Thursday, January 12, 2012

What The Lord Hates

Proverbs 6:16-19, “These six things doeth the Lord hate: yea seven are an abomination unto Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, , feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among the brethren.”

Most often we talk about God and His love for us. How He cares for us and how He protects us. Have you ever considered there may something God doesn’t like? Let us not only consider what God dislikes let us take a closer look at what He hates. Hate is a word no one likes to hear. Does God really hate something? Yes and Proverbs 6:16-19 makes it clear there are six things God hates. Seven are listed but the seventh goes beyond hate all the way to abomination.
A proud look on the faces God’s children causes concern for God. For in a proud look we see not only selfish indignation but a haughty better than thou attitude. If we are looking down our noises at others we cannot be looking up to God. God hates that!
We have all met people who we are sure there is no truth in them. The Native Americans had a saying about those who would not tell the truth. They spoke with a forked tongue. No one likes to be around anyone who simply cannot tell the truth. God hates that as well!
Hands that shed innocent blood not only does God hate this but we should as well. It should not matter a serial killer or a terrorist we all should hate that and try to stop that. God does.
A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations is a description of many in our country. This generation is fast becoming just like the one that prevailed in Sodom. God destroyed that city and killed all that lived there; save Lot and some of his family. Could this be our fate if we do not turn from our wicked ways? If God hates it you be the judge?
Feet that are swift to run to mischief sounds a lot like gang violence or drug use, but then it could also mean something else? How about gossiping about someone or doing something that aggravates another? Could that be considered mischief? How about doing something that would cause another harm or loss, mischievous yes? God hates that?
Wagging tongues that speak falsehoods gossip and backbiting especially in the church are distasteful to God. You may not like what the preacher spoke about on Sunday if so then take it up with God not spread false rumors about the preacher. You sure would not like it if someone talked about you the same way you talked about others. God hates this!
There is something far worse than the six things that God hates that is sowing discord among the brethren. Something horrible an object of intense dislike, disgusting or shameful---abomination! Why sowing discord would be raised to the level of abomination? For one thing it hinders the cause of Christ. Second it is what the devil uses to destroy the church of God. Discord can and will quickly cause the spirit to be quenched and the joy leave the church. If the church can be destroyed then that is a good reason to be called an abomination.

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