Jonah 1:1-2, “Now the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying,
Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me.”
In part one we looked at what makes people run from God. That very brief description gave us but a glimpse of what causes people to run from God. Today let us examine why people run from God.
Why do people run from God? First thought that comes to mind is they don’t truly trust God. That may be just the tip of the ice berg there may be deeper issues far too lengthy to explore here. If God has a plan and He wants to use us to complete that plan whose fault will it be if we refuse? Who will miss the blessing if we turn and run? Does that mean that God’s plan will fail? The answer is clear.
Most people run from God because they resist God’s way. “Who me, preach?” “I can’t teach a bunch of kids.” “What will people think if I follow Jesus?” Flimsy excuses at best but are the ones most heard. I would wager we all could add to that list without hesitation. The best one with the least understanding is--- “God you just don’t understand or know my situation?” Oh really! If God looks on the heart He knows!
Another reason that causes us to run from God is fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure or simply not sure we heard things right. All of these are tools Satan uses to place doubt in our minds. Doubt that will draw all attention away from what God is calling us for. Jonah not only had doubts he had his mind made up. He bought a ticket got on a boat ant took off. He just started running. His flesh was weak and his spirit was certainly not willing.
God knows what he is doing and what is needed to complete the task. When He calls He already knows what is in our hearts and lives. He knows what needs to be changed or adjusted and what it will take to do that. Once we accept His call He begins to prepare us for what lays ahead. As He begins we may not see or understand what must be done or how it will be accomplished, but God does. All He asks is for us to trust Him.
He is also at work preparing the road that He is asking us to travel down. The problem comes when we want to take control and start listening to someone other than God.
The Devil says run and if we do it will become clear who we are listen to. Once the devil has our attention he then sues that to not only defeat us but to defeat those to whom we are to be sent. If the one who led Spurgeon or Moody or Graham to the Lord had turned and run what would have been the result. Some will say God would have sent someone else. Yes He could have done that but He didn’t he called someone and they answered His call and the world has never been the same. Many souls are now with the Lord and many more have been inspired to follow that same path as these men of God.
If we don’t answer God’s call and take off running does that mean God’s plan are doomed? No His plan will still work He just may have to use someone else. And another vessel lies broken and up on the shelf.
Next we will look at the How of running from God.
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