Saturday, December 31, 2011

Walking God's Light

Psalm 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
I am reminded of a story of a man and his young son as they were just finishing work in their garden. The day was ending and the sun was going down. As they opened the darkening shed to put their tools away the boy ask, “Is it dark in the shed in the daytime?” “No” his father replied, “the window in the back lets in light.” The boy was intrigued that the window let the light in and he asks, “Does the window let the dark out?” If the light flowed in through the window then the darkness would flow out of the window he thought. Not wanting to confuse the boy the father said, “When the light comes in through the window the darkness goes away.” “But where does the darkness go?” Out of the mouths of babes we learn many things.
So where does the darkness go? Light dispels darkness and it replaces it. Have you ever noticed when you open a door into a dark room that the darkness disappears? The light floods the dark room from the light in the other room. The darkness does not rush out to fill the room where you are standing. The light consumes the darkness. This is a very simple thing that we all need to understand to walk with the Lord.
So it is with the Word of God. The light of God shines into our lives and dispels the darkness the devil would have us to wander through. No matter how dark things may look the power o the Word of God will shine through and guide our path. Have you ever walked a dark path with only a flashlight to guide you? If so then you have seen just how God’s light works in our lives. He will give us light to guide our feet. As it is with the flashlight we may not be able to see everything around us but we can see the path and know where to walk. As we walk the path of life we may not be able to see what is ahead but if we let the light of God guide us we can be sure we will stay on the right path.
In John 1:5 we see this clearly, “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” Without the light of God we would always walk in darkness and that would make our walk very difficult. “Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12
Then as the New Year ends do we want to walk in the dark or let the light of the Lord guide us?

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