Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What Is The Right Answer

Acts 8: 39-40
"When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus and traveled about, preaching the gospel in all the towns until he reached Caesarea."
Most of the time when we read the Book of Acts we have our attention drawn to the life and times of Saul later named Paul. We learn about his early days and his conversion on a dusty road to Damascus. But hidden within this is another great story about a man who whet where God directed him and did what God asked him to do. Let us look for a moment at Philip. After Philip baptized the Ethiopian what happened to him? Following the eunuch's baptism, Phillip miraculously appears in Azotus -- travels about preaching the Gospel, then ends up in the seaside town of Caesarea. Many people find astounding the idea that Phillip was transported more than 40 miles away. While that transportation is an interesting event, what I find more intriguing is the sequence of Phillip's life:
* As a deacon, Phillip served food to the Greek widows;

* As an evangelist, he went to Samaria and preached the Word;

* On the road to Gaza, he moved from speaking in public to ministering to one Ethiopian eunuch;

* In Caesarea, he raised a family, including four daughters, each of whom was a prophetess (Acts 21:9).

Phillip flowed in ministry -- he went where God called him. He did what God asked him to do. We often make following God a difficult process. We over analyze the task and try to put our plan in place. We put conditions of if when and why! Most of the time it's because we use words like, "I'm trying to understand God's will for my life". Do you think Phillip tried to "understand God's will for his life" when he left his position as a deacon in the Jerusalem church to go to Samaria? What about when he left a thriving ministry to witness to one guy on the road to Gaza? What about when God placed him in the beautiful seaside town of Caesarea to raise four Spirit filled Christian daughters?
Here's a news flash: None of us will ever fully understand God's purpose in events -- whether before, after, or during. His way is not our way; His thoughts are not our thoughts. Most of the time we spend our lives analyzing and logically looking for God’s will for us. So rather than searching for God's will, we need to just follow Phillip's example and "go" the next time God calls.
Try this: Over the next few days hold this thought in your head -- "I will 'go' when God calls." The way it works is this, place yourself in a willing servant mentality – when the Lord asks listen, go where He directs, and do what He asks. Do not question or ask for clarification. The only condition we need apply is that whatever it is it follows Biblical principles -- for example Philippians 4:8 ("whatever is true... noble... right... pure... lovely... admirable... excellent or praiseworthy...). Many times this can be as simple as picking up trash or helping someone unload their car -- regardless of the task just be resolved to answer -- "Yes Lord." When the Lord next calls -- what will your answer be?

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