Wednesday, December 29, 2010

God Made You For A Reason

God Made You-You for a reason.

One of the best-kept secrets in the church today is that God had a very special purpose for everyone in His church. Its not really a secret it is just one that is ignored. He made each one unequaled and with special talents that only they possess. He then placed positions in the church that only that person could handle. Each and every person God made has a reason and a mission in life. He fully expected for us to use what He gave us in His service. Should we decide not to follow what God has planned for us to do then someone will miss out on a blessing and a very important area of God’s work will go undone. God did not make pew warmers He made people with specialized talents to reach a lost and dieing world for Jesus Christ.
Every one was given natural talents at birth that no one else in the universe has. God then designed places for each to use those talents for His glory and to provide a blessing for someone else. Not every one can preach, not everyone can sing nor can everyone plan direct or teach. Yet we seem to place that burden on those who are not gifted to do those activities because we don’t want to get involved.
Often we hear the excuse for not serving God, “I just don’t have any abilities to offer.” This is ludicrous. That would be like telling God He made a mistake. Every ability can and should be used for God. It is the churches responsibility to identify and release your abilities for serving God. It is your responsibility to put your talents to use.
For some strange reason we have gotten hung up on only a very few gifts God has given to only a few. And we feel we should have received one of those special talents so we try to show God we have developed the talent we want. I feel the reason for this is that many of the churches of today are man made and man controlled, and driven for entertainment rather that serving God.
We should all say,” What I’m able to do, God wants me to do.” He never intended for us to do something He did not equip us to do. You are the only person on the planet who has your talents and abilities and you are the only one who can use those abilities. We each have a special mission and God expects us to accomplish that mission. I expect that will cause many thoughts to rush through your mind. ‘Oh I am not cut out to go to the mission field.” Or “I am just not a person who can teach or preach.” May I suggest you speak to God before you determine what you can’t do?
Your abilities and talents were not given simply to make a living. God gave them to you to be used in the ministry He designed for you. Others may appear to have similar ministries but only you can do what God wanted you to do. Only you are you there is not another like you on the entire planet. Maybe just maybe there is one person God is seeking to turn this world upside down and your mission is to tell them about Jesus. Who will miss the blessing if you don’t do your job?
No matter what you are good at that is what you should be doing for God in His church.
There is an old saying,” It is not work if you love doing it.” The problem today we have lost our first love.
We should each take time and look God square in the eye and ask, “What can I do for you today?” Instead of asking God, “ I need you to give me something.”
If you are serious about doing this be ready for the answer.

As we prepare for the New Year let us stop and reflect on what God has done. As God was preparing to carpet the fields with clover, to give flight to eagles and to sculpt mountains He was thinking about each of us, and what we were to do. He placed the detailed design for the mighty oak in the tiny acorn. At the same time He placed within each of us a complete design for our purpose and mission. Nothing was left to chance. He thought of everything; gave us the tools only we can use. Every one was custom made by God. Each has a special purpose and mission that only they can accomplish. He gave each the necessary talents and gifts at birth so as to be able to accomplish the mission. Custom tailored talents crafted prior to our birth and lovingly given so that the designed purpose could be accomplished.
The Psalmist had this to say, “For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee when I was made in secret, and couriously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.” Psalms 139:13-16
As we look into the New Year let us seek our purpose and mission as God designed. The design is within and we must look there to see all the plans He made for us.
A new day is dawning and along with it is a new year. There is much work to do to prepare for the coming of our Lord. The fields are white unto harvest and the laborers are few. Let me leave you with this question who would you want to leave behind?

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