In I John 1:8 we find these words, “ If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” If there is anything worse than deception, it is self-deception. John is telling us that the person who denies he has sin is not deceiving others because they know better. He only kids himself, and truly this is bad. Are you really honest with yourself? Why try to kid yourself when you know you cannot deceive others. The poet Dale Wimbrow pined these words,
“When you get what you want in your struggle for life
And the world makes you king for a day
Then go to your mirror and look at yourself
To see what that guy has to say.
For it isn’t your father or mother or wife;
Whose judgment on you must pass;
The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the guy staring back from the glass.
He’s the man you must please, never mind all the rest,
For he’s with you clear up to the end;
And you’ve passed your most difficult, and dangerous test,
If the man in the glass is your friend.
You may be like another and “chisel” a plum
And think you’re a wonderful guy;
But the man in the glass says you’re only a bum,
If you can’t look him straight in the eye.
You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years
And get pats on the back as you pass,
But your final reward will be the heartaches and tears,
If you’ve cheated the guy in the glass.”
This is just another way of telling that we need to take a careful self-examination regularly. It says, “Pass judgment on yourself before the other fellow dose. “ we ought to be honest with others, but we must be honest with God and with ourselves. We can deceive the whole world but we cannot lie to God or to ourselves. Granted it is much easier to see faults in someone else than our own imperfections. One of the signs of true greatness is to be able to accept constructive criticism from others. Yet, our greatest and best critic should be ourselves.
The person who does not practice self-examination will soon become a very sever critic of others. Jesus said we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. How then can we love our neighbor if we don’t love ourselves?
How can we love ourselves if don’t even know who we are? God loves us just as He made us. My question, are you a sinner saved by grace or are you lost and dying in your sins? Only an honest self-examination and a talk with the Lord can answer that?
Monday, January 16, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
The Power Of Our Limitations
Exodus 4:10-12, “And Moses said unto the LORD, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue. And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD? Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.”
When God called Moses to lead the Nation of Israel out of bondage listen to what Moses told the Lord, “O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.” Moses may have had some speech impediment or he simply was afraid of public speaking. Now listen to what the Lord told Moses, “ Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD? Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.”
God could have chosen the most eloquent speaker or one with personal courage or someone who was outstanding in his field. But He didn’t he chose Moses in spite of all his physical deficiencies for the Lord knew when Moses was weak the glory of the Lord would be the greatest.
If our weaknesses cause us to seek the Lord and rely on Him to strengthen us and guide us through the darkest storm then when we are weak He is strong. Our weakness can be our greatest asset because when we depend on the Lord we draw closer to Him. When we draw close to the Lord He guides us to grow in strength, character and power. Not of ourselves but through the power All Mighty God. By deepening our relationship with the Lord we improve our happiness, our courage and our success.
The Apostle Paul prayed three times for God to remove the thorn in his flesh. God’s answer, “My grace is sufficient”. 2 Corinthians 12:9 Paul then gloried in his limitations because he learned they did not hamper but enhanced the power of God through his life. “When I am weak then am I strong.” he proclaimed. (v10)
None of us are perfect and we all have imperfections but if we put our faith in Christ and learn to lean on His everlasting arms we will be strong. Paul is showing us that God’s strength is greatest when shown through our weakness. God made us just like we are imperfections and all and He can use all He made to bring glory to Him through us if we will but allow Him.
Maybe someone will learn of Jesus because of our weakness. Or we may be able to understand another’s problem as we have come to understand our own weakness. In doing so we then can help them learn of the love God has for them. So no matter what imperfection, limitation, or handicap you may have God can still use you to bring glory to Him and lead someone to Christ. He made you for a reason could that reason be so you could help another?
When God called Moses to lead the Nation of Israel out of bondage listen to what Moses told the Lord, “O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.” Moses may have had some speech impediment or he simply was afraid of public speaking. Now listen to what the Lord told Moses, “ Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD? Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.”
God could have chosen the most eloquent speaker or one with personal courage or someone who was outstanding in his field. But He didn’t he chose Moses in spite of all his physical deficiencies for the Lord knew when Moses was weak the glory of the Lord would be the greatest.
If our weaknesses cause us to seek the Lord and rely on Him to strengthen us and guide us through the darkest storm then when we are weak He is strong. Our weakness can be our greatest asset because when we depend on the Lord we draw closer to Him. When we draw close to the Lord He guides us to grow in strength, character and power. Not of ourselves but through the power All Mighty God. By deepening our relationship with the Lord we improve our happiness, our courage and our success.
The Apostle Paul prayed three times for God to remove the thorn in his flesh. God’s answer, “My grace is sufficient”. 2 Corinthians 12:9 Paul then gloried in his limitations because he learned they did not hamper but enhanced the power of God through his life. “When I am weak then am I strong.” he proclaimed. (v10)
None of us are perfect and we all have imperfections but if we put our faith in Christ and learn to lean on His everlasting arms we will be strong. Paul is showing us that God’s strength is greatest when shown through our weakness. God made us just like we are imperfections and all and He can use all He made to bring glory to Him through us if we will but allow Him.
Maybe someone will learn of Jesus because of our weakness. Or we may be able to understand another’s problem as we have come to understand our own weakness. In doing so we then can help them learn of the love God has for them. So no matter what imperfection, limitation, or handicap you may have God can still use you to bring glory to Him and lead someone to Christ. He made you for a reason could that reason be so you could help another?
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Good News
Proverbs 25:25, “As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.”
There is a country song that was popular several years ago that asked for “a Little good News Today”. If you were to ask someone, “What’s the good news today?” how many answers would you get? If you were to ask a saved child of God you would likely hear, “The same as yesterday. God loves us.” both you and then would have good reason to praise the Lord.
But what if the one you posed the question does not know Christ as savior they would have no good news to share. For to them God is not real and this world is a mean place in which to live.
Despite what you see on the evening news life is not a series of accidents and misfortune. Our god is still in control. He still can make the worst disaster fulfill His wise and loving plan.
Faith in Jesus, the One who gave himself on Calvary’s cross and rose again is our light in a dark and dreary world. In Matthew 28 we see where the women who came to the tomb were told to go and spread the good news that Christ was not dead but was alive. This was good news that causes these women to rush back and tell all the disciples. So could these women have been the first witnesses who were called to share the good news?
Later in Mathew 28:19-20 we see where Jesus is giving His followers instructions what they were to do. “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” These were then to take the same good news that Jesus was alive to the entire world. That same instruction is given to the saved and baptized children of God today.
Yes Jesus is alive and well and that is great news to a dying and lost world. It is the good news we are to proclaim to the dark streets and byways and to compel all to come to Jesus. The good news is not that Jesus lived and died but that He died and lives. That He paid our sin debt and cleansed us from all unrighteousness and now sets as our advocate with the Father. How much better can the news get?
There is a country song that was popular several years ago that asked for “a Little good News Today”. If you were to ask someone, “What’s the good news today?” how many answers would you get? If you were to ask a saved child of God you would likely hear, “The same as yesterday. God loves us.” both you and then would have good reason to praise the Lord.
But what if the one you posed the question does not know Christ as savior they would have no good news to share. For to them God is not real and this world is a mean place in which to live.
Despite what you see on the evening news life is not a series of accidents and misfortune. Our god is still in control. He still can make the worst disaster fulfill His wise and loving plan.
Faith in Jesus, the One who gave himself on Calvary’s cross and rose again is our light in a dark and dreary world. In Matthew 28 we see where the women who came to the tomb were told to go and spread the good news that Christ was not dead but was alive. This was good news that causes these women to rush back and tell all the disciples. So could these women have been the first witnesses who were called to share the good news?
Later in Mathew 28:19-20 we see where Jesus is giving His followers instructions what they were to do. “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” These were then to take the same good news that Jesus was alive to the entire world. That same instruction is given to the saved and baptized children of God today.
Yes Jesus is alive and well and that is great news to a dying and lost world. It is the good news we are to proclaim to the dark streets and byways and to compel all to come to Jesus. The good news is not that Jesus lived and died but that He died and lives. That He paid our sin debt and cleansed us from all unrighteousness and now sets as our advocate with the Father. How much better can the news get?
What The Lord Hates
Proverbs 6:16-19, “These six things doeth the Lord hate: yea seven are an abomination unto Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, , feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among the brethren.”
Most often we talk about God and His love for us. How He cares for us and how He protects us. Have you ever considered there may something God doesn’t like? Let us not only consider what God dislikes let us take a closer look at what He hates. Hate is a word no one likes to hear. Does God really hate something? Yes and Proverbs 6:16-19 makes it clear there are six things God hates. Seven are listed but the seventh goes beyond hate all the way to abomination.
A proud look on the faces God’s children causes concern for God. For in a proud look we see not only selfish indignation but a haughty better than thou attitude. If we are looking down our noises at others we cannot be looking up to God. God hates that!
We have all met people who we are sure there is no truth in them. The Native Americans had a saying about those who would not tell the truth. They spoke with a forked tongue. No one likes to be around anyone who simply cannot tell the truth. God hates that as well!
Hands that shed innocent blood not only does God hate this but we should as well. It should not matter a serial killer or a terrorist we all should hate that and try to stop that. God does.
A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations is a description of many in our country. This generation is fast becoming just like the one that prevailed in Sodom. God destroyed that city and killed all that lived there; save Lot and some of his family. Could this be our fate if we do not turn from our wicked ways? If God hates it you be the judge?
Feet that are swift to run to mischief sounds a lot like gang violence or drug use, but then it could also mean something else? How about gossiping about someone or doing something that aggravates another? Could that be considered mischief? How about doing something that would cause another harm or loss, mischievous yes? God hates that?
Wagging tongues that speak falsehoods gossip and backbiting especially in the church are distasteful to God. You may not like what the preacher spoke about on Sunday if so then take it up with God not spread false rumors about the preacher. You sure would not like it if someone talked about you the same way you talked about others. God hates this!
There is something far worse than the six things that God hates that is sowing discord among the brethren. Something horrible an object of intense dislike, disgusting or shameful---abomination! Why sowing discord would be raised to the level of abomination? For one thing it hinders the cause of Christ. Second it is what the devil uses to destroy the church of God. Discord can and will quickly cause the spirit to be quenched and the joy leave the church. If the church can be destroyed then that is a good reason to be called an abomination.
Most often we talk about God and His love for us. How He cares for us and how He protects us. Have you ever considered there may something God doesn’t like? Let us not only consider what God dislikes let us take a closer look at what He hates. Hate is a word no one likes to hear. Does God really hate something? Yes and Proverbs 6:16-19 makes it clear there are six things God hates. Seven are listed but the seventh goes beyond hate all the way to abomination.
A proud look on the faces God’s children causes concern for God. For in a proud look we see not only selfish indignation but a haughty better than thou attitude. If we are looking down our noises at others we cannot be looking up to God. God hates that!
We have all met people who we are sure there is no truth in them. The Native Americans had a saying about those who would not tell the truth. They spoke with a forked tongue. No one likes to be around anyone who simply cannot tell the truth. God hates that as well!
Hands that shed innocent blood not only does God hate this but we should as well. It should not matter a serial killer or a terrorist we all should hate that and try to stop that. God does.
A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations is a description of many in our country. This generation is fast becoming just like the one that prevailed in Sodom. God destroyed that city and killed all that lived there; save Lot and some of his family. Could this be our fate if we do not turn from our wicked ways? If God hates it you be the judge?
Feet that are swift to run to mischief sounds a lot like gang violence or drug use, but then it could also mean something else? How about gossiping about someone or doing something that aggravates another? Could that be considered mischief? How about doing something that would cause another harm or loss, mischievous yes? God hates that?
Wagging tongues that speak falsehoods gossip and backbiting especially in the church are distasteful to God. You may not like what the preacher spoke about on Sunday if so then take it up with God not spread false rumors about the preacher. You sure would not like it if someone talked about you the same way you talked about others. God hates this!
There is something far worse than the six things that God hates that is sowing discord among the brethren. Something horrible an object of intense dislike, disgusting or shameful---abomination! Why sowing discord would be raised to the level of abomination? For one thing it hinders the cause of Christ. Second it is what the devil uses to destroy the church of God. Discord can and will quickly cause the spirit to be quenched and the joy leave the church. If the church can be destroyed then that is a good reason to be called an abomination.
Monday, January 9, 2012
The Master Craftsman
Romans 8:27-28, “And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
A woodcutter went out one day in search of a fine piece of wood to craft a special gift for the one he loved. He came upon a grove of trees. All were standing tall and each had a special purpose and design. After much thought and examination the woodcutter selected just the right tree for his project. As he touched the tree with his axe he had to stop and offer a special prayer to the tree for giving all its beauty and strength to him for this special gift. He thanked the creator for this special tree and all the love and care provided to develop the special design and purpose. As the tree fell the woodcutter vowed none would go to waste all would be used for this special gift.
As he worked removing the branches and bark revealing all the beauty beneath he marveled at how much this tree was like our lives. We each have been designed for a special purpose; crafted for a specific and special job. Only when the master creator touches us will our true beauty and strength be revealed.
As the woodcutter placed each section of rough-cut wood into the splitter did he notice how much alike are the trees and we. He thought how a life can be changed by what we put into it just like the beauty of the wood grain is exposed by the edge of the splitter. As each wedge was driven through the wood he saw how the wood fibers were divided. He saw how different the new pieces looked. He reasoned that life is like that wood. To expose the quality hidden beneath the rough exterior we must break the bark off. We do this by using the wedges of the love of God, love of family, education and those chosen to polish the diamond buried deep within.
Many times we use the wrong wedges that only damage and destroy. Just like a fine piece of wood if the incorrect wedge is used to expose the beauty then no beauty is shown and only ugly scars remain.
Just like cutting wood. You can look at the grain and you can tell the quality and strength and potential of the piece. Though you can see the potential and beauty in the wood none can come to formation without the master craftsman. The wood may be strong the potential great but left in the dirt nothing happens.
Life is like that. Each person has within strength and quality. Sometimes these traits are hidden deep under fear, prejudice and neglect. Yet the touch of the master’s hand can bring out the beauty that was placed there at creation.
A woodcutter went out one day in search of a fine piece of wood to craft a special gift for the one he loved. He came upon a grove of trees. All were standing tall and each had a special purpose and design. After much thought and examination the woodcutter selected just the right tree for his project. As he touched the tree with his axe he had to stop and offer a special prayer to the tree for giving all its beauty and strength to him for this special gift. He thanked the creator for this special tree and all the love and care provided to develop the special design and purpose. As the tree fell the woodcutter vowed none would go to waste all would be used for this special gift.
As he worked removing the branches and bark revealing all the beauty beneath he marveled at how much this tree was like our lives. We each have been designed for a special purpose; crafted for a specific and special job. Only when the master creator touches us will our true beauty and strength be revealed.
As the woodcutter placed each section of rough-cut wood into the splitter did he notice how much alike are the trees and we. He thought how a life can be changed by what we put into it just like the beauty of the wood grain is exposed by the edge of the splitter. As each wedge was driven through the wood he saw how the wood fibers were divided. He saw how different the new pieces looked. He reasoned that life is like that wood. To expose the quality hidden beneath the rough exterior we must break the bark off. We do this by using the wedges of the love of God, love of family, education and those chosen to polish the diamond buried deep within.
Many times we use the wrong wedges that only damage and destroy. Just like a fine piece of wood if the incorrect wedge is used to expose the beauty then no beauty is shown and only ugly scars remain.
Just like cutting wood. You can look at the grain and you can tell the quality and strength and potential of the piece. Though you can see the potential and beauty in the wood none can come to formation without the master craftsman. The wood may be strong the potential great but left in the dirt nothing happens.
Life is like that. Each person has within strength and quality. Sometimes these traits are hidden deep under fear, prejudice and neglect. Yet the touch of the master’s hand can bring out the beauty that was placed there at creation.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
The Word of God
Matthew 24:35, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”
Have you ever heard someone say “Nothing last forever”? We all have and probably have even said that ourselves. Most of the time we are referring to earthly things but how many times do we apply this cliché to spiritual things? More often that one would think.
Jesus is reminding us that heaven and earth shall pass away and nothing in this world will last forever. The things we place the most value on will at sometime fail and fall apart. Even empires that at one time no one would have ever guessed would not be around forever have disappeared. No one thought the Roman Empire would disappear or the empire of Alexander the Great but each faded into obscurity.
Jesus is telling us that though all earthly things will pass away but His words will remain and stand the test of time. Yes Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away, is the statement Jesus is making. I am sure there is some theological assent that can be applied to Jesus’ statement. The reality is gold silver and precious stones wood hay and stubble will all be tried by fire. Does this cause us to stop and think about just what Jesus is saying? God’s Word and God’s works will remain long after this world is a cinder. Should we then live as if everything in this world is momentary and the promises of God are everlasting? It would appear so.
Here are some questions to ponder--- If your joy, fulfillment, or comfort is in your youth; what about when you get old? If the joy in your life comes from your wealth; what happens when you become poor or too sick to enjoy it? What happens if you derive your affections from the embrace of others and they leave or pass away?
If it is true what Jesus is saying (and it is) that nothing last forever and everything He is telling us has everlasting staying power are we putting our faith is temporal things instead in the Word of God? Make this reality something to reflect upon each day in everything we do and say.
Have you ever heard someone say “Nothing last forever”? We all have and probably have even said that ourselves. Most of the time we are referring to earthly things but how many times do we apply this cliché to spiritual things? More often that one would think.
Jesus is reminding us that heaven and earth shall pass away and nothing in this world will last forever. The things we place the most value on will at sometime fail and fall apart. Even empires that at one time no one would have ever guessed would not be around forever have disappeared. No one thought the Roman Empire would disappear or the empire of Alexander the Great but each faded into obscurity.
Jesus is telling us that though all earthly things will pass away but His words will remain and stand the test of time. Yes Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away, is the statement Jesus is making. I am sure there is some theological assent that can be applied to Jesus’ statement. The reality is gold silver and precious stones wood hay and stubble will all be tried by fire. Does this cause us to stop and think about just what Jesus is saying? God’s Word and God’s works will remain long after this world is a cinder. Should we then live as if everything in this world is momentary and the promises of God are everlasting? It would appear so.
Here are some questions to ponder--- If your joy, fulfillment, or comfort is in your youth; what about when you get old? If the joy in your life comes from your wealth; what happens when you become poor or too sick to enjoy it? What happens if you derive your affections from the embrace of others and they leave or pass away?
If it is true what Jesus is saying (and it is) that nothing last forever and everything He is telling us has everlasting staying power are we putting our faith is temporal things instead in the Word of God? Make this reality something to reflect upon each day in everything we do and say.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
How to Know God's Will
Romans 12:1-2, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
I am often asked how can we know what God’s will is and how can I know what he wants me to do.
When we seek guidance from the Lord how often do we put stipulations on it? How many times do we say ok Lord I will follow you but just don’t lead me here or ask me to do that? If we do that are we truly following God’s will or ours?
God created each of us for a specific put pose. It is His will that we succeed and fulfill that purpose. The problem comes when we forget to follow where He leads, when we put our logic in place of His leadership. Or when we jump to conclusions about where God would have us to be useful. Are we lead by emotion or by the Holy Spirit? Not everyone is called to preach but everyone can minister. Not everyone is called to sing but all can praise Him. “For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.” Romans 12: 3-5
If we are where God would have us to be He will make sure we have what we need to accomplish His will and plan. It is very possible the reason many Christians stay in a state of confusion about what God’s will is for their life is because they will not accept what the Lord would have them to do. It is not that the message God is sending is not clear it is just that many just don’t want to accept it. It does not meet what they feel they are supposed to do. Satan has a field day when Christians begin to feel this way for it is then he knows just how to keep them defeated and out of service.
If Paul had thought for one moment on that dusty road to Damascus that he would soon be hated, beaten and thrown in jail do you think he would have said, “What will you have me to do?” It is doubtful. Instead he looked to Jesus and though he was blind and his pride was shattered his reputation marching before him he followed where he was lead.
Maybe we need to put pride away, forget personal acclaim and put Romans 12:1-2 into practice.
I am often asked how can we know what God’s will is and how can I know what he wants me to do.
When we seek guidance from the Lord how often do we put stipulations on it? How many times do we say ok Lord I will follow you but just don’t lead me here or ask me to do that? If we do that are we truly following God’s will or ours?
God created each of us for a specific put pose. It is His will that we succeed and fulfill that purpose. The problem comes when we forget to follow where He leads, when we put our logic in place of His leadership. Or when we jump to conclusions about where God would have us to be useful. Are we lead by emotion or by the Holy Spirit? Not everyone is called to preach but everyone can minister. Not everyone is called to sing but all can praise Him. “For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.” Romans 12: 3-5
If we are where God would have us to be He will make sure we have what we need to accomplish His will and plan. It is very possible the reason many Christians stay in a state of confusion about what God’s will is for their life is because they will not accept what the Lord would have them to do. It is not that the message God is sending is not clear it is just that many just don’t want to accept it. It does not meet what they feel they are supposed to do. Satan has a field day when Christians begin to feel this way for it is then he knows just how to keep them defeated and out of service.
If Paul had thought for one moment on that dusty road to Damascus that he would soon be hated, beaten and thrown in jail do you think he would have said, “What will you have me to do?” It is doubtful. Instead he looked to Jesus and though he was blind and his pride was shattered his reputation marching before him he followed where he was lead.
Maybe we need to put pride away, forget personal acclaim and put Romans 12:1-2 into practice.
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