Friday, September 23, 2011

God Has The Answers

Philippians 4:19 “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
As parents we always get questions from our children. Their questions matter to them and as far as they are concerned have a great impact on their lives. You know questions like, “Dad can I have ten dollars to go to the show?” “Dad can you help me with this new math?” “Dad when can I get my driver’s license?” “Dad you will never guess who is going to have a baby?” All personal questions that many times parents do not have answers for. As parents our children have question, request and needs that seem endless. It makes no difference if they are in grade school or college they are always looking to their parents for help.
As parents we most often can come up with solutions to our children’s problems and can and do provide resources in time of need. Yet there are times when we are at a loss as what to do or how to answer the request. One thing is sure though we may not have all the answers but God does. In the test verse for today we find assurance God can and will supply all our needs according to His riches. Notice it says our needs not our wants. Just as we as parents do not always supply the wants of our children neither does God. But we will always supply the needs so does God. God also knows when our requests are genuine, or when He must redirect our thinking instead. He also knows what is in our best interest and if we will but trust Him He will guide us down the right path.
Here is something to think about: When we think no one cares, Jesus says He loves us (John 15:12-13). When we think we just can’t go one step farther, Jesus says, “I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). When we run into something we just can’t figure out, God says He will guide us (Psalm 48:14). If we need to be forgiven for some wrong deed or thought, God says He will forgive us if we will confess our sin to Him, (1 John 1:9).
God is our Heavenly Father, if we have accepted His grace and believe in His son. Knowing that we have assurance God wants to provide our every need and guide us to be successful in what we do. He wants us to follow His lead, hear His voice as he speaks through His word, and trust in Him to provide not only our needs but to guide and protect us.
We may not have all the answers to the questions our children ask. If we have a close relationship with our Heavenly Father He does have all the answers. God never tires of our asking Him, talking to Him and following His guidance. So when problems arise that we can’t find a solution to we need to ask out Father—out Heavenly Father. Your are one of His kids aren’t you?

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