Tuesday, August 31, 2010

This Generation

In the book of Acts chapter 2 verses 36-41 we find Peters sermon on Pentecost. This was a great sermon as it contained all the necessary ingredients. The preacher was filled with the Holy Spirit. It foretold of the coming of Christ. It warned against willful sin. And last it exhorted the hearer to repent. As Peter closed his message that day he exhorted all repent and be saved from an unwilling or crooked generation.
We live in a time of unwillingness: Unwillingness to listen to Gods Word; to be separate; to serve God; and most damaging the unwillingness to change.
This is a Think less age. As a whole people don’t think about God. He is not part of their thought process. To many He doesn’t even exist. People today are living only in the material realm. Earthly things like gold, silver, houses and land, and only things that give them pleasure fill their worldly thoughts. But then the bible teaches that men the last days, “shall be lovers of pleasures more that lovers of God.” Most people today set their affections on perishable things. Like buying ice cream on a very hot day.
In a Christian nation it is sad when a blood bought believer grows cold, indifferent and unconcerned. They are unconcerned about their church, about their fellow man and the fate of their nation. Many Christians today give no thought to bible study, prayer, church attendance, and the use of their God given talents for His service. Please don’t ask them to take a stand for the Christ who died for them on the cross.
Along with the ungodly crowd the Christians today give no thought to the second coming of Christ. Jesus said, “Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.”
Ours is a think less nation all tied up in NOTS: See not—our need for Christ; Hear not---God’s plan and warning; Know not---God’s love; Awareth not---of the judgment to come; Prepared not---for eternity; Believing not---what God said is true. Ours is an age of preconceived ideas what other people should do or think to conform to our ideas, wills or desires.
This is also a THANKLESS generation. Paul has this to say about this age.” This know that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy.” Paul went on to say in Romans 1:21 why we are this way, “Because when they knew God they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.”
We are not thankful today for anything. Not for Gods blessings; Not for His Son who died for our sins; Not for Gods church. We are the richest nation on the face of the earth and we owe it all to God and yet we can’t even take time to thank Him.
Are you thankful you live in a free country blessed by God? If so have you thanked Him lately? Have you even thought about Him? Why haven’t you stood up and told someone about Him?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Forcing God's Hand

Many times we try to force a decision from God. Each time we are faced with frustration. The churches have indoctrinated us to believe God is just standing by to give us our every wish. This is far from reality. God does want what is best for us, and He does look ahead. Sometimes what is best for us is not what we want to hear. Doors are closed or doors are opened. Just because we want something does not mean it is in our best interest. So when we see a door closed we immediately assume God doesn't care or we must have some great sin that prevented our request from being granted. This comes from pulpits of every demoniation. While in reality God may have seen a pot hole that was going to cause far worse distress than the closed door. Just remember this--- In all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called accordin to His purpose. --Romans 8:28

Friday, August 20, 2010

In God's Presence

After twenty years of wandering in the wilderness of religion and tradition I came to the Holy mount of God. As I stood at the foot of Sinai I felt as though I had at last reached my destination. The ground began to shake and lighting flashed and God said come on up I have something to show you. Fear of the mountain caused me to stand back and say, “Lord if I come up there I might die.” Yet something drew me to the top to meet God. Many today say they have had a mountain top experience. If that is true that was a terrifying eye opening experience. For in God’s presence everything is exposed whether it be true or false. All the things we thought we believed may not hold water in light of God’s Holy presence.
So far I have not made it to the top of the mountain. I have made steps toward the top but I know I must get everything in order before I make the climb. I have had to ask myself do I want to set and visit with God. Can I stand where Moses stood and have a conversation with God?
I just don’t know the cost. That fear has held me back. I must truthfully answer I am not ready in my current state. As the priest had to sanctify himself before he entered into the presence of God at the Ark of the Covenant. We each must be cleansed and made ready to meet God. You don’t just go into the presence of God without sanctifying yourself first. You must remove your shoes as you are on Holy ground. In other words you must get rid of all your sin in repentance. As in days of old something must die and blood must be shed so that we can come into the presence of God. Jesus took our sins to the cross and shed His blood so that we might live.
To meet God you must do it on His terms. If you try to do it any other way it will meet with failure. When the high priest entered behind the vale he had to have purified himself of all sin. If he failed to do this when he came into the presence of God he would die. Tradition would not save him. Religion would not save him. Church membership and social standing would not save him. Only by sanctifying and purifying himself the way God directed would keep him safe.
Today if we want a mountain top experience we must take off our shoes. Humble ourselves, be covered with the blood of Jesus and have a repentant heart. Only then can we set down and talk to God.
II Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Need for Prayer

The issues that now face our nation are not political economical or social, they are spiritual. Just as Israel once turned their back on God and faced near ruin, so then has the USA. This country has lost all touch with God. Christians have too long been silent and allowed the godless crowd to dominate. History should teach us that when God is taken out of the picture evil will reign.
We have had warning upon warning and still we won't listen.
It is now time for all true born again children of God to pray as never before. Pray for this country, and then stand up for what made this country great. This past election should give all Christians a strong wake up call.
There are no political parties now serving the interest of the people or willing to defend the principles this country was founded upon. This is a CHRISTIAN Nation and as such should be dominated by God loving and God serving people. Not run by Satan and the anti-Christian God hating minority.
It wasn't a single political party that caused the chaos that is prevalent today. It is the loss of our contact with God.
Our churches are empting and Christians are cowering in corners afraid of offending someone. So afraid we will offend that we say nothing when our own existence is threatened.
Each person has the God given right to choose. If religion offends you change the channel. If our Christian beliefs and principles offend you leave this country and find one that suites your political vision. Christians need to stand up and say enough. Don't remain silent while the God we love and serve is bashed and not allowed public air.
This nation will continue to decline until we return and once again embrace the fundamental Christian principles upon which this nation was founded. Principles men and women died to protect.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

No one understands like Jesus

Below is a reproduction of a letter from a pastor friend in Carlsbad, NM. I wanted to share this with you. This was sent to the residents of Carlsbad, NM. in 1988. I felt it was worth sending out again in 2010.

At least it seems that way sometimes. You have hurts, needs, longings, and no one seems to know or cares.
How could they? People may be all around you, but they can't look inside to see what you really are, how you feel, or why you do what you do.
You suffer loneliness, worry, fear,financial strain, family trouble, or some other problem. And you feel no one understands. Sickness drains you or you grieve over personal losses. You're uneasy about God and where you stand with Him.
Throughout history other men and women have felt that way. They have been reaching out for something or someone to understand, to help them face the basic issues of life. And many have discovered that while they were searching, someone was reaching out to them.
No one understands? That's not really true. Someone---God---knows all about you, and He cares. He cares so much that He sent His only son Jesus to become one of us, to live among us, to face life as we have to face it.
"No one understands" is an honest but hopeless cry. The happy truth is "No one understands like Jesus!!!"
For your sake, He faced life and death and overcame, and He's alive to hear and help you now.
Jesus said, "come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matt 11:28)
I want to encourge you. If you are desirous to know Jesus as your Savior, God will accept a simple, sincere prayer like this: "God, I believe you understand and care about me. I believe Jesus is your Son who died for me, and that He rose again to help me live life at its best. Please forgive me for my wrongs and failures, and help me with my problems. With your help, I will live according to your teachings. Thank you."