Sunday, July 3, 2011

Unseen Angels

Hebrews 1:14, “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?”
Have you ever seen an angel? It is doubtful you have actually seen one. But then you may have and you never knew it. Yet there is abundant evidence of the work they do. We have all heard about how someone came to the rescue or how we got a message from someone about a pending danger. We may have felt a presence that gave us a warm secure feeling.
I am reminded of a statement Martin Luther made in one of his darkest days. He wrote, “Recently I have been looking up at the night sky, spangled and studded with stars, and I found no pillars to hold them up. Yet they did not fall.” Luther was reminded the same God who holds up the universe is caring for him. God uses other unseen forces as He provides strength and guidance for us as we face physical or spiritual crisis---angels! In Hebrews we learn these are ministering spirits sent from God to do His bidding and to care for His children. When God sends one of these ministering spirits they immediately respond with the task they have been sent to do. We really do not know what powerful protection and help they actually provide. We also learn as we study the scriptures that angles were sent to minister to Jesus. In Gethsemane, “an angel appeared to Him and strengthened Him.”(Luke 22:43) Angels were sent to give Elijah food and water when he went to the wilderness running from Jezebel. (1Kings 19:5) God sent an angel to get Peter out of jail. (Acts 12:7)
But you say, “I have never seen an angel.” Would you know what an angel would look like if you saw one? What form would an angel take? No we have no need to see angels it is enough just to know God will send one when one is needed for protection or to just give us a nod or a word of encouragement. Angels go about their work quietly and without drawing attention to themselves, lest we focus on them and not on Jesus. Maybe their work could be simply the hand of a friend or a stranger giving you a needed support or protection in time of danger or help in time of need. Remember God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. Ministering spirits sent from God to prove He cares for us and to watch over all that is His.
Yes angels are real and God uses them every day in His service. Stories of angel service come from missionaries on foreign fields, farmers in wheat fields in Kansas, mothers in Atlanta, grandparents in Florida, cowboys in Wyoming and on it goes. There is no telling how many stories of angel help could come from the battle field. Just knowing these unseen helpers are on our side strengthens our trust in God, whom they faithfully serve.

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