Friday, April 1, 2011


For by grace are ye saved through faith; and not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9
When one receives the gift of salvation it is a free gift from God. There are no strings attached no fees to pay no work that has to be done, nothing to fill out. Our salvation is not even dependent on if and when we go to church, what religion we profess or what our social standing is. Salvation is of the Lord, and it is entirely based upon His sovereign grace. In other words we don’t have to do anything to get it other than believe in the Son of God. Salvation comes by faith that Jesus is who He said He is and can do what He said He could do. If our faith is based on anything else it can be easily defeated and derailed. If our salvation was based on how we feel at the moment we would never get saved and would forever be lost and dying. If our salvation is based on emotion then when the preacher stops talking we would be lost and the emotion would die. Then our salvation must be based on our spiritual zeal. No that too has its up and downs it can leave us at any moment. Faith itself is no guarantee we will keep our salvation if that faith is based on the wrong things. You can have all the faith in the world that the church you attend will be there next Sunday, but if you are putting your faith in only that you will get to set in that empty church when Jesus comes to claim His own. The work of Christ is sufficient for salvation. “For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
Grace is a great thing. If we could earn our salvation then we could just as easily loose it. If salvation was based on feelings we could loose our salvation. Let’s face it some days we just don’t feel saved. If we could loose something Jesus died for then every time we lost our salvation we would have to re-crucify Jesus. No one wants to do that. Salvation is by grace, our faith in Jesus Christ will never be dismantled or disappear. You may leave God but God will never leave you. God keeps His promises. Once you accept Jesus as savior that salvation is as secure as God can make it. Once you are in God’s hands you can never be removed. He won’t ever drop you. Before you can have that security you have to trust in Jesus ask Him to come into your heart and forgive you and save you. It is just that simple. Romans 10:10, “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
We have a great and loving God who loves us cares for us and doesn’t want any to be lost. Salvation is a gift from God will you accept His gift?

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