Monday, December 6, 2010

How Do You Spend Your Time?

I wanted to post this as I am preparing for next weeks post. "You Have Not Passed This Way Before." Just some food for thought.
How Do You Spend Your Time?
Time is a thing most of us take for granted. It seems we believe there will always be plenty of it. To go back beyond time is an almost impossible thing for us to do. Yet we must realize there was a time (and this sounds strange), when time did not exist, as we know it today. Likewise it is difficult for us to realize that time will one day run out, and that eternity shall begin.
An unknown author once said:
Life itself cannot give you joy,
Unless you really will it;
Life just gives you time and space—
It’s up to you to fill it.

Time wasted can never be regained. Once gone, it is gone forever. How many people have you known who often wished they could call back past opportunities, or who had the privilege of making time count, but did not do so? We constantly find ourselves wishing we had certain times to live over. This happens because we misused the time we had. One has said, “Four things come not back, the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity.”
How true this is, it behooves each of us to make the very most of each fleeting minute.
I like to picture life as if I were standing on a bridge above a river. I can stand on side of the bridge and watch opportunities disappear down river. Wishing I could but touch but one and reclaim its potential. This is the crowded side of the bridge where most people spend their lives. Yet there are those that stand on the opposite side of the bridge looking up river. There they see great and wonderful things that they can take full advantage of. This is the side of hope and challenge and fulfillment.
Where you stand is your choice. Someone told me once that you can only touch the same water in a river but once.
Time spent in prayer, Bible study and doing good to others may seem wasted to some, but to those who have engaged in such services find time spent this way is most profitable. Some people seem to “just exist looking down river,” while others, looking up river, seek to fill moments with something worthwhile. Possibly the best time you could spend today would be to sit down for a few minutes and ask yourself, “How do I spend my time?” “Which side of the bridge am I looking?”

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