eyes. They stepped boldly into the righteousness of God. As they did and the sole of the first foot touched the water the water parted and the sole landed on dry ground. Each succeeding step likewise fell on dry ground. These 12 men walked with God and God provided the way. Could they see the path? Only after they took that first step!
Standing 1000 cubits behind in the early morning light a multitude of people watched and waited, each scared and excited all at the same time. Nerves must have been on edge just as the priest stepped into the river. Now it is time for each to take that first step and follow the 12. They had to keep their eyes on the ark, for they had not passed this way before. No one had ever seen the waters part before. That generation had died in the desert. No one knew what to expect. All they knew if they did as God directed they would be given a wonderful new land in which to live and raise families. If they did not, history reminded them of all that had been lost when they disobeyed God. 3 million Hebrews took a deep breath, locked their eyes on the ark, put one foot in front of the other and walked into history.
I wonder what would happen today if Americans were asked to stand together and take a step into history like Israel did. Best I can imagine we would first have to take a vote to see if it was possible. Then we would have to form a committee and investigate all the possible ways not to do it. Wale and lament about having to share with our neighbor, work with them and stand shoulder to shoulder in a raging flood. Somebody might get wet! As a whole nation we are asked to step forward for the glory of God. But no we must first consult the ACLU to make sure no ones feelings get hurt. Who is to be first? Who is to go last? Who cares so long as all get across? Not America! Trust God! That surely goes against the church/ state convention.
No I doubt America could step out like God asked Israel to do.
The book of Joshua records the trip taken by the Jews into the land God promised and prepared for them.
You have not passed this way before is the understatement of the decade.
There comes a time when we all must go to new ground. How we get there can be a story in its own right. The experiences we encounter and the problems we face could be the stuff movies are made of.
Nothing could be truer than the story of the children of Israel. As the story goes several million people had camped by the Jordan River. This was the jumping off place after forty years of going in circles in the desert. Forty years of rebellion, lack of trust whining complaining and the loss of an entire generation of people. As we look at this setting we see a remarkable picture. The river was at flood stage nobody had a boat. As far as the eye could see in either direction no bridges could be seen. All the news reports were gloomy. In the land across the river were giants, walled cities and hostile crowds. No banners or welcoming committees had been prepared. After three days of rest and preparation Joshua tells his captains. “Ok its time. Tell all the people we will cross the river in the morning. Tell them 12 members of the tribe of Levy will carry the ark. All the rest of the people are to follow two thousand cubits behind. (That’s about 972 yards.) Tell them to pay close attention to where the ark goes cause they have not passed this way before. “
To say the least this statement caused no small stir among the nation of Israel. Many may have wondered if Joshua had spent too much time on the wine.
Sleep was a lost commodity that night.
God had told Joshua he was to lead Israel after Moses‘ death. Keep one thing in mind God is only speaking to Joshua. Israel did not want God to talk directly to them. God is giving Joshua instructions as to how where and when things are to happen. Joshua was to take Israel to the Promised Land and there they were to live. God would drive out the current residents and He would open the river for them to pass. All they had to do was to go and possess the land. They had been through a lot. Forty years of hot dry desert, deadly snakes, unmarked graves not to mention blisters and sunburn. Yet God had done what He said He would do. He has brought them to the Promised Land, a land flowing with milk and honey. As they all stared across the river that night truly they had not been this way before.
Joshua had one final instruction all the people had to do before any could cross the river. Joshua 3:5 “Sanctify yourselves. For tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” In other words they were to clean themselves of sin, dedicate themselves wholly to God, for His purpose. Do exactly what He told them to do the way He told them to do it. They were not to call a meeting, establish a committee to question if Joshua was crazy or not. They were to follow where the Ark of the Covenant led.
At daylight the Ark of the Covenant was to be carried into the river by 12 members of the tribe of Levy. Then the people were to follow by 972 yards. To cross the flooded river many things had to be done. Each and every person had to sanctify him or herself. You have not passed this way before they were told.
They had to pack not only their physical belongings but they had to make sure their spiritual life was in order.
On the surface no one could see how this river crossing was going to have a good outcome. No bridges, no boats, the river was at flood stage. It is a good bet some said or at least thought, “Let’s just stay here.” Fortunately for Israel God had gotten rid of all the old mosey horns that refused to follow any of God’s instructions. Remember an entire generation had to die before the nation of Israel could cross the river.
God did not want them to stay there it was not home. What were they to do? Well first each person had to dedicate his or her life wholly to God for His purpose. They must trust God to do what He said He would do. They were to walk into the river by faith. Keep that thought clear in your mind. They were to walk boldly into a flooded river that led into a land they had never seen. Inhabited by giants and a whole lot of mean tempered people that did not want to give up what they owned. Logic said if you do you will die. God said if you don’t you will die. What a dilemma. What a place to be! Yes we have never been here before.
God told Joshua He would part the river and make a way for them. The people not only had to trust God they had to trust Joshua. Trusting God is a difficult thing for people to do. But are we sure Joshua knows what he is doing. It is difficult to be submissive to God’s will. People have no problem trusting God with their eternal soul. When it comes to time, talent, and physical possessions trust seems to go out the window.
Had Israel felt that way many would not have survived the crossing with their worldly possessions. Many more would have lost their lives.
This is an amazing picture of what can happen when people completely and totally trust God.
Let’s take a look at the crossing. Who had to go first? Why the priest carrying the ark of course. Remember the water did not part until the first foot of the first priest touched the water. Only then did God open the path. God’s chosen men who were to carry the Ark of the Covenant had to boldly walk into a raging swollen river with complete trust that they would not get wet or drown. They had to boldly go where none had gone before.
These 12 men could only carry the ark, each trusting and working together. Each had to have total faith in God. Who carried their belongings? Someone following behind, a family member or a friend they were to support God’s men. God’s men today are to step boldly into the river; God’s people are to carry their things. This requires unity. This is how a church should be pictured.
These 12 men six on each side lifted the ark and stepped into what could not be seen with physical eyes. They stepped boldly into the righteousness of God. As they did and the sole of the first foot touched the water the water parted and the sole landed on dry ground. Each succeeding step likewise fell on dry ground. These 12 men walked with God and God provided the way. Could they see the path? Only after they took that first step!
Standing 1000 cubits behind in the early morning light a multitude of people watched and waited, each scared and excited all at the same time. Nerves must have been on edge just as the priest stepped into the river. Now it is time for each to take that first step and follow the 12. They had to keep their eyes on the ark, for they had not passed this way before. No one had ever seen the waters part before. That generation had died in the desert. No one knew what to expect. All they knew if they did as God directed they would be given a wonderful new land in which to live and raise families. If they did not, history reminded them of all that had been lost when they disobeyed God. 3 million Hebrews took a deep breath, locked their eyes on the ark, put one foot in front of the other and walked into history.
I wonder what would happen today if Americans were asked to stand together and take a step into history like Israel did. Best I can imagine we would first have to take a vote to see if it was possible. Then we would have to form a committee and investigate all the possible ways not to do it. Wale and lament about having to share with our neighbor, work with them and stand shoulder to shoulder in a raging flood. Somebody might get wet! As a whole nation we are asked to step forward for the glory of God. But no we must first consult the ACLU to make sure no ones feelings get hurt. Who is to be first? Who is to go last? Who cares so long as all get across? Not America! Trust God! That surely goes against the church/ state convention.
No I doubt America could step out like God asked Israel to do.
Monday, December 6, 2010
How Do You Spend Your Time?
I wanted to post this as I am preparing for next weeks post. "You Have Not Passed This Way Before." Just some food for thought.
How Do You Spend Your Time?
Time is a thing most of us take for granted. It seems we believe there will always be plenty of it. To go back beyond time is an almost impossible thing for us to do. Yet we must realize there was a time (and this sounds strange), when time did not exist, as we know it today. Likewise it is difficult for us to realize that time will one day run out, and that eternity shall begin.
An unknown author once said:
Life itself cannot give you joy,
Unless you really will it;
Life just gives you time and space—
It’s up to you to fill it.
Time wasted can never be regained. Once gone, it is gone forever. How many people have you known who often wished they could call back past opportunities, or who had the privilege of making time count, but did not do so? We constantly find ourselves wishing we had certain times to live over. This happens because we misused the time we had. One has said, “Four things come not back, the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity.”
How true this is, it behooves each of us to make the very most of each fleeting minute.
I like to picture life as if I were standing on a bridge above a river. I can stand on side of the bridge and watch opportunities disappear down river. Wishing I could but touch but one and reclaim its potential. This is the crowded side of the bridge where most people spend their lives. Yet there are those that stand on the opposite side of the bridge looking up river. There they see great and wonderful things that they can take full advantage of. This is the side of hope and challenge and fulfillment.
Where you stand is your choice. Someone told me once that you can only touch the same water in a river but once.
Time spent in prayer, Bible study and doing good to others may seem wasted to some, but to those who have engaged in such services find time spent this way is most profitable. Some people seem to “just exist looking down river,” while others, looking up river, seek to fill moments with something worthwhile. Possibly the best time you could spend today would be to sit down for a few minutes and ask yourself, “How do I spend my time?” “Which side of the bridge am I looking?”
How Do You Spend Your Time?
Time is a thing most of us take for granted. It seems we believe there will always be plenty of it. To go back beyond time is an almost impossible thing for us to do. Yet we must realize there was a time (and this sounds strange), when time did not exist, as we know it today. Likewise it is difficult for us to realize that time will one day run out, and that eternity shall begin.
An unknown author once said:
Life itself cannot give you joy,
Unless you really will it;
Life just gives you time and space—
It’s up to you to fill it.
Time wasted can never be regained. Once gone, it is gone forever. How many people have you known who often wished they could call back past opportunities, or who had the privilege of making time count, but did not do so? We constantly find ourselves wishing we had certain times to live over. This happens because we misused the time we had. One has said, “Four things come not back, the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity.”
How true this is, it behooves each of us to make the very most of each fleeting minute.
I like to picture life as if I were standing on a bridge above a river. I can stand on side of the bridge and watch opportunities disappear down river. Wishing I could but touch but one and reclaim its potential. This is the crowded side of the bridge where most people spend their lives. Yet there are those that stand on the opposite side of the bridge looking up river. There they see great and wonderful things that they can take full advantage of. This is the side of hope and challenge and fulfillment.
Where you stand is your choice. Someone told me once that you can only touch the same water in a river but once.
Time spent in prayer, Bible study and doing good to others may seem wasted to some, but to those who have engaged in such services find time spent this way is most profitable. Some people seem to “just exist looking down river,” while others, looking up river, seek to fill moments with something worthwhile. Possibly the best time you could spend today would be to sit down for a few minutes and ask yourself, “How do I spend my time?” “Which side of the bridge am I looking?”
Saturday, December 4, 2010
How To Build A Fire
Before the church can walk in old paths or possess the land one essential element must be present, a fire. Once a bright glowing fire is burning in the heart of every believer, there will also be a burning desire to serve God. In the book of Acts I find a story of a shipwreck. It is also a story of caring people who took the strangers in and gave them shelter and warmth. Acts 28:2 “And the barbarous people showed us no little kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us every one, because of the present rain, and because of the cold.” If that had happened today you would have probably heard, “Be ye warmed”. With little or no effort to render aid. I fear there is too much of the “Be ye warmed” attitude and very little of let’s see if we can build a fire.
There are two kinds of cold, the spiritual kind and the physical kind. Spiritual cold goes deep and is long lasting. Physical cold while dangerous can be driven away by the simple act of building a fire. Each type of cold requires a special kind of kindling to build a warming fire. I want to explore the spiritual cold rather than the physical. We are all apt to be cold at some time or another. Let’s face it we live in a cold cruel world. Our world is unforgiving for the most part. It is a place where gracious men are not welcome. I think this is due to the inbred sin of mankind. Because of this inbred sin we are apt to be lukewarm or frozen. Nature has a means of purging the natural world. This is done with the winter season when the cold icy winds come and the temperatures drop causing all plant life to die. Unfortunately, many churches experience this same kind of atmosphere. I have been in some churches where the service at a funeral was more alive and warmer than services on Sunday morning. In fact I have felt a warmer welcome at some funerals than I have felt at some Sunday morning services. Because the church is made up of people it is only natural that the church should undergo some period of coldness. In fact I think it is needed and healthy. However, that condition is not to remain. Someone should go out and gather some kindling and build a fire.
All around us there are buildings with cold corners where the sun never shines. In those shadows live people, good people who need the warmth Jesus can provide. But for some reason many in the church think the warmth Jesus has to offer is only for them, and they are not going to share it. In the physical world when we get cold three things happen if we don’t seek shelter and warmth. First we become uncomfortable, next we become inactive, and then we die. In the spiritual world there is a parallel. If we go away from the warmth of God we first become uncomfortable when we hear about church and the Lord. Then we become inactive and a deep cold starts to creep into our soul. We might as well be dead if our spirit is cold. In the spiritual as it is in the physical there are ways to build a fire. With a physical fire you first gather small twigs and tender grass. With a match you ignite the grass and slowly add the twigs. As the fire begins to catch you add larger twigs and chunks of wood. As the fire continues to grow more wood is added until you have a roaring fire giving off life saving warmth. In the spiritual realm a fire is started much the same way. The match is the Word of God. When applied to a tender receptive heart the coals begin to smolder. As prayer is added to the life the coals begin to glow brighter. Meditation and communion with Jesus caused the fire to come to life giving off the much-needed warmth. This spiritual warmth is life saving, live sustaining, and life protecting, much like the physical fire. The 12 apostles said that their hearts burned within them as Jesus talked with them. As we fellowship with other Christians, on fire for the Lord, we add to the fire burning within our souls.
I know first hand how one can get cold when they get away from Christian people. That is good caring Christian people. If the church would return to her first love the old fires of revival would soon be burning all over this nation and around the world. As the physical body is warmed circulation is restored. Color comes back to the skin and movement establishes circulation. Now that is a strange concept in the church. Most don’t think they are to move, except to go home. The Bible very plainly states we are to go into the highways and hedges. Note the word go. This little word means to move from one spot to another. Most church members have rewritten their bibles to read the pastor is to go into the highways and hedges and bring them in so that we might fellowship with them. Now, unless I am badly mistaken the book also plainly states that if you change or add to, you are in big trouble.
There should be fires built for others. Revival fires are needed today. So many are being washed up on our shores and are dying. A revival should not be a time when only the church members are warmed. Remember our story about Paul. Why did the inhabitants of the coast give them shelter? Because of the rain and storm. They were having a hard time building a fire, as the wood was wet. Water was falling and the air was damp. Under these conditions it is not easy to build a fire, yet a fire had to be built for the people to survive. Today we live in a cold wet environment, spiritually speaking. Spiritual fires are hard to kindle, but there must be a fire or all are going to die. Barbarians cannot kindle the fire we need in the church today. It must come from God, brought to the heart of the Christian by the Holy Spirit, and stoked by Jesus. Once the fire is started it spreads not all at once but to one heart at a time. The spiritual fire spreads a little at a time first to one, then to another until all are on fire. The warmth and the light given off is something to behold. If you have a small flame started in your heart you then need to nourish it by going down on your knees and breathing on the flame. Prayer is the breath, which causes the fire to grow. Fuel is then needed to keep the fire going. The Great Apostle Paul is seen carrying bundles of wood to help keep the fire growing. We should all take example from this man. If he could carry wood so that others could be warm, who are we to set by the fire while others are freezing? The fire is for everyone we must not be content until all those who are shivering are warm and comfortable. We must feed the fire until it is big enough to give warmth to all those around its border.
The world is shipwrecked. People are wet and cold. What chance do they have without a fire? What can each of us do to build a fire? Can we not each carry sticks to kindle the flame? Maybe we can feed the flame with prayer, or with movement can restore circulation. The fire we seek is from God not from a denomination, assembly association or government. Let no one dampen the flame by indifference. Let all come and warm themselves by the Lord’s fire. Keep building the fire until all those who are cold can be warm, for to be spiritually cold is to be dead.
There is danger with building a fire. It not only warms but it will draw those unwanted creatures as well. If we awaken the serpent the fire must be large enough and hot enough to destroy them. The flame may not only bring life back into the frozen people it will also restore life into the viper. Thank God the fire that revived the viper is also able to destroy it.
Are you a fire builder or a fire fighter?
There are two kinds of cold, the spiritual kind and the physical kind. Spiritual cold goes deep and is long lasting. Physical cold while dangerous can be driven away by the simple act of building a fire. Each type of cold requires a special kind of kindling to build a warming fire. I want to explore the spiritual cold rather than the physical. We are all apt to be cold at some time or another. Let’s face it we live in a cold cruel world. Our world is unforgiving for the most part. It is a place where gracious men are not welcome. I think this is due to the inbred sin of mankind. Because of this inbred sin we are apt to be lukewarm or frozen. Nature has a means of purging the natural world. This is done with the winter season when the cold icy winds come and the temperatures drop causing all plant life to die. Unfortunately, many churches experience this same kind of atmosphere. I have been in some churches where the service at a funeral was more alive and warmer than services on Sunday morning. In fact I have felt a warmer welcome at some funerals than I have felt at some Sunday morning services. Because the church is made up of people it is only natural that the church should undergo some period of coldness. In fact I think it is needed and healthy. However, that condition is not to remain. Someone should go out and gather some kindling and build a fire.
All around us there are buildings with cold corners where the sun never shines. In those shadows live people, good people who need the warmth Jesus can provide. But for some reason many in the church think the warmth Jesus has to offer is only for them, and they are not going to share it. In the physical world when we get cold three things happen if we don’t seek shelter and warmth. First we become uncomfortable, next we become inactive, and then we die. In the spiritual world there is a parallel. If we go away from the warmth of God we first become uncomfortable when we hear about church and the Lord. Then we become inactive and a deep cold starts to creep into our soul. We might as well be dead if our spirit is cold. In the spiritual as it is in the physical there are ways to build a fire. With a physical fire you first gather small twigs and tender grass. With a match you ignite the grass and slowly add the twigs. As the fire begins to catch you add larger twigs and chunks of wood. As the fire continues to grow more wood is added until you have a roaring fire giving off life saving warmth. In the spiritual realm a fire is started much the same way. The match is the Word of God. When applied to a tender receptive heart the coals begin to smolder. As prayer is added to the life the coals begin to glow brighter. Meditation and communion with Jesus caused the fire to come to life giving off the much-needed warmth. This spiritual warmth is life saving, live sustaining, and life protecting, much like the physical fire. The 12 apostles said that their hearts burned within them as Jesus talked with them. As we fellowship with other Christians, on fire for the Lord, we add to the fire burning within our souls.
I know first hand how one can get cold when they get away from Christian people. That is good caring Christian people. If the church would return to her first love the old fires of revival would soon be burning all over this nation and around the world. As the physical body is warmed circulation is restored. Color comes back to the skin and movement establishes circulation. Now that is a strange concept in the church. Most don’t think they are to move, except to go home. The Bible very plainly states we are to go into the highways and hedges. Note the word go. This little word means to move from one spot to another. Most church members have rewritten their bibles to read the pastor is to go into the highways and hedges and bring them in so that we might fellowship with them. Now, unless I am badly mistaken the book also plainly states that if you change or add to, you are in big trouble.
There should be fires built for others. Revival fires are needed today. So many are being washed up on our shores and are dying. A revival should not be a time when only the church members are warmed. Remember our story about Paul. Why did the inhabitants of the coast give them shelter? Because of the rain and storm. They were having a hard time building a fire, as the wood was wet. Water was falling and the air was damp. Under these conditions it is not easy to build a fire, yet a fire had to be built for the people to survive. Today we live in a cold wet environment, spiritually speaking. Spiritual fires are hard to kindle, but there must be a fire or all are going to die. Barbarians cannot kindle the fire we need in the church today. It must come from God, brought to the heart of the Christian by the Holy Spirit, and stoked by Jesus. Once the fire is started it spreads not all at once but to one heart at a time. The spiritual fire spreads a little at a time first to one, then to another until all are on fire. The warmth and the light given off is something to behold. If you have a small flame started in your heart you then need to nourish it by going down on your knees and breathing on the flame. Prayer is the breath, which causes the fire to grow. Fuel is then needed to keep the fire going. The Great Apostle Paul is seen carrying bundles of wood to help keep the fire growing. We should all take example from this man. If he could carry wood so that others could be warm, who are we to set by the fire while others are freezing? The fire is for everyone we must not be content until all those who are shivering are warm and comfortable. We must feed the fire until it is big enough to give warmth to all those around its border.
The world is shipwrecked. People are wet and cold. What chance do they have without a fire? What can each of us do to build a fire? Can we not each carry sticks to kindle the flame? Maybe we can feed the flame with prayer, or with movement can restore circulation. The fire we seek is from God not from a denomination, assembly association or government. Let no one dampen the flame by indifference. Let all come and warm themselves by the Lord’s fire. Keep building the fire until all those who are cold can be warm, for to be spiritually cold is to be dead.
There is danger with building a fire. It not only warms but it will draw those unwanted creatures as well. If we awaken the serpent the fire must be large enough and hot enough to destroy them. The flame may not only bring life back into the frozen people it will also restore life into the viper. Thank God the fire that revived the viper is also able to destroy it.
Are you a fire builder or a fire fighter?
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Part Three Old Paths
I conclude this post on Old Paths
The church should follow the path of instruction.
In the book of Deuteronomy I find a very interesting story of Moses. Up to this point Moses had been the leader of the nation of Israel, both from a spiritual and political standpoint. He had over come many hardships and had passed through many a valley. He stood on the mountaintop and visited with God. But this story is about none of these events. We find Moses is dying. He has called all of Israel together to instruct them one last time what they are to do. You will remember Moses had angered God and God told him he could not go into the Promised Land. So as the Nation of Israel is preparing to cross the Jordan River Moses is preparing to meet his maker. Before he goes he has one last thing he has to do. That is to give Israel a final instruction. As is the case with old men Moses is recalling the wilderness journey. He is reminding Israel as a grandparent would a young child where they came from and where they were going. A good grandparent will always give their grandchildren the benefit of their age and years of learning. Most of that learning earned through hard knocks. If the children are wise they will listen. If not they are in for some trying times.
I think the conversation Moses was having with Israel went something like this.
“Now you remember what I told you when I came down off the mountain and found Aaron building a golden calf. Boy, if you could have seen your faces when I broke the commandments God had just given me. If you only knew how mad you made God. I remember standing watching God carve the commands in the stone when He said Moses you better get back down my children are doing things they shouldn’t do. You knew better than to worship other gods but there you were in prone position bowing down to that dumb statue, and it wasn’t even a very good statue. Enough of that, I want you to remember the Lord God and Him only shall you serve. Don’t forget who brought you out of Egypt. Out of the mud pits and out of the pain of slavery. You need to fear the Lord. Now, where you are going there are people who serve strange gods. Don’t let yourself get dragged into their brand of worship. Serve only the Lord God Almighty. Keep His commandments and do like He says. Don’t tempt Him or make Him mad, as you are prone to do. Do that which is right in His sight. Keep in mind that you are a holy people chosen of God. Kind of makes you special.
Now when you get to the Promised Land there are certain things you need to do. Remember where you came from and what you came through these past forty years. Don’t be afraid and don’t do anything stupid. The Lord gave me some instructions for you. First He said you were to fear him and walk in all his ways. You were to love him and serve him with all your heart and soul. Keep his commandments and his statutes. Keep in mind that the heavens and the earth belong to the Lord. The Lord wanted me to remind you that the land to which you are going is full of hills and valleys. It is a land God Himself cares about. Do not forget that if you turn to strange gods that the wrath of God can and will be kindled against you. You sure don’t want that to happen. ‘Cause if that does happen I’m telling you from experience you are going to die. All you are to do is go in and possess the land. The Lord said that he would set before you a blessing and a curse. A blessing if you follow what he told you to do and a curse if you don’t listen. I guess the last thing I’d tell you is this; you can’t rest on this side of the river. You have to cross over to the other side; there you can rest after you have possessed the land. The Lord will see to that. Do what I tell you don’t change or add to my instructions. Now go get across the river and start to enjoy all that the Lord has promised you.”
That’s not all Moses had to say to Israel, for that you will have to read the book. I feel a lot of the same words could be said to the church today. Go and possess the land. No it’s not going to be an easy land. He didn’t say you were going to be the most popular person in town. But He did say He would bless if you would go. I think God is watching His church today, just like He watched Israel, and shaking His head. Saying, “ When will they learn? When will they listen?” I’m pretty sure God is not concerned with what we did yesterday. Or what we plan on doing tomorrow. But you can rest assured He is very concerned with what we are doing today. Remember yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.
The church today may have made God mad. How, you say? Well, by what she worships. Many worship the buildings, the programs, the buses, the preachers, the schools and the Lord only knows what else. I’m sure God is not at all pleased with what the church is doing today. In fact I’d bet Jesus wouldn’t even recognize some that claim to be a church.
Jesus gave us a very simple task. “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Now to the best of my knowledge, that means that the church is to go. The church is by definition an assembly of called out believers. Not an assembly of called out preachers, elders, bishops, popes or any other office in the church. John said in John9: 4 “I must work the work of Him that sent me, while it is day; the night cometh, when no man can work.”
I do not believe the church today wants to possess the land. For if they did nothing could stop the salvation of the lost or the addition to the church. I believe the mark is three thousand a day. I believe all the church today wants to do is set back and argue over which man made doctrine is right. I also believe the wrath of God is being kindled against the church.
Whew! That was a mouth full. What evidence do I have to support such claims? Well take a look at the evening news, look at how many different churches there are on every corner and listen to all the TV preachers who want you to send money to the Lord but give their address. Look at all the crime and violence in our city streets and the mess our government continually stays in. History repeats itself. Rome was once a mighty empire but lust greed and lack of conviction brought it to its knees. Are we on that same road?
The church should follow the path of instruction.
In the book of Deuteronomy I find a very interesting story of Moses. Up to this point Moses had been the leader of the nation of Israel, both from a spiritual and political standpoint. He had over come many hardships and had passed through many a valley. He stood on the mountaintop and visited with God. But this story is about none of these events. We find Moses is dying. He has called all of Israel together to instruct them one last time what they are to do. You will remember Moses had angered God and God told him he could not go into the Promised Land. So as the Nation of Israel is preparing to cross the Jordan River Moses is preparing to meet his maker. Before he goes he has one last thing he has to do. That is to give Israel a final instruction. As is the case with old men Moses is recalling the wilderness journey. He is reminding Israel as a grandparent would a young child where they came from and where they were going. A good grandparent will always give their grandchildren the benefit of their age and years of learning. Most of that learning earned through hard knocks. If the children are wise they will listen. If not they are in for some trying times.
I think the conversation Moses was having with Israel went something like this.
“Now you remember what I told you when I came down off the mountain and found Aaron building a golden calf. Boy, if you could have seen your faces when I broke the commandments God had just given me. If you only knew how mad you made God. I remember standing watching God carve the commands in the stone when He said Moses you better get back down my children are doing things they shouldn’t do. You knew better than to worship other gods but there you were in prone position bowing down to that dumb statue, and it wasn’t even a very good statue. Enough of that, I want you to remember the Lord God and Him only shall you serve. Don’t forget who brought you out of Egypt. Out of the mud pits and out of the pain of slavery. You need to fear the Lord. Now, where you are going there are people who serve strange gods. Don’t let yourself get dragged into their brand of worship. Serve only the Lord God Almighty. Keep His commandments and do like He says. Don’t tempt Him or make Him mad, as you are prone to do. Do that which is right in His sight. Keep in mind that you are a holy people chosen of God. Kind of makes you special.
Now when you get to the Promised Land there are certain things you need to do. Remember where you came from and what you came through these past forty years. Don’t be afraid and don’t do anything stupid. The Lord gave me some instructions for you. First He said you were to fear him and walk in all his ways. You were to love him and serve him with all your heart and soul. Keep his commandments and his statutes. Keep in mind that the heavens and the earth belong to the Lord. The Lord wanted me to remind you that the land to which you are going is full of hills and valleys. It is a land God Himself cares about. Do not forget that if you turn to strange gods that the wrath of God can and will be kindled against you. You sure don’t want that to happen. ‘Cause if that does happen I’m telling you from experience you are going to die. All you are to do is go in and possess the land. The Lord said that he would set before you a blessing and a curse. A blessing if you follow what he told you to do and a curse if you don’t listen. I guess the last thing I’d tell you is this; you can’t rest on this side of the river. You have to cross over to the other side; there you can rest after you have possessed the land. The Lord will see to that. Do what I tell you don’t change or add to my instructions. Now go get across the river and start to enjoy all that the Lord has promised you.”
That’s not all Moses had to say to Israel, for that you will have to read the book. I feel a lot of the same words could be said to the church today. Go and possess the land. No it’s not going to be an easy land. He didn’t say you were going to be the most popular person in town. But He did say He would bless if you would go. I think God is watching His church today, just like He watched Israel, and shaking His head. Saying, “ When will they learn? When will they listen?” I’m pretty sure God is not concerned with what we did yesterday. Or what we plan on doing tomorrow. But you can rest assured He is very concerned with what we are doing today. Remember yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.
The church today may have made God mad. How, you say? Well, by what she worships. Many worship the buildings, the programs, the buses, the preachers, the schools and the Lord only knows what else. I’m sure God is not at all pleased with what the church is doing today. In fact I’d bet Jesus wouldn’t even recognize some that claim to be a church.
Jesus gave us a very simple task. “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Now to the best of my knowledge, that means that the church is to go. The church is by definition an assembly of called out believers. Not an assembly of called out preachers, elders, bishops, popes or any other office in the church. John said in John9: 4 “I must work the work of Him that sent me, while it is day; the night cometh, when no man can work.”
I do not believe the church today wants to possess the land. For if they did nothing could stop the salvation of the lost or the addition to the church. I believe the mark is three thousand a day. I believe all the church today wants to do is set back and argue over which man made doctrine is right. I also believe the wrath of God is being kindled against the church.
Whew! That was a mouth full. What evidence do I have to support such claims? Well take a look at the evening news, look at how many different churches there are on every corner and listen to all the TV preachers who want you to send money to the Lord but give their address. Look at all the crime and violence in our city streets and the mess our government continually stays in. History repeats itself. Rome was once a mighty empire but lust greed and lack of conviction brought it to its knees. Are we on that same road?
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Part Two of Old Paths
Returning to Old paths is getting longer so I have put it into parts here is part two.
Another path we are to walk down is the path of love. In fact this is a command. We are to love one another. Love your neighbor as yourself. Now that is a real hard thing to do. For if you are a Democrat how can you love a Republican and vise versa. In the Bible I find a clear-cut statement that is not hard to understand; hard to accept maybe, but not hard to understand. It is found in I John 4:20-21. It reads, “If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this commandment have we from Him That he loveth God love his brother also.”
I think many times we say we don’t understand the Bible simply because we don’t want to accept what it says. It has always been amusing to me to hear someone sing, O How I love Jesus on Sunday and on Monday cuss the person in the car in front of them on the way to work. My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth, so says the apostle John.
The church today needs to return to the old path of compassion. There is not real compassion in the church today. Oh, I know someone will scream, “Look what we did for this one or that one”. But while that may be momentary compassion real compassion is caring for someone without thought of reward. I know a man who goes out of his way to help his neighbors. He watches their houses when they are gone, cares for their animals, and looks in on them if they are sick. He simply cares for people. This man is a rare and sadly a vanishing breed today. To my knowledge this man has never once thought of any reward or gain for himself. This is the kind of compassion that the church should have. Jesus wept when He saw the multitude that had come to listen to Him preach without bringing a lunch. So He fed them. I laugh when on Sunday morning the preacher is inspired by the Lord and starts to run over the pre appointed stopping time that the multitude start to get hungry and are sure they will lose their place in the food line, or serious malnutrition effects will attack their bodies. It’s long about this time that compassion for the lost or what the Lord has to say is replaced by the passion for a steak, and, “We need to talk to that preacher for keeping us in church so long”. If the church only had compassion for the lost and for those who might have come seeking help from the Lord, Oh what a place the church would be if the membership were on fire for the Lord you couldn’t run them off. But today we only have the church open four hours a week. I guess people don’t need God the other 164 hours that week. I remember right after I got saved I couldn’t get enough of the Word. The only place I knew to get it was at the church. So every time the doors were open I was there. I was hungry. I later found out the meals I was receiving were not as wholesome as they appeared. I’m still hungry, but now my meals are harder to come by. When Jesus was preaching people came from all over the territory to hear Him. Well you say He was the Lord sure people would come to hear Him. He is still the Lord yet few come to hear what He has to say. Fewer still truly believe what He is saying. He had something to offer those on the hillside, bread and fish. Yes but He also had something they all wanted, the truth. He still offers that today. People are just not as hungry.
Today what most want is the bread and fish not the truth. I’ll bet if Jesus was to come to a hillside in your town and start to preach that very few would stop to hear him. In fact he would probably be asked to move on and to stop creating a traffic problem. He would not be very popular with those in authority.
Especially the religious authority, but then He wasn’t popular with authority when He did speak on a hillside outside Jerusalem. So I guess not much has changed. People still are hungrier for steak than they are for the Word.
Tune in next week for part three.
Another path we are to walk down is the path of love. In fact this is a command. We are to love one another. Love your neighbor as yourself. Now that is a real hard thing to do. For if you are a Democrat how can you love a Republican and vise versa. In the Bible I find a clear-cut statement that is not hard to understand; hard to accept maybe, but not hard to understand. It is found in I John 4:20-21. It reads, “If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this commandment have we from Him That he loveth God love his brother also.”
I think many times we say we don’t understand the Bible simply because we don’t want to accept what it says. It has always been amusing to me to hear someone sing, O How I love Jesus on Sunday and on Monday cuss the person in the car in front of them on the way to work. My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth, so says the apostle John.
The church today needs to return to the old path of compassion. There is not real compassion in the church today. Oh, I know someone will scream, “Look what we did for this one or that one”. But while that may be momentary compassion real compassion is caring for someone without thought of reward. I know a man who goes out of his way to help his neighbors. He watches their houses when they are gone, cares for their animals, and looks in on them if they are sick. He simply cares for people. This man is a rare and sadly a vanishing breed today. To my knowledge this man has never once thought of any reward or gain for himself. This is the kind of compassion that the church should have. Jesus wept when He saw the multitude that had come to listen to Him preach without bringing a lunch. So He fed them. I laugh when on Sunday morning the preacher is inspired by the Lord and starts to run over the pre appointed stopping time that the multitude start to get hungry and are sure they will lose their place in the food line, or serious malnutrition effects will attack their bodies. It’s long about this time that compassion for the lost or what the Lord has to say is replaced by the passion for a steak, and, “We need to talk to that preacher for keeping us in church so long”. If the church only had compassion for the lost and for those who might have come seeking help from the Lord, Oh what a place the church would be if the membership were on fire for the Lord you couldn’t run them off. But today we only have the church open four hours a week. I guess people don’t need God the other 164 hours that week. I remember right after I got saved I couldn’t get enough of the Word. The only place I knew to get it was at the church. So every time the doors were open I was there. I was hungry. I later found out the meals I was receiving were not as wholesome as they appeared. I’m still hungry, but now my meals are harder to come by. When Jesus was preaching people came from all over the territory to hear Him. Well you say He was the Lord sure people would come to hear Him. He is still the Lord yet few come to hear what He has to say. Fewer still truly believe what He is saying. He had something to offer those on the hillside, bread and fish. Yes but He also had something they all wanted, the truth. He still offers that today. People are just not as hungry.
Today what most want is the bread and fish not the truth. I’ll bet if Jesus was to come to a hillside in your town and start to preach that very few would stop to hear him. In fact he would probably be asked to move on and to stop creating a traffic problem. He would not be very popular with those in authority.
Especially the religious authority, but then He wasn’t popular with authority when He did speak on a hillside outside Jerusalem. So I guess not much has changed. People still are hungrier for steak than they are for the Word.
Tune in next week for part three.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Following the Old Paths
Here is Chapter 5 This is a bit longer and I will make it a two part article. Part one this week Part 2 next week.
Our Heavenly Father we ask you to be present and speak to the heart. This one who reads is seeking your guidance and loving care. Send the Holy Spirit to heal any hurt and show how much you care and love us. We know Lord that you have given each special gift for a specific purpose. Thank you Lord for caring enough to listen as our hearts seek you and loving enough to send your only son to die for our sins. In Jesus name we ask all things.
“He sure is old fashioned.” “ He needs to get with it.” That is what I overheard a group of young people saying about an elderly gentleman at the mall just the other day. All he did was say hello and wish them a good day. All they could think of was “He is just a dirty old man.”
“Hath a nation changed their Gods, which are yet no Gods? But my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the Lord.
For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that hold no water.”
Jeremiah 2:11-13
If you will read the story in the book of Jeremiah you will find the nation of Israel was is a bad state. Look epically at verses 7 & 8 of chapter 2 and you will see a picture not unlike the church today.
Verse 8 gives a clear picture of the church today. “The priest said not, Where is the Lord? And they that handled the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.”
The church today is in a backslidden condition. In Jeremiah 6:16 the Bible says that the tribe of Judah was also in a backslidden condition. I would like to draw some parallels between the two. In verse 13 of Jeremiah 6 Judah is accused of being overtaken with covetousness. This appears to be a wide spread problem as the Bible says it is from the least to the greatest. Now the church today is in a like condition as there are among the membership those who are overtaken with covetousness for the material things, the spectacular things, and the things which draw attention to ones self. This is evidenced from the pulpit to the back pew. There are preachers who only preach for the sensationalism and the money. There are members who only attend a certain church because it’s “good for business.” The politicians of Judah’s day were screaming peace, peace when there was no peace. What is being said today? Peace talks here, there and everywhere. In fact it kind of rings of a passage in Matthew 24, “And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars...” Everywhere you look there is talk of peace but there is no peace. Do you suppose God is trying to tell us something? Judah’s morality must have been an issue with the Lord as He said they were not ashamed after they had committed an abomination. The US today has the morals of an alley cat. She is not ashamed of how her citizens act in public. I remember a time when someone said a four-letter word someone would be embarrassed and blush red. Not today, that kind of language is the norm, even among women. Judah was instructed in verse 16 of Jeremiah chapter 6 to look to the old paths or the old ways of doing things. Boy would that not set well with the yuppie crowd today. Go back to the old ways, what are you crazy. I didn’t say this was going to be popular, just right. What are some of the old ways? Well for one we should return to the path of prayer. Prayer is the most powerful tool we as Christians possess. If it wasn’t why do you suppose those who are at risk ask for prayer? Take note of whom they ask for prayer. It is not the president, the congress or any political leader. Who then gets this request? It is those who have shown they have God’s ear. If you don’t believe in prayer don’t get on the bad side of someone who has God’s ear. I think mothers have a corner on the market of prayer. If ever there was a group who prayed more successfully for others it is mothers. Guess what God listens to them.
What is prayer? It is nothing more than talking to your heavenly father, talking with your heart not your head. That is if you have a heavenly father. Some don’t, as they are not saved, born again as it were. Jesus explained it this way when He said, “Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.” Matt.7:7-8. Now that’s not too hard to understand. Sounds pretty straightforward to me.
If you will examine the early church you will find that they were a praying church. The first church was started with prayer and continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine, fellowship, breaking bread and prayers. Now doesn’t it seem strange that if the first church was a praying church then the church of today should be a praying church? That doesn’t mean having the pastor open and close with a prayer. It means that the entire church should be in a prostrate position before God exhorting Him with their petitions. Many think they have prayed simply by bowing their heads when someone recites a prayer and then they say amen. However, I feel the prayers of many are hollow. Kind of sounds like tinkling cymbals or breaking glass.
Judah was instructed to harken to the watchman set over them. Now that is a strange thing for God to tell these people. You must pay attention to the preacher. The one to whom I have spoken and given direction, the one I have called. What a strange concept. Actually He said “Harken to the sound of the trumpet.” What the Lord is saying is that they as well as we are to pay attention to the warnings. Okay but who is giving the warnings? It should be by the local pastor, not the TV evangelist or money preacher, but the one, who God has called, and is speaking to, directing and blessing. We are not to question the warning just obey them. If you came upon a sign in the road that said, “Danger Bridge Out Ahead”, and a policeman was directing traffic onto an alternate route would you tell the policeman you didn’t have to listen to him as he was just trying to make your trip harder. It’s doubtful you would do or say such a thing. Yet when God sends messages to His watchmen and they give out clear warnings why don’t we listen? Why do we crucify the messenger?
Our Heavenly Father we ask you to be present and speak to the heart. This one who reads is seeking your guidance and loving care. Send the Holy Spirit to heal any hurt and show how much you care and love us. We know Lord that you have given each special gift for a specific purpose. Thank you Lord for caring enough to listen as our hearts seek you and loving enough to send your only son to die for our sins. In Jesus name we ask all things.
“He sure is old fashioned.” “ He needs to get with it.” That is what I overheard a group of young people saying about an elderly gentleman at the mall just the other day. All he did was say hello and wish them a good day. All they could think of was “He is just a dirty old man.”
“Hath a nation changed their Gods, which are yet no Gods? But my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the Lord.
For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that hold no water.”
Jeremiah 2:11-13
If you will read the story in the book of Jeremiah you will find the nation of Israel was is a bad state. Look epically at verses 7 & 8 of chapter 2 and you will see a picture not unlike the church today.
Verse 8 gives a clear picture of the church today. “The priest said not, Where is the Lord? And they that handled the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.”
The church today is in a backslidden condition. In Jeremiah 6:16 the Bible says that the tribe of Judah was also in a backslidden condition. I would like to draw some parallels between the two. In verse 13 of Jeremiah 6 Judah is accused of being overtaken with covetousness. This appears to be a wide spread problem as the Bible says it is from the least to the greatest. Now the church today is in a like condition as there are among the membership those who are overtaken with covetousness for the material things, the spectacular things, and the things which draw attention to ones self. This is evidenced from the pulpit to the back pew. There are preachers who only preach for the sensationalism and the money. There are members who only attend a certain church because it’s “good for business.” The politicians of Judah’s day were screaming peace, peace when there was no peace. What is being said today? Peace talks here, there and everywhere. In fact it kind of rings of a passage in Matthew 24, “And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars...” Everywhere you look there is talk of peace but there is no peace. Do you suppose God is trying to tell us something? Judah’s morality must have been an issue with the Lord as He said they were not ashamed after they had committed an abomination. The US today has the morals of an alley cat. She is not ashamed of how her citizens act in public. I remember a time when someone said a four-letter word someone would be embarrassed and blush red. Not today, that kind of language is the norm, even among women. Judah was instructed in verse 16 of Jeremiah chapter 6 to look to the old paths or the old ways of doing things. Boy would that not set well with the yuppie crowd today. Go back to the old ways, what are you crazy. I didn’t say this was going to be popular, just right. What are some of the old ways? Well for one we should return to the path of prayer. Prayer is the most powerful tool we as Christians possess. If it wasn’t why do you suppose those who are at risk ask for prayer? Take note of whom they ask for prayer. It is not the president, the congress or any political leader. Who then gets this request? It is those who have shown they have God’s ear. If you don’t believe in prayer don’t get on the bad side of someone who has God’s ear. I think mothers have a corner on the market of prayer. If ever there was a group who prayed more successfully for others it is mothers. Guess what God listens to them.
What is prayer? It is nothing more than talking to your heavenly father, talking with your heart not your head. That is if you have a heavenly father. Some don’t, as they are not saved, born again as it were. Jesus explained it this way when He said, “Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.” Matt.7:7-8. Now that’s not too hard to understand. Sounds pretty straightforward to me.
If you will examine the early church you will find that they were a praying church. The first church was started with prayer and continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine, fellowship, breaking bread and prayers. Now doesn’t it seem strange that if the first church was a praying church then the church of today should be a praying church? That doesn’t mean having the pastor open and close with a prayer. It means that the entire church should be in a prostrate position before God exhorting Him with their petitions. Many think they have prayed simply by bowing their heads when someone recites a prayer and then they say amen. However, I feel the prayers of many are hollow. Kind of sounds like tinkling cymbals or breaking glass.
Judah was instructed to harken to the watchman set over them. Now that is a strange thing for God to tell these people. You must pay attention to the preacher. The one to whom I have spoken and given direction, the one I have called. What a strange concept. Actually He said “Harken to the sound of the trumpet.” What the Lord is saying is that they as well as we are to pay attention to the warnings. Okay but who is giving the warnings? It should be by the local pastor, not the TV evangelist or money preacher, but the one, who God has called, and is speaking to, directing and blessing. We are not to question the warning just obey them. If you came upon a sign in the road that said, “Danger Bridge Out Ahead”, and a policeman was directing traffic onto an alternate route would you tell the policeman you didn’t have to listen to him as he was just trying to make your trip harder. It’s doubtful you would do or say such a thing. Yet when God sends messages to His watchmen and they give out clear warnings why don’t we listen? Why do we crucify the messenger?
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Road Building
Our Heavenly Father we ask you to be present and speak to the heart. This one who reads is seeking your guidance and loving care. Send the Holy Spirit to heal any hurt and show how much you care and love us. We know Lord that you have given each special gift for a specific purpose. Thank you Lord for caring enough to listen as our hearts seek you and loving enough to send your only son to die for our sins. In Jesus name we ask all things.
To go anywhere we need roads. The ease with which we travel on those roads depends on how well the roads have been constructed. It is clear that every step we take in this life has the potential to become a super highway or a dead end. I like to think that we are all road builders and the roads we leave behind have an influence on someone, whether it is our neighbor or our children. Our roads are made up of our attitudes and actions. It is possible then that our attitudes or actions will become habits, which could help or destroy any who follow on our road. It is safe to say that the smallest track has the potential to lead someone safely home or into the ditch. As I began to look into the road building process I saw there were several types of roads being built. Some were being built with good intentions, some with indifference, some with no regard for safety and many with no pride of ownership. I began to look at how roads were built and I began to see some parallels with our lives. Were the roads smooth and straight? Did they have good foundations? Were there adequate warning signs to point out the hazards?
Did the road have a strong foundation? Anything, which is built, must have a strong foundation or it will not withstand the storms, which are cast against it. Any road we build must have a good roadbed, strong and sure to maintain its load. That roadbed must be built with God directed doctrine not with man-made tradition. It must be built with solid rock not with wood hay and stubble. It must be built with faith in God not with faith in Wall Street. With Jesus not with man made ideals. Our roads must also be straight. They must go directly to the planned destination, not wander aimlessly in all directions. In this age of high-speed travel our roads must be smooth and free of potholes. Other wise those who follow might find it difficult to travel on our roads.
Why should we be so concerned about the roads we leave behind? Because you can be sure someone will follow you down the road you build. That someone might be a child or it might be a friend or some unknown stranger seeking shelter. While we might not have problems traveling down our road some that follow may be lame or weak. They may not have the self-confidence, and be as sure-footed as we. Some may be slow walkers and not be able to travel in the fast lane. Others may be dim of vision and not be able to see the warning signs posted. They might miss the curves and pit falls. A wreck on this interstate could be devastating to someone who cannot see. Some travelers on our roads will be children. Are our roads safe for a child to walk on? Is the road you leave behind a road you are proud of? Are they roads you would want your children or grandchildren to travel down? Are the signs we post on our highway clear to point out the dangers? Is the highway well lit so as to guide a wandering traveler? Or are you just hoping that those who follow will not stumble and fall off the road. Or do you even care if anyone travels down your road? While we can’t go back and correct the problems with the roads we have already built we can begin to construct good sound and safe roadways for future travel. We cannot know how others will travel down our roads or if they will reach their destination, but we can leave a road which will give those that do follow a chance to miss some of the pitfalls and difficulties we have faced. While we cannot know the destination of those who follow we can provide a map, which will at least give them some direction. It is our responsibility to provide a map, which points in the right direction. It is the responsibility of those who follow to use the map.
A State gains a reputation by the quality of the roads, which cross its boundaries. So too a person is known by the road they leave behind. It is also said that a person is known by the road they travel. Does the road you are building lead into darkness without any warning signs or light? Is your road built with a strong foundation? Is it smooth and straight? Is the road you are traveling down one you would want someone else to follow? Remember how you build your road could mean the difference in someone’s life. It could even mean someone’s life.
As I travel along the highways of our country I am reminded of a road in the Bible that has a strange resemblance to the road of life. It is the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. I think we could draw some comparisons not only to our lives but also to the life of the church. In the story of the road from Jerusalem to Jericho one could either travel up or down depending on where you wanted to go. Today people can either go up or down the road it’s their choice. When people leave the lofty place of conviction, high standards, moral purity and Godliness they choose to go down the road. There are examples in the Bible of those who chose to go down the road. David chose to go down the road of lust and the price he had to pay was extreme. Samson chose to go down the road of desire and it cost him dearly. The prodigal son chose to go down the road of materialism and it cost him his material goods. Young people today are throwing aside the standards and principles, which made our country great and are choosing to go down the same road, which brought an end to the cities of Sodom and Gomorra, the Roman Empire and many other prominent World societies. Churches too have chosen to go down a road of indifference and non-involvement. Preachers have chosen the road of popularity and fame. Our nation has chosen to go down a road, which is void of the lofty values, which has sustained us for over two hundred years. Politicians have chosen the road of party rather than the road of conscience. The road all have chosen is a dangerous road. Just like the road from Jerusalem to Jericho it is filled with robbers and bandits who lurk along the roadside to catch the unsuspecting traveler, whether it be child or adult. The devil has been pictured as a thief and as a thief he does not want anyone to know where he is or what he is doing. Like the robbers on the Jericho road the devil is heartless. He will leave you bleeding and hurting. He is deceptive and often times he will appear as just another traveler on the road. As with the traveler on the Jericho road who fell among thieves you too will be stopped, stripped, and left for dead. You will loose your good name; your material goods and you could even loose your life. Because we don’t want to get involved our kids are being stripped of values we once held dear and men fought and died to keep, values that molded this country into a great nation. Why, because we don’t want to get involved. We are a nation of thinkers yet we will let someone else think for us when it comes to morality and what is right and wrong. We don’t want to get involved with our neighbors, the church, or the community unless there is something in it for us. As we look at the traveler on the Jericho road we find he was hurt and left for dead. We too will be hurt? Sin always hurts. Always has always will! Our traveler was helpless. Just like him the world will leave you. Religion will leave you, much like the Levite who passed by on the other side. Politics will leave you. Wall Street will leave you. Jesus is the only one who will not leave you. He will lift you up and bind your wounds and give the innkeeper money to take care of you. He will also come back and look in on you to see if you are all right. Preachers won’t do that, church members won’t do that, politicians sure won’t do that and it’s a sure bet the world won’t do that. With the moral decay running rampant in our country we could soon be fighting a war within our borders. If the United States is to be defeated it will have to be defeated from within. If we continue down the road of indifference, immorality, and non-convection we will one day come to a very sudden and harsh end to our road. So then we are faced with a choice of which way we are to travel up the road to God or down the road to destruction. It’s our choice.
Our Heavenly Father we ask you to be present and speak to the heart. This one who reads is seeking your guidance and loving care. Send the Holy Spirit to heal any hurt and show how much you care and love us. We know Lord that you have given each special gift for a specific purpose. Thank you Lord for caring enough to listen as our hearts seek you and loving enough to send your only son to die for our sins. In Jesus name we ask all things.
To go anywhere we need roads. The ease with which we travel on those roads depends on how well the roads have been constructed. It is clear that every step we take in this life has the potential to become a super highway or a dead end. I like to think that we are all road builders and the roads we leave behind have an influence on someone, whether it is our neighbor or our children. Our roads are made up of our attitudes and actions. It is possible then that our attitudes or actions will become habits, which could help or destroy any who follow on our road. It is safe to say that the smallest track has the potential to lead someone safely home or into the ditch. As I began to look into the road building process I saw there were several types of roads being built. Some were being built with good intentions, some with indifference, some with no regard for safety and many with no pride of ownership. I began to look at how roads were built and I began to see some parallels with our lives. Were the roads smooth and straight? Did they have good foundations? Were there adequate warning signs to point out the hazards?
Did the road have a strong foundation? Anything, which is built, must have a strong foundation or it will not withstand the storms, which are cast against it. Any road we build must have a good roadbed, strong and sure to maintain its load. That roadbed must be built with God directed doctrine not with man-made tradition. It must be built with solid rock not with wood hay and stubble. It must be built with faith in God not with faith in Wall Street. With Jesus not with man made ideals. Our roads must also be straight. They must go directly to the planned destination, not wander aimlessly in all directions. In this age of high-speed travel our roads must be smooth and free of potholes. Other wise those who follow might find it difficult to travel on our roads.
Why should we be so concerned about the roads we leave behind? Because you can be sure someone will follow you down the road you build. That someone might be a child or it might be a friend or some unknown stranger seeking shelter. While we might not have problems traveling down our road some that follow may be lame or weak. They may not have the self-confidence, and be as sure-footed as we. Some may be slow walkers and not be able to travel in the fast lane. Others may be dim of vision and not be able to see the warning signs posted. They might miss the curves and pit falls. A wreck on this interstate could be devastating to someone who cannot see. Some travelers on our roads will be children. Are our roads safe for a child to walk on? Is the road you leave behind a road you are proud of? Are they roads you would want your children or grandchildren to travel down? Are the signs we post on our highway clear to point out the dangers? Is the highway well lit so as to guide a wandering traveler? Or are you just hoping that those who follow will not stumble and fall off the road. Or do you even care if anyone travels down your road? While we can’t go back and correct the problems with the roads we have already built we can begin to construct good sound and safe roadways for future travel. We cannot know how others will travel down our roads or if they will reach their destination, but we can leave a road which will give those that do follow a chance to miss some of the pitfalls and difficulties we have faced. While we cannot know the destination of those who follow we can provide a map, which will at least give them some direction. It is our responsibility to provide a map, which points in the right direction. It is the responsibility of those who follow to use the map.
A State gains a reputation by the quality of the roads, which cross its boundaries. So too a person is known by the road they leave behind. It is also said that a person is known by the road they travel. Does the road you are building lead into darkness without any warning signs or light? Is your road built with a strong foundation? Is it smooth and straight? Is the road you are traveling down one you would want someone else to follow? Remember how you build your road could mean the difference in someone’s life. It could even mean someone’s life.
As I travel along the highways of our country I am reminded of a road in the Bible that has a strange resemblance to the road of life. It is the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. I think we could draw some comparisons not only to our lives but also to the life of the church. In the story of the road from Jerusalem to Jericho one could either travel up or down depending on where you wanted to go. Today people can either go up or down the road it’s their choice. When people leave the lofty place of conviction, high standards, moral purity and Godliness they choose to go down the road. There are examples in the Bible of those who chose to go down the road. David chose to go down the road of lust and the price he had to pay was extreme. Samson chose to go down the road of desire and it cost him dearly. The prodigal son chose to go down the road of materialism and it cost him his material goods. Young people today are throwing aside the standards and principles, which made our country great and are choosing to go down the same road, which brought an end to the cities of Sodom and Gomorra, the Roman Empire and many other prominent World societies. Churches too have chosen to go down a road of indifference and non-involvement. Preachers have chosen the road of popularity and fame. Our nation has chosen to go down a road, which is void of the lofty values, which has sustained us for over two hundred years. Politicians have chosen the road of party rather than the road of conscience. The road all have chosen is a dangerous road. Just like the road from Jerusalem to Jericho it is filled with robbers and bandits who lurk along the roadside to catch the unsuspecting traveler, whether it be child or adult. The devil has been pictured as a thief and as a thief he does not want anyone to know where he is or what he is doing. Like the robbers on the Jericho road the devil is heartless. He will leave you bleeding and hurting. He is deceptive and often times he will appear as just another traveler on the road. As with the traveler on the Jericho road who fell among thieves you too will be stopped, stripped, and left for dead. You will loose your good name; your material goods and you could even loose your life. Because we don’t want to get involved our kids are being stripped of values we once held dear and men fought and died to keep, values that molded this country into a great nation. Why, because we don’t want to get involved. We are a nation of thinkers yet we will let someone else think for us when it comes to morality and what is right and wrong. We don’t want to get involved with our neighbors, the church, or the community unless there is something in it for us. As we look at the traveler on the Jericho road we find he was hurt and left for dead. We too will be hurt? Sin always hurts. Always has always will! Our traveler was helpless. Just like him the world will leave you. Religion will leave you, much like the Levite who passed by on the other side. Politics will leave you. Wall Street will leave you. Jesus is the only one who will not leave you. He will lift you up and bind your wounds and give the innkeeper money to take care of you. He will also come back and look in on you to see if you are all right. Preachers won’t do that, church members won’t do that, politicians sure won’t do that and it’s a sure bet the world won’t do that. With the moral decay running rampant in our country we could soon be fighting a war within our borders. If the United States is to be defeated it will have to be defeated from within. If we continue down the road of indifference, immorality, and non-convection we will one day come to a very sudden and harsh end to our road. So then we are faced with a choice of which way we are to travel up the road to God or down the road to destruction. It’s our choice.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Excluded Christ
Our Heavenly Father we ask you to be present and speak to the heart. This one who reads is seeking your guidance and loving care. Send the Holy Spirit to heal any hurt and show how much you care and love us. We know Lord that you have given each special gift for a specific purpose. Thank you Lord for caring enough to listen as our hearts seek you and loving enough to send your only son to die for our sins. In Jesus name we ask all things.
As we once again come into the presence of Almighty God let us each think about Jesus and how he has been excluded. How was He treated when he walked the earth? How is he treated today?
Most will quickly exclaim He is not excluded has not been excluded. Many will take offence with such a statement.
Truth is He has been left out of many churches and many Christian’s lives. Oh He is talked about, held in high esteem, but few know Him. We celebrate His birth and His resurrection; we use His name in vane and pray well-rehearsed prayers asking for God to bless us in His name, yet we really don’t know who Jesus truly is. Yes he is God’s only son but he is so much more.
As we begin let me call your attention to three things Jesus has been excluded from.
First he was excluded from his own people. The thirteenth chapter of Matthew tells us a story of how Jesus had been teaching and preaching and was coming to his hometown. What should have been a joyous reunion was turned into something that resembled a riot. . A great welcoming should have been in the offing, but instead He was met with doubt and indifference. Much like He is met with today. You must understand Jesus loved those people and wanted to bless them. His heart was filled with the love He had for the people of his hometown. What did they do to make him feel so dejected? They simply refused to hear Him. In fact they mocked him. They all said, “Isn’t he just the carpenter’s son?” He and his teaching offended them. Jesus has been excluded ever since He came into this world. Lets face it he came into this world through the barn and physically left by a borrowed tomb. I firmly believe this is because He did not teach along the traditional lines accepted as doctrine. I’m sure there were no churches then and there are no churches now that would call Jesus as their pastor. Now wait a minute sure we would want Jesus as our pastor. Really? Think about what that would mean. If you will read what Jesus taught about how we should live and love and conduct our business would you truly want someone like that as your pastor? We might have to make some changes in our lives! You know the love your neighbor as yourself thing. Or do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Yep I bet we would have to make some changes.
Jesus said in Matthew 23:13 that the Pharisees shut up heaven to sinners. Today we don’t call them Pharisees we call them church members, deacons, elders, bishops, cardinals, and pastors. However, the result is the same heaven is shut to sinners. Those who refuse to let God work in His church do this today. All they do is insist on teaching the doctrines of men instead of the doctrines of God. While the man made doctrines are pleasing to men God is not at all pleased with the results. The Bible says men are lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. There are those in the church who have such a sour attitude that the spirit is quenched and in some cases driven completely out. It is strange, though, that if Doctor So-in-So proclaimed it from the pulpit then it must be from God. In some cases this is true. God still speaks through those He calls. There are many pastors today who God is using in a mighty way. Yet there are many false prophets who are speaking today. The only way to be sure of what is being said is to be in tune with God. God is not the author of confusion. Whether true or false most will blindly follow never questioning the source or the validity of what is said, especially if the message is emotionally charged. If Jesus were a member of some churches he would have been dropped from the roll long ago for non-attendance. Not by His choice but because He is not welcome in the very church He died for. That is very sad. Just like the people of Nazareth we many times reject the Son of God.
The second thing Jesus has been excluded from is the world. In Matthew 27:22-36 we find a record of the trial of Jesus. Pilate asks what should be done with Jesus for I find no fault in him. The religious crowd shouted, “Let him be crucified.” They mocked him spit in his face yet only a few hours earlier they wanted to crown him king. Now they want to nail him to a cross.
Many today still crucify Jesus. How you say do we crucify Jesus? By your unbelief, by you’re of lack of faith, by backbiting and griping, by not wanting to forgive a brother or sister. By your unwillingness to follow where God leads. By your disbelief that God can still work miracles in this life. The list could go on and on as to why and how we still crucify Jesus.
The world today still excludes Jesus. Hey, it’s not popular to serve God. Men are lovers of pleasure more that lovers of God. More and more preachers are fond of the fame, glory, money and the adoration of men than they are of the adoration of God. They want to be popular with man rather than be pleasing to God.
Politics in the church kills mission work and church growth. Why? Because for God to get the glory man must take a back seat, and man does not want to be in the shadows.
The saddest and most cruel exclusion is from His church.
This is brought to light in Revelations 3:20 “Behold I stand at the door and knock.” If Jesus is standing knocking on the door he must be on the outside. Sadly today Jesus is locked out of the very church he died for. Let me say that Jesus did not die for buildings or land. He died for people. People then are the church not the buildings, not the buses, not the programs, not the government and certainly not the stage show productions.
Jesus said the Pharisees shut up heaven to sinners in Matthew 23:13. This was the religious crowd the church leaders of Jesus day. Those who were at the temple doing all the church things, performing all the rituals, standing and speaking memorized prayers, singing hymns and reading from the book of the law. These people were so wrapped up in religion they missed the Son of God. Today there are those who will not let God work in the church because of their bitterness, unforgiving spirit and their lack of concern for the lost. They will not let him work in their lives because they are more concerned with popularity than with the things of God. Like the Pharisees of old they are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. Heaven help us if anyone should want God to work in the lives of others. In other words the modern Pharisee kills the spirit by their attitude.
As I worked on this God gave me the following poem that gives a picture of what is happening in the church today.
The Cowboy Came to Church© By Mike Holman
The old cowboy came in his soul to feed
He came in from a world cold and in need
His jeans were clean his shirt hardly new
There was mud on his boots hat dusty too
His hands were callused his coat well worn
Looked like he had weathered many a storm
He sat down on a pew far from the back
And he took a worn bible from an old canvas sack
A finely dressed usher from his nose looked down
“Can I help you he ask are you lost you new in town”
“Naw”, the cowboy just shook his head
“I just come to worship and get my soul fed
Been out on the range where it’s lonesome and cold
I just longed to hear about them streets of pure gold
To hear a sweet song about the love on the cross
Telling how Jesus came and died for the lost”
“You can’t set there that is the deacon’s pew
You’ll have to move for we have quite a few”
“Not a problem”, he said “I’ll just move back”
“Oh not there we have that one for Mrs. Black”
“Come on Lord”, the cowboy said
“Let’s get back there’s cows to be fed
We’re not welcome here that’s a sure bet
Don’t have a clue where they want us to set”
Putting his bible back in the sack
Picked up his hat and strolled to the back
As he stopped at the door a voice rang clear
“Shake the dust from your boots We aint welcome here”
It is a sad thing but prayers may even be stopped due to the spirit of some in the church. Look in the book of Exodus and you will find how negative votes almost stopped Israel from crossing Jordan to the land of milk and honey. Today many pray only with their mouth. The Bible says as a man is in his heart so is he. Proverbs 6 states God hates a proud look and a lying tongue. God looks at the heart He does not listen to the mouth. Jesus said about the Pharisees, “ And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are; for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward.” Matt 6:5
I feel it is time to reinstate Jesus into his rightful place, into our hearts into our ministries and into our churches. He has been excluded long enough.
Why just once can’t we do things God’s way and stop following the traditions of men? Let us not exclude Christ any longer.
Our Heavenly Father we ask you to be present and speak to the heart. This one who reads is seeking your guidance and loving care. Send the Holy Spirit to heal any hurt and show how much you care and love us. We know Lord that you have given each special gift for a specific purpose. Thank you Lord for caring enough to listen as our hearts seek you and loving enough to send your only son to die for our sins. In Jesus name we ask all things.
As we once again come into the presence of Almighty God let us each think about Jesus and how he has been excluded. How was He treated when he walked the earth? How is he treated today?
Most will quickly exclaim He is not excluded has not been excluded. Many will take offence with such a statement.
Truth is He has been left out of many churches and many Christian’s lives. Oh He is talked about, held in high esteem, but few know Him. We celebrate His birth and His resurrection; we use His name in vane and pray well-rehearsed prayers asking for God to bless us in His name, yet we really don’t know who Jesus truly is. Yes he is God’s only son but he is so much more.
As we begin let me call your attention to three things Jesus has been excluded from.
First he was excluded from his own people. The thirteenth chapter of Matthew tells us a story of how Jesus had been teaching and preaching and was coming to his hometown. What should have been a joyous reunion was turned into something that resembled a riot. . A great welcoming should have been in the offing, but instead He was met with doubt and indifference. Much like He is met with today. You must understand Jesus loved those people and wanted to bless them. His heart was filled with the love He had for the people of his hometown. What did they do to make him feel so dejected? They simply refused to hear Him. In fact they mocked him. They all said, “Isn’t he just the carpenter’s son?” He and his teaching offended them. Jesus has been excluded ever since He came into this world. Lets face it he came into this world through the barn and physically left by a borrowed tomb. I firmly believe this is because He did not teach along the traditional lines accepted as doctrine. I’m sure there were no churches then and there are no churches now that would call Jesus as their pastor. Now wait a minute sure we would want Jesus as our pastor. Really? Think about what that would mean. If you will read what Jesus taught about how we should live and love and conduct our business would you truly want someone like that as your pastor? We might have to make some changes in our lives! You know the love your neighbor as yourself thing. Or do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Yep I bet we would have to make some changes.
Jesus said in Matthew 23:13 that the Pharisees shut up heaven to sinners. Today we don’t call them Pharisees we call them church members, deacons, elders, bishops, cardinals, and pastors. However, the result is the same heaven is shut to sinners. Those who refuse to let God work in His church do this today. All they do is insist on teaching the doctrines of men instead of the doctrines of God. While the man made doctrines are pleasing to men God is not at all pleased with the results. The Bible says men are lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. There are those in the church who have such a sour attitude that the spirit is quenched and in some cases driven completely out. It is strange, though, that if Doctor So-in-So proclaimed it from the pulpit then it must be from God. In some cases this is true. God still speaks through those He calls. There are many pastors today who God is using in a mighty way. Yet there are many false prophets who are speaking today. The only way to be sure of what is being said is to be in tune with God. God is not the author of confusion. Whether true or false most will blindly follow never questioning the source or the validity of what is said, especially if the message is emotionally charged. If Jesus were a member of some churches he would have been dropped from the roll long ago for non-attendance. Not by His choice but because He is not welcome in the very church He died for. That is very sad. Just like the people of Nazareth we many times reject the Son of God.
The second thing Jesus has been excluded from is the world. In Matthew 27:22-36 we find a record of the trial of Jesus. Pilate asks what should be done with Jesus for I find no fault in him. The religious crowd shouted, “Let him be crucified.” They mocked him spit in his face yet only a few hours earlier they wanted to crown him king. Now they want to nail him to a cross.
Many today still crucify Jesus. How you say do we crucify Jesus? By your unbelief, by you’re of lack of faith, by backbiting and griping, by not wanting to forgive a brother or sister. By your unwillingness to follow where God leads. By your disbelief that God can still work miracles in this life. The list could go on and on as to why and how we still crucify Jesus.
The world today still excludes Jesus. Hey, it’s not popular to serve God. Men are lovers of pleasure more that lovers of God. More and more preachers are fond of the fame, glory, money and the adoration of men than they are of the adoration of God. They want to be popular with man rather than be pleasing to God.
Politics in the church kills mission work and church growth. Why? Because for God to get the glory man must take a back seat, and man does not want to be in the shadows.
The saddest and most cruel exclusion is from His church.
This is brought to light in Revelations 3:20 “Behold I stand at the door and knock.” If Jesus is standing knocking on the door he must be on the outside. Sadly today Jesus is locked out of the very church he died for. Let me say that Jesus did not die for buildings or land. He died for people. People then are the church not the buildings, not the buses, not the programs, not the government and certainly not the stage show productions.
Jesus said the Pharisees shut up heaven to sinners in Matthew 23:13. This was the religious crowd the church leaders of Jesus day. Those who were at the temple doing all the church things, performing all the rituals, standing and speaking memorized prayers, singing hymns and reading from the book of the law. These people were so wrapped up in religion they missed the Son of God. Today there are those who will not let God work in the church because of their bitterness, unforgiving spirit and their lack of concern for the lost. They will not let him work in their lives because they are more concerned with popularity than with the things of God. Like the Pharisees of old they are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. Heaven help us if anyone should want God to work in the lives of others. In other words the modern Pharisee kills the spirit by their attitude.
As I worked on this God gave me the following poem that gives a picture of what is happening in the church today.
The Cowboy Came to Church© By Mike Holman
The old cowboy came in his soul to feed
He came in from a world cold and in need
His jeans were clean his shirt hardly new
There was mud on his boots hat dusty too
His hands were callused his coat well worn
Looked like he had weathered many a storm
He sat down on a pew far from the back
And he took a worn bible from an old canvas sack
A finely dressed usher from his nose looked down
“Can I help you he ask are you lost you new in town”
“Naw”, the cowboy just shook his head
“I just come to worship and get my soul fed
Been out on the range where it’s lonesome and cold
I just longed to hear about them streets of pure gold
To hear a sweet song about the love on the cross
Telling how Jesus came and died for the lost”
“You can’t set there that is the deacon’s pew
You’ll have to move for we have quite a few”
“Not a problem”, he said “I’ll just move back”
“Oh not there we have that one for Mrs. Black”
“Come on Lord”, the cowboy said
“Let’s get back there’s cows to be fed
We’re not welcome here that’s a sure bet
Don’t have a clue where they want us to set”
Putting his bible back in the sack
Picked up his hat and strolled to the back
As he stopped at the door a voice rang clear
“Shake the dust from your boots We aint welcome here”
It is a sad thing but prayers may even be stopped due to the spirit of some in the church. Look in the book of Exodus and you will find how negative votes almost stopped Israel from crossing Jordan to the land of milk and honey. Today many pray only with their mouth. The Bible says as a man is in his heart so is he. Proverbs 6 states God hates a proud look and a lying tongue. God looks at the heart He does not listen to the mouth. Jesus said about the Pharisees, “ And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are; for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward.” Matt 6:5
I feel it is time to reinstate Jesus into his rightful place, into our hearts into our ministries and into our churches. He has been excluded long enough.
Why just once can’t we do things God’s way and stop following the traditions of men? Let us not exclude Christ any longer.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
One More Night with the Frogs
Our Heavenly Father we ask you to be present and speak to the heart. This one who reads is seeking your guidance and loving care. Send the Holy Spirit to heal any hurt and show how much you care and love us. We know Lord that you have given each special gift for a specific purpose. Thank you Lord for caring enough to listen as our hearts seek you and loving enough to send your only son to die for our sins. In Jesus name we ask all things.
Many times as I read the Bible stories I know God is opening views that are not always brought out in sermons or Sunday school teachings. Just such a story was found in Exodus 8:1-11. This is but one part of a long chain of events in the life of the King of Egypt.
In here we find a picture of a man who could not turn loose of his sin, his pride or his obsessions. He loved them so much he wanted one more night of misery. As King he also wanted to share his misery with his whole country. The Bible tells us the land of Egypt was covered with frogs as a result of Pharaoh’s pride and defiance to God’s request to let His people go. Not a few but thousands upon thousands of frogs. They were everywhere, in everything and were creating a royal mess. All Egyptians were affected by Pharaoh’s desire for one more night with the frogs. After God had plagued Egypt with frogs and Pharaoh’s magicians added to the mess Pharaoh sent for Moses so he could get some sleep and to get rid of the frogs. All he had to do was to agree with God to let God’s people go. Pride got into Pharaoh’s eyes and he went back on his promise for a fourth time. This is what caused the mess in the first place. But now Pharaoh called Moses and said, “Ok I’ll let them go just get rid of all these frogs.” Moses said, “Great when do you want to get rid of the frogs?” With all the royal wisdom that Pharaoh possessed he said,” Tomorrow.” God said, ”You got it.” So all of Egypt was facing one more night with the chirping stinking dying frogs.
Imagine for a minute what this must have looked like. The land was black with crawling hopping frogs. Everywhere your looked, stepped or touched you found a frog. The land was alive with them. When you went into your house there were the frogs, in the cabinet in your bed in your bath in your food storage, everywhere. As you came in your stepped on dozens of them and now there are dead slimy stinking frogs all over your house, in your yard, frogs alive and dead and stinking, as far as you can see frogs. After you got all the frogs out of your bed and tried to rest the volume of the frog song began to rise in the night air. As more and more joined into the chorus sleep became impossible for anyone. Night after night day after day noise stench and death.
“What was the king thinking?” murmured the kingdom. “One more night?” “I can’t take it any more.” Came the screams from across the land of Egypt. You are tired and need sleep just as you sink into your easy chair a frog hops across your lap and on to you head. The Egyptian heat has started to cause the dead frogs to decay and the stench is becoming unbearable. The thought on every Egyptian’s mind, “Do we really need these Hebrews?”
Back at the palace Moses is still shaking his head at Pharaoh’s statement. “You really want one more night with these frogs?” “What ever you say, I’m sure God can accommodate you and your country.” “I’ll see your tomorrow and we can get down to the business of leaving.” Pharaoh knew God and knew what he needed to do. But like many today he wanted to spend just one more day in sin and misery. By the time Moses got back to Pharaoh’s palace the next day there were heaps of dead stinking frogs all over the country. As fast as they died they were swept into piles. The Bibles calls them heaps of frogs. The smell of death was everywhere. This was but a foreshowing of things more sinister to come. Sin always causes death. Always has always will!
This is a picture of America today. We think we can play with sin for a season and things will be ok. The frogs will go away. We want one more night with the frogs. What does this show us? It pictures a Christ less generation that will not listen when God speaks, will not follow His directions and refuses to turn loose of its sin.
Just like Pharaoh we know there is a God. Know what He can and will do but still we run with sin stuffed in our pockets thinking we have plenty of time to get things right. Many know they need to get saved need to trust Christ with their lives but they want one more night with the frogs.
This is also a picture of Christians today. How in the world could this be a picture of a Christian? One way would be by the lack of faith. Many say, “No thank you God I can do this all by my self. You just stay at the church and when I need you I will come and visit.”
Or maybe it could picture a refusal to serve. God made each one of us special and unique. Gave each special talent that no one else on the planet has. We are the only one who can use the talents given to us. God had a plan for the use of our talents to edify and glorify His Church. A born again child of God is a part of the body of Christ and as such is expected to function in the area especially provided for the special talents given to that person. The Apostle Paul is describing in 1Corinthians 12:12-31 what the Church body is to look like. He is detailing how we each are to be a part of the body and are to function with the talents we have been given. As a part of the body of Christ we are expected to enhance that body not rip it apart or let it die from lack of use. Just as one of your body parts cannot function or survive separated from the body, neither can one who is a member of Christ body survive alone in the world.
Tomorrow I will serve God, just as soon as I get my schedule adjusted to fit God in. I have meetings to attend, a job to do and I must spend some quality time with the family. I’m still young I need to enjoy life, when I get old I will serve God. When we get old we say I too old to work or serve. I need to just set and rest and watch. I’ll pray for you, I’ll read my Bible and support the things the preacher wants to do. Just make sure my pew is saved for me to set on. From that vantage point I will consider how best to serve God or to direct how others are to serve Him. Tomorrow I will feel better. So just give me one more night with the frogs.
Like Pharaoh many are looking to tomorrow. The lost say tomorrow I will get saved. I have plenty of time. The Bible tells us we know not the day or the hour when the Lord will come or when God will require our soul of us. The rich man was told,” …this night you soul will be required of thee.” (Luke 12:20) Oh I know I need to change need to get things right with God. I will get things settled before I die. Besides I’m not sure I can live that Christian stuff now. I have too many things to do, too many places to go, too much fun yet to have. Give me just one more night with the frogs.
Tomorrow means a Christ less life. The Bible says every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess. Every living soul will stand before God and give account for their lives. Will give account of how they used or didn’t use the talents God gave them. This accounting will not be to man but to God. At that time all your cunning craftiness will be gone you will have to tell the truth. God has already seen your video. He knows what you have been up to. Knows everything your have ever said and done, and why you acted so.
If you are lost you are without Christ and have no one to speak for you. If you turn Christ away today you could be in Hell tomorrow. It is appointed unto man once to die after that the judgment. (Hebrews 9:27) To die without God is a bad deal.
Tomorrow to a Christian means a lot more. By putting God on the back burner you will live a defeated life. You will miss all God has prepared for you. You will wander aimlessly always seeking where you left your joy, your purpose, and your life.
Hey I have time God will understand how busy I am. I go to church when I can. Besides look at all those at the church surely they can get along without me. They are always looking down on me anyway.
Yes the body will still function without you it just won’t operate at peak efficiency. Your talent is a key part. Remember God made you for a reason gave you skills no one else has or can use. Can He make things work without you sure just not as well as if you were there doing what you were designed to do.
“So you want one more night with the frogs?” “ Don’t bother me now I know what I’m doing when I have time I will get right with God. I will listen then I will serve God.Tomorrow!”
Tomorrow may never come. All we have certainty of is today. Christian today labors are needed. The fields are white unto harvest. It does not depend on age gender or education. God has a place for each of His creations. All have been given talents and gifts to make the body of Christ great.
Should you die today what rewards await you? If you are a servant of the King and have kept His commandments…”Well done thou good and faithful servant” will ring through the portals of heaven. Every angel will hear and know who you are and what you have done.
Without Christ the most dreaded words ever spoken will also ring out. “Depart from me for I never knew you.”
The question is this, “When do you want the frogs to go away?”
Today or do you want one more night with the frogs?
Our Heavenly Father we ask you to be present and speak to the heart. This one who reads is seeking your guidance and loving care. Send the Holy Spirit to heal any hurt and show how much you care and love us. We know Lord that you have given each special gift for a specific purpose. Thank you Lord for caring enough to listen as our hearts seek you and loving enough to send your only son to die for our sins. In Jesus name we ask all things.
Many times as I read the Bible stories I know God is opening views that are not always brought out in sermons or Sunday school teachings. Just such a story was found in Exodus 8:1-11. This is but one part of a long chain of events in the life of the King of Egypt.
In here we find a picture of a man who could not turn loose of his sin, his pride or his obsessions. He loved them so much he wanted one more night of misery. As King he also wanted to share his misery with his whole country. The Bible tells us the land of Egypt was covered with frogs as a result of Pharaoh’s pride and defiance to God’s request to let His people go. Not a few but thousands upon thousands of frogs. They were everywhere, in everything and were creating a royal mess. All Egyptians were affected by Pharaoh’s desire for one more night with the frogs. After God had plagued Egypt with frogs and Pharaoh’s magicians added to the mess Pharaoh sent for Moses so he could get some sleep and to get rid of the frogs. All he had to do was to agree with God to let God’s people go. Pride got into Pharaoh’s eyes and he went back on his promise for a fourth time. This is what caused the mess in the first place. But now Pharaoh called Moses and said, “Ok I’ll let them go just get rid of all these frogs.” Moses said, “Great when do you want to get rid of the frogs?” With all the royal wisdom that Pharaoh possessed he said,” Tomorrow.” God said, ”You got it.” So all of Egypt was facing one more night with the chirping stinking dying frogs.
Imagine for a minute what this must have looked like. The land was black with crawling hopping frogs. Everywhere your looked, stepped or touched you found a frog. The land was alive with them. When you went into your house there were the frogs, in the cabinet in your bed in your bath in your food storage, everywhere. As you came in your stepped on dozens of them and now there are dead slimy stinking frogs all over your house, in your yard, frogs alive and dead and stinking, as far as you can see frogs. After you got all the frogs out of your bed and tried to rest the volume of the frog song began to rise in the night air. As more and more joined into the chorus sleep became impossible for anyone. Night after night day after day noise stench and death.
“What was the king thinking?” murmured the kingdom. “One more night?” “I can’t take it any more.” Came the screams from across the land of Egypt. You are tired and need sleep just as you sink into your easy chair a frog hops across your lap and on to you head. The Egyptian heat has started to cause the dead frogs to decay and the stench is becoming unbearable. The thought on every Egyptian’s mind, “Do we really need these Hebrews?”
Back at the palace Moses is still shaking his head at Pharaoh’s statement. “You really want one more night with these frogs?” “What ever you say, I’m sure God can accommodate you and your country.” “I’ll see your tomorrow and we can get down to the business of leaving.” Pharaoh knew God and knew what he needed to do. But like many today he wanted to spend just one more day in sin and misery. By the time Moses got back to Pharaoh’s palace the next day there were heaps of dead stinking frogs all over the country. As fast as they died they were swept into piles. The Bibles calls them heaps of frogs. The smell of death was everywhere. This was but a foreshowing of things more sinister to come. Sin always causes death. Always has always will!
This is a picture of America today. We think we can play with sin for a season and things will be ok. The frogs will go away. We want one more night with the frogs. What does this show us? It pictures a Christ less generation that will not listen when God speaks, will not follow His directions and refuses to turn loose of its sin.
Just like Pharaoh we know there is a God. Know what He can and will do but still we run with sin stuffed in our pockets thinking we have plenty of time to get things right. Many know they need to get saved need to trust Christ with their lives but they want one more night with the frogs.
This is also a picture of Christians today. How in the world could this be a picture of a Christian? One way would be by the lack of faith. Many say, “No thank you God I can do this all by my self. You just stay at the church and when I need you I will come and visit.”
Or maybe it could picture a refusal to serve. God made each one of us special and unique. Gave each special talent that no one else on the planet has. We are the only one who can use the talents given to us. God had a plan for the use of our talents to edify and glorify His Church. A born again child of God is a part of the body of Christ and as such is expected to function in the area especially provided for the special talents given to that person. The Apostle Paul is describing in 1Corinthians 12:12-31 what the Church body is to look like. He is detailing how we each are to be a part of the body and are to function with the talents we have been given. As a part of the body of Christ we are expected to enhance that body not rip it apart or let it die from lack of use. Just as one of your body parts cannot function or survive separated from the body, neither can one who is a member of Christ body survive alone in the world.
Tomorrow I will serve God, just as soon as I get my schedule adjusted to fit God in. I have meetings to attend, a job to do and I must spend some quality time with the family. I’m still young I need to enjoy life, when I get old I will serve God. When we get old we say I too old to work or serve. I need to just set and rest and watch. I’ll pray for you, I’ll read my Bible and support the things the preacher wants to do. Just make sure my pew is saved for me to set on. From that vantage point I will consider how best to serve God or to direct how others are to serve Him. Tomorrow I will feel better. So just give me one more night with the frogs.
Like Pharaoh many are looking to tomorrow. The lost say tomorrow I will get saved. I have plenty of time. The Bible tells us we know not the day or the hour when the Lord will come or when God will require our soul of us. The rich man was told,” …this night you soul will be required of thee.” (Luke 12:20) Oh I know I need to change need to get things right with God. I will get things settled before I die. Besides I’m not sure I can live that Christian stuff now. I have too many things to do, too many places to go, too much fun yet to have. Give me just one more night with the frogs.
Tomorrow means a Christ less life. The Bible says every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess. Every living soul will stand before God and give account for their lives. Will give account of how they used or didn’t use the talents God gave them. This accounting will not be to man but to God. At that time all your cunning craftiness will be gone you will have to tell the truth. God has already seen your video. He knows what you have been up to. Knows everything your have ever said and done, and why you acted so.
If you are lost you are without Christ and have no one to speak for you. If you turn Christ away today you could be in Hell tomorrow. It is appointed unto man once to die after that the judgment. (Hebrews 9:27) To die without God is a bad deal.
Tomorrow to a Christian means a lot more. By putting God on the back burner you will live a defeated life. You will miss all God has prepared for you. You will wander aimlessly always seeking where you left your joy, your purpose, and your life.
Hey I have time God will understand how busy I am. I go to church when I can. Besides look at all those at the church surely they can get along without me. They are always looking down on me anyway.
Yes the body will still function without you it just won’t operate at peak efficiency. Your talent is a key part. Remember God made you for a reason gave you skills no one else has or can use. Can He make things work without you sure just not as well as if you were there doing what you were designed to do.
“So you want one more night with the frogs?” “ Don’t bother me now I know what I’m doing when I have time I will get right with God. I will listen then I will serve God.Tomorrow!”
Tomorrow may never come. All we have certainty of is today. Christian today labors are needed. The fields are white unto harvest. It does not depend on age gender or education. God has a place for each of His creations. All have been given talents and gifts to make the body of Christ great.
Should you die today what rewards await you? If you are a servant of the King and have kept His commandments…”Well done thou good and faithful servant” will ring through the portals of heaven. Every angel will hear and know who you are and what you have done.
Without Christ the most dreaded words ever spoken will also ring out. “Depart from me for I never knew you.”
The question is this, “When do you want the frogs to go away?”
Today or do you want one more night with the frogs?
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Chapter 1 A Question God Can't Answer
Our Heavenly Father we ask you to be present and speak to the heart. This one who reads is seeking your guidance and loving care. Send the Holy Spirit to heal any hurt and show how much you care and love us. We know Lord that you have given each special gift for a specific purpose. Thank you Lord for caring enough to listen as our hearts seek you and loving enough to send your only son to die for our sins. In Jesus name we ask all things.
In the course of history many have asked why did this or that happen. In times of great grief some have challenged God or blamed Him. Some have even tried to put words into God’s mouth trying to justify a difficult situation. Many have even accused God of not listening or caring. Some try to explain what God really meant using carnal knowledge. There are also the times when everything is going great and we forget God is even there. There may have been times in your life when you’ve asked the same questions. As I looked into God’s word I found that there are some questions God can not answer.
In the book of Hebrews chapter 2 verses 1 through 3 we find these words.
“Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things, which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.
For if the word spoken by angles was steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward:
How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard Him.”
In these verses the Apostle Paul is making it clear we are to listen to what God has to say. He is giving us instructions and warnings.
The fact that Jehovah is God makes it impossible for Him to do some things. Although God is capable of impossibilities He still can’t answer the question, “How shall we escape is we neglect so great a salvation.”
Just to keep things in perspective let me share some things God cannot do.
God cannot sin. God cannot change. He is the same yesterday, today and will be the same tomorrow. God cannot lie. Satan on the other had is a liar and the father of it. God cannot save a man against his will. Even though He desires that none should perish but that all should be saved. He will give you all the tools and talent you need to get to heaven where He is but you have to use the talent and the tools, He will not force His will on you, you have a free choice.
In God’s infinite mercy He has provided a “Great Salvation”. He planned it from the very beginning. When Adam and Eve fell from grace in the garden God made a decision that something had to be done to get man back into fellowship with Him. It is the first promise of a redeemer. God set in motion a chain of genealogical events that stretched from the first garden through several millennia until it reached a small city in Nazareth. This chain wove its way through common men, Kings, leaders and followers alike until it fell on a carpenter and his soon to be wife.
Once that promise was fulfilled God knew that there would have to be a great price paid to redeem fallen man. In first Peter chapter 1 verses 18, 19, and 20 the apostle lets us in on just how high a price God had to pay for our salvation.
“Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from you vain conversations received by tradition from your fathers;
But with the precious blood of Christ, as a lamb without blemish and without spot.
Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you.”
What a price God paid so that you and I might live. He gave his only son, Jesus, as a sacrifice for you. I cannot imagine a love so great that someone would give his only child to die in my place. God will be quick to tell you He had you in mind at the very beginning as if you were the only one who would ever need His help. But then He had another thought and added this, “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.” 1Timothy 2:3-6.
Picture if you will God standing at the gate to the garden. Through tear dimmed eyes He watches His two children walk away. They had not listened to His commands about the tree of good and evil. They broke the law if you will. They now were forced to leave paradise. He had no choice but to put them on their own. As he watched them go God made a decision how mankind was to come back to Him. He devised a plan and put it in motion as the first family walked out of the garden. He said this is a Great Salvation.
If God went to all the trouble to plan and execute His Great Salvation plan for you and me how on earth could we ever neglect it?
There could be volumes written on that subject but let me share just a few examples of that neglect.
If you know Jesus as your Saviour and you simply don’t want to share that great salvation you have then you have neglected you salvation. Maybe you have not prayed in so long you prayer skills are rusty and stiff. Let me let you in on a corporate secret. God has been setting waiting ever since you put him on hold for you to get back from what ever you thought was so important. Well you say I bowed my head last Sunday in Church and when the invocation was given at the race, what do you mean I forgot how to pray. Well just because you bowed your head does not mean you prayed. You heard someone else say a prayer. When was the last time you knelt and truly spoke to God from your heart? That is what God is waiting to hear.
Another way we neglect our salvation is by not being faithful to His house. Ouch that one hurts! Hey I am there when ever I get the chance. My I inquire did you make it to the bass tournament? How about the race you bowed your head at? Weren’t they on a Sunday? Yeah but I had been waiting all winter to go. Yes and God has been waiting most of your life just to hear your voice. You know one day He will hang up and you will loose your connection.
Okay I know you are busy but let me share one more secret with you. You will make at least one more trip to the Church. You will be the guest of honor. Many will speak about you. Six good men, friends or family members will escort you to the front and the whole congregation will stand to pay their respects pass by and tell you goodbye. Oh wait you won’t even know this is going on. Your shell will be in the box at the front. Your spirit the part that is you will be somewhere else. One other note if you have never accepted Jesus as your Saviour your next stop will not have air conditioning.
Just so there is no mistake here let me stress that there is no substitute, there is nothing just as good. Acts 4:12 states, “Neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.”
This is not a denominational position this is a biblical position. This is God’s position.
As in other facets of life neglect must be punished. You neglect to pay you bills you will loose your possessions. Your lights will be turned off, your water will cease to flow, you neglect to eat long enough your heart will stop beating.
How shall we escape? God cannot answer, as there is no answer to that question. He has provided all the ways and means. Given all the opportunity sent all the preachers it is now up to you. Should you continue your neglect God will shake his head and wipe the tears from his eyes as he watches you walk into destruction; as great as he is he will be helpless to prevent that.
If you are a Christian and have stopped reading you Bible or studying His Word you have neglected you Great Salvation.
If you are a Christian neglect can cost you your joy. David in humble prayer asks please restore to me the joy of my salvation. It can also cost you God’s blessings. One day we will all have to stand before God and give Him an account of our lives and how we used the talents, and gifts He so loving gave to us. Keep this in mind as you ponder how you will respond God already knows what we have done or have not done. So He will not accept any excuse. The Bible says our works will be tried by fire as to what sort they are. Only the precious metal will be left as our reward. Our good intentions, our good thoughts our selfish deeds will all go up in flames leaving only ashes. We then get what is left.
How will you answer the only two questions God will ask? The first is, “ What have you done with my son? The second, “What did you do with what I gave you?
As you read this if God has spoken to your heart and you do not know how to answer the first question the second will be of no consequence. For without Jesus as your saviour and guide you leave God no choice but to cast you into a place created for the devil and his angles. Just as God had no choice but to drive Adam and Eve from the garden after they broke the rules you will leave Him no choice as to your final destination. You ask how can a loving merciful God do that to me? He did not do that to you, you did that to yourself by rejecting His Son Jesus Christ. You don’t have to believe there is a place called hell, but that does not mean it does not exist. Look in Luke 16:23, “And in hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torments…”
There is a great salvation provided by Christ Jesus. He went to a cruel cross and paid your sin debt. Neglect of so great a salvation must be punished either by banishment or by loss of reward. The choice is yours.
If we neglect this great salvation, planned by so great a God, bought with so great a price we then leave God no choice. He must destroy your works if they are made of wood hay and stubble or you will be separated from God for all eternity.
The choice is ours to make. Make it wisely.
Our Heavenly Father we ask you to be present and speak to the heart. This one who reads is seeking your guidance and loving care. Send the Holy Spirit to heal any hurt and show how much you care and love us. We know Lord that you have given each special gift for a specific purpose. Thank you Lord for caring enough to listen as our hearts seek you and loving enough to send your only son to die for our sins. In Jesus name we ask all things.
In the course of history many have asked why did this or that happen. In times of great grief some have challenged God or blamed Him. Some have even tried to put words into God’s mouth trying to justify a difficult situation. Many have even accused God of not listening or caring. Some try to explain what God really meant using carnal knowledge. There are also the times when everything is going great and we forget God is even there. There may have been times in your life when you’ve asked the same questions. As I looked into God’s word I found that there are some questions God can not answer.
In the book of Hebrews chapter 2 verses 1 through 3 we find these words.
“Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things, which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.
For if the word spoken by angles was steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward:
How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard Him.”
In these verses the Apostle Paul is making it clear we are to listen to what God has to say. He is giving us instructions and warnings.
The fact that Jehovah is God makes it impossible for Him to do some things. Although God is capable of impossibilities He still can’t answer the question, “How shall we escape is we neglect so great a salvation.”
Just to keep things in perspective let me share some things God cannot do.
God cannot sin. God cannot change. He is the same yesterday, today and will be the same tomorrow. God cannot lie. Satan on the other had is a liar and the father of it. God cannot save a man against his will. Even though He desires that none should perish but that all should be saved. He will give you all the tools and talent you need to get to heaven where He is but you have to use the talent and the tools, He will not force His will on you, you have a free choice.
In God’s infinite mercy He has provided a “Great Salvation”. He planned it from the very beginning. When Adam and Eve fell from grace in the garden God made a decision that something had to be done to get man back into fellowship with Him. It is the first promise of a redeemer. God set in motion a chain of genealogical events that stretched from the first garden through several millennia until it reached a small city in Nazareth. This chain wove its way through common men, Kings, leaders and followers alike until it fell on a carpenter and his soon to be wife.
Once that promise was fulfilled God knew that there would have to be a great price paid to redeem fallen man. In first Peter chapter 1 verses 18, 19, and 20 the apostle lets us in on just how high a price God had to pay for our salvation.
“Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from you vain conversations received by tradition from your fathers;
But with the precious blood of Christ, as a lamb without blemish and without spot.
Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you.”
What a price God paid so that you and I might live. He gave his only son, Jesus, as a sacrifice for you. I cannot imagine a love so great that someone would give his only child to die in my place. God will be quick to tell you He had you in mind at the very beginning as if you were the only one who would ever need His help. But then He had another thought and added this, “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.” 1Timothy 2:3-6.
Picture if you will God standing at the gate to the garden. Through tear dimmed eyes He watches His two children walk away. They had not listened to His commands about the tree of good and evil. They broke the law if you will. They now were forced to leave paradise. He had no choice but to put them on their own. As he watched them go God made a decision how mankind was to come back to Him. He devised a plan and put it in motion as the first family walked out of the garden. He said this is a Great Salvation.
If God went to all the trouble to plan and execute His Great Salvation plan for you and me how on earth could we ever neglect it?
There could be volumes written on that subject but let me share just a few examples of that neglect.
If you know Jesus as your Saviour and you simply don’t want to share that great salvation you have then you have neglected you salvation. Maybe you have not prayed in so long you prayer skills are rusty and stiff. Let me let you in on a corporate secret. God has been setting waiting ever since you put him on hold for you to get back from what ever you thought was so important. Well you say I bowed my head last Sunday in Church and when the invocation was given at the race, what do you mean I forgot how to pray. Well just because you bowed your head does not mean you prayed. You heard someone else say a prayer. When was the last time you knelt and truly spoke to God from your heart? That is what God is waiting to hear.
Another way we neglect our salvation is by not being faithful to His house. Ouch that one hurts! Hey I am there when ever I get the chance. My I inquire did you make it to the bass tournament? How about the race you bowed your head at? Weren’t they on a Sunday? Yeah but I had been waiting all winter to go. Yes and God has been waiting most of your life just to hear your voice. You know one day He will hang up and you will loose your connection.
Okay I know you are busy but let me share one more secret with you. You will make at least one more trip to the Church. You will be the guest of honor. Many will speak about you. Six good men, friends or family members will escort you to the front and the whole congregation will stand to pay their respects pass by and tell you goodbye. Oh wait you won’t even know this is going on. Your shell will be in the box at the front. Your spirit the part that is you will be somewhere else. One other note if you have never accepted Jesus as your Saviour your next stop will not have air conditioning.
Just so there is no mistake here let me stress that there is no substitute, there is nothing just as good. Acts 4:12 states, “Neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.”
This is not a denominational position this is a biblical position. This is God’s position.
As in other facets of life neglect must be punished. You neglect to pay you bills you will loose your possessions. Your lights will be turned off, your water will cease to flow, you neglect to eat long enough your heart will stop beating.
How shall we escape? God cannot answer, as there is no answer to that question. He has provided all the ways and means. Given all the opportunity sent all the preachers it is now up to you. Should you continue your neglect God will shake his head and wipe the tears from his eyes as he watches you walk into destruction; as great as he is he will be helpless to prevent that.
If you are a Christian and have stopped reading you Bible or studying His Word you have neglected you Great Salvation.
If you are a Christian neglect can cost you your joy. David in humble prayer asks please restore to me the joy of my salvation. It can also cost you God’s blessings. One day we will all have to stand before God and give Him an account of our lives and how we used the talents, and gifts He so loving gave to us. Keep this in mind as you ponder how you will respond God already knows what we have done or have not done. So He will not accept any excuse. The Bible says our works will be tried by fire as to what sort they are. Only the precious metal will be left as our reward. Our good intentions, our good thoughts our selfish deeds will all go up in flames leaving only ashes. We then get what is left.
How will you answer the only two questions God will ask? The first is, “ What have you done with my son? The second, “What did you do with what I gave you?
As you read this if God has spoken to your heart and you do not know how to answer the first question the second will be of no consequence. For without Jesus as your saviour and guide you leave God no choice but to cast you into a place created for the devil and his angles. Just as God had no choice but to drive Adam and Eve from the garden after they broke the rules you will leave Him no choice as to your final destination. You ask how can a loving merciful God do that to me? He did not do that to you, you did that to yourself by rejecting His Son Jesus Christ. You don’t have to believe there is a place called hell, but that does not mean it does not exist. Look in Luke 16:23, “And in hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torments…”
There is a great salvation provided by Christ Jesus. He went to a cruel cross and paid your sin debt. Neglect of so great a salvation must be punished either by banishment or by loss of reward. The choice is yours.
If we neglect this great salvation, planned by so great a God, bought with so great a price we then leave God no choice. He must destroy your works if they are made of wood hay and stubble or you will be separated from God for all eternity.
The choice is ours to make. Make it wisely.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Messages From God
Over the past several years I have worked on how to listen to God. I began to write about my lessons and wanted to share them here in this forum. Over the next weeks and months I will be posting pages and/or chapters from what I have written. I pray this will be of interest and benefit and many will follow.
There have been many books written pertaining to the things God had to say. This book is nothing new. The Bible says there is nothing new under heaven. The question may rise in your mind then why was this book written? The best answer I can give is because God said to write it. He wants us to hear what He has to say. Over the past thirty years I have been learning how to talk to and listen to God. There were times I was close to God and there were times I wandered out on my own. One thing I have learned when I open my mind and I am close to God I have no problem hearing what He has to say. As I open my mind His message is clear. When I was a child and mom or dad gave direction and I failed to comply there were stern consequences for disobedience. The same thing applies when it comes to hearing what God has to say and following His directions.
Several years ago as I was studying my Bible, asking God to open my mind and heart a very wonderful thing happened. God did just that, open my mind and showed me things in a new light. I knew from my studies that I had matured to the point God could open His book to me in ways I had never seen before. He touched my heart and opened my eyes. I really stopped and listened to what God had to say and I was ashamed I had not listened closer when I was young.
As my eyes were opened I realized there was so much I had missed.
One thing God has laid on my heart is that there is someone who needs to hear what He has to say. Someone He has not been able to reach by any other means. In this modern age of high tech gadgets and gizmos man feels he is so much smarter than God and does not have to listen to instructions.
Today mankind either has lost contact with God or forgot to put Him in his contact list. In my conversations with God He impressed upon me this book might be a good way to get in touch with you. What follows is a journey into the mind and the heart. A journey that is not only enlightening but could be life changing.
My prayer for you as you open your heart and mind to God is He will speak to you as only He can. That He will open His Holy Truth in ways you may not have ever seen before. There is a passage in the Book of Romans chapter 12 verse 2 and I quote, “and be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
I begin each chapter with a prayer asking God to speak with you like you and He are having a private conversation. Each and every one of us is special to God and He wants you to know that He really cares for each of us individually.
This journey you are about to embark upon will take you into a wondrous world. Keep your Bible close by and I encourage you to have questions, look up the scriptures that are quoted, you will see that it is God’s word, not mans. Now, if you are ready, set back, grab your Bible and enjoy the ride.
Tune in next week to find out about a Question God Can't Answer
There have been many books written pertaining to the things God had to say. This book is nothing new. The Bible says there is nothing new under heaven. The question may rise in your mind then why was this book written? The best answer I can give is because God said to write it. He wants us to hear what He has to say. Over the past thirty years I have been learning how to talk to and listen to God. There were times I was close to God and there were times I wandered out on my own. One thing I have learned when I open my mind and I am close to God I have no problem hearing what He has to say. As I open my mind His message is clear. When I was a child and mom or dad gave direction and I failed to comply there were stern consequences for disobedience. The same thing applies when it comes to hearing what God has to say and following His directions.
Several years ago as I was studying my Bible, asking God to open my mind and heart a very wonderful thing happened. God did just that, open my mind and showed me things in a new light. I knew from my studies that I had matured to the point God could open His book to me in ways I had never seen before. He touched my heart and opened my eyes. I really stopped and listened to what God had to say and I was ashamed I had not listened closer when I was young.
As my eyes were opened I realized there was so much I had missed.
One thing God has laid on my heart is that there is someone who needs to hear what He has to say. Someone He has not been able to reach by any other means. In this modern age of high tech gadgets and gizmos man feels he is so much smarter than God and does not have to listen to instructions.
Today mankind either has lost contact with God or forgot to put Him in his contact list. In my conversations with God He impressed upon me this book might be a good way to get in touch with you. What follows is a journey into the mind and the heart. A journey that is not only enlightening but could be life changing.
My prayer for you as you open your heart and mind to God is He will speak to you as only He can. That He will open His Holy Truth in ways you may not have ever seen before. There is a passage in the Book of Romans chapter 12 verse 2 and I quote, “and be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
I begin each chapter with a prayer asking God to speak with you like you and He are having a private conversation. Each and every one of us is special to God and He wants you to know that He really cares for each of us individually.
This journey you are about to embark upon will take you into a wondrous world. Keep your Bible close by and I encourage you to have questions, look up the scriptures that are quoted, you will see that it is God’s word, not mans. Now, if you are ready, set back, grab your Bible and enjoy the ride.
Tune in next week to find out about a Question God Can't Answer
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Pure Legalism
In the book of John chapter 3 there is a story that mirrors the attitude of many today; a legalist description of the religious crowd then and now. It is the story of a Jewish leader, a Pharisee, a religious man and devout; a teacher and respected in the Jewish community. This man’s name was Nicodemus. Like many of his day he was very concerned about the letter of the law, the appearance in public, titles, rules, ceremonies and eloquence when praying. In other words he wanted to make sure everyone around him knew he was a religious man. Even with all his education and learning about the law he had an empty space inside. Something was missing. He must have searched every area of the law to find out what it was but to no avail. Then a very strange thing happened. There came news of this itinerant carpenter who was traveling around the country healing people and speaking with authority. At the synagogue the buzz was that there was a heretic loose and was trying to teach things that were not right according to the religious leaders. All the Pharisees had taken the position that something had to be done to put a stop to this man. After all who was he? What gave him the authority to say and do the things he was saying and doing. But there was something that pricked old Nicodemus’ curiosity. He wasn’t sure what it was but he had to find out. To be seen talking to this carpenter in the day light would have been political suicide. So he made a plan to find this man under the cover of darkness. So one night he crept out and found Jesus and asks to speak to him. Being a good Pharisee he offered what he believed to be the proper greeting and complement. “Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.” Jesus knowing his mind and better still his heart ignored the complement and spoke bluntly to Nicodemus, “Verily ,verily , I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Oh my; this flew against everything Nicodemus had ever learned, taught or thought. Jesus wasn’t done for he knew what Nicodemus really needed. It was not to study harder. Live better. Be a pillar in the community. Attend the biggest church twice a week. Sing in the choir. Stand and pray eloquent prayers on the street corner. He did not need to be the most successful or charismatic teacher or speaker. He needed to be saved by the grace of God not by the law of man.
Not to belabor the point Jesus went on to tell Nicodemus what he must do and how he must do it.
Read the story in John 3.
I will close this blog with this one thing Jesus told Nicodemus, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Not to belabor the point Jesus went on to tell Nicodemus what he must do and how he must do it.
Read the story in John 3.
I will close this blog with this one thing Jesus told Nicodemus, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Monday, September 20, 2010
Each day we make choices that affect how we act, live, love and be. Those choices cause us to look up or down.
Look up the Psalmist said “I will lift mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my strength.” Psalms 121:1
As we travel through life we are given options which roads to travel. We make the choice where we travel, who we travel with and how fast we want to travel. A good traveling companion is the Lord. Quoting the psalm again, “The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.”
One thing I have learned over the years is that the Lord always has our best interest at heart. We sometimes are reluctant to listen to what He has to say. It’s not socially acceptable to be seen in public with the Lord. There again that is a choice we make.
Those who are recovering form an addiction I find are all seeking an answer. None know where to find it. They are too busy looking down to see all that is around them.
Have you ever felt as though you were down on hands and knees with no power to get up? Daily loads seem to get bigger and larger forcing your down even lower. I am reminded of a quote from the AA book, “Let go and let God.” Picture if you will yourself on hands and knees under a very heavy load. Standing right beside you is the Lord. He places His hand on your shoulder and gently says, “Let me take some of that load off you.” Then He says, “Give me your hand and I will help you up.” If you take His hand He will raise you to your feet. After you are standing once again you think you can handle things again and you say, “Thanks I can take it from here.” The Lord looks straight ahead and says, “ I don’t think you are ready to walk just yet. Hold my hand and let’s just take one step. See how you feel about that.” “Oh, that works well now can I run.” “Not yet there are still loads that you are not ready and should not be carrying.” “But”, you insist,” I can handle things now.” Gently the Lord says, “ Let us take one step at a time, it would be much easier if you would drop all those burdens you are carrying.” “What burdens?” “ The grudges, the hatred, the unforgiving spirit, all the things that weigh you down and get in the way. Many are trying to run while still on crutches.
If you are down look up and take the hand that is ready to lift you and support you.
Look up the Psalmist said “I will lift mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my strength.” Psalms 121:1
As we travel through life we are given options which roads to travel. We make the choice where we travel, who we travel with and how fast we want to travel. A good traveling companion is the Lord. Quoting the psalm again, “The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.”
One thing I have learned over the years is that the Lord always has our best interest at heart. We sometimes are reluctant to listen to what He has to say. It’s not socially acceptable to be seen in public with the Lord. There again that is a choice we make.
Those who are recovering form an addiction I find are all seeking an answer. None know where to find it. They are too busy looking down to see all that is around them.
Have you ever felt as though you were down on hands and knees with no power to get up? Daily loads seem to get bigger and larger forcing your down even lower. I am reminded of a quote from the AA book, “Let go and let God.” Picture if you will yourself on hands and knees under a very heavy load. Standing right beside you is the Lord. He places His hand on your shoulder and gently says, “Let me take some of that load off you.” Then He says, “Give me your hand and I will help you up.” If you take His hand He will raise you to your feet. After you are standing once again you think you can handle things again and you say, “Thanks I can take it from here.” The Lord looks straight ahead and says, “ I don’t think you are ready to walk just yet. Hold my hand and let’s just take one step. See how you feel about that.” “Oh, that works well now can I run.” “Not yet there are still loads that you are not ready and should not be carrying.” “But”, you insist,” I can handle things now.” Gently the Lord says, “ Let us take one step at a time, it would be much easier if you would drop all those burdens you are carrying.” “What burdens?” “ The grudges, the hatred, the unforgiving spirit, all the things that weigh you down and get in the way. Many are trying to run while still on crutches.
If you are down look up and take the hand that is ready to lift you and support you.
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