Friday, December 25, 2009

The New Year

As we prepare for the New Year let us stop and reflect what God has done. As God was preparing to carpet the fields with clover, to give flight to eagles and to sculpt mountains He was thinking about each of us, and what we were to do. He placed the detailed design for the mighty oak in the tiny acorn. He also placed within each of a complete design for our purpose and mission. Nothing was left to chance. He thought of everything. Gave us tool only we can use. Every one was custom made by God. Each has a special purpose and mission that only they can accomplish. He gave each the necessary talents and gifts at birth so as to be able to accomplish the mission. Custom tailored talents crafted prior to our birth and lovingly given so that the designed purpose could be accomplished.
As we look into the New Year let us seek our purpose and mission as God designed. The design is within and we must look there to see all the plans He made for us.
The Psalmist had this to say, For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well.My substance was not hid from thee when I was made in secret, and couriously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

If a Man dies Lost, whoes fault will it be?

If a Man Dies Lost--- Whose Fault Will It Be
If a man dies lost whose fault will it be—His. Because God had given man many chances to be saved. Let’s look at all the things God had done to save man.
He gave us the Bible. In that he gave us the way of truth. In the bible we can find the road map to heaven.
He gave us the church. A place we can find refuge. The church is a house of prayer. A place we can find God.
He gave us conscience. Our conscience points out our sins. We cannot lie to God or to ourselves. The Holy Spirit will convict us through our conscience.
He gave us prayers. Prayers of our loved ones. Those that care for us and want to see us in heaven. Prayers of the church for those who are lost or have gone astray.
He gave us sorrow. Sorrow to point us to him. Sorrow to make us realize our need for God.
He gave us the Holy Spirit. To point out our sin to us. To keep nudging us toward the right decision.
He gave us the cross of Calvary. The place he allowed his son to die for our sins. On the cross Jesus shed his blood for all mankind so that all would have a chance to go to heaven. For only through Jesus and what he did on the cross do we have a way of escape.
So if you die lost and without Jesus, God did all possible to save you. When Jesus died he said it is finished. He looked down through eternity and looked straight at you and me and said. “I do this for you.” The choice now is up to us we can accept Him or reject Him. We can be saved by admitting we are sinners and in need of salvation and can asked Him to forgive us and to come into our hearts and save us. Or we can die lost in our sin and spend eternity in a devils hell. What choice will you make?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Why was I Born?

What person has not asked, “Why was I born?” “What purpose do I have on this earth?” we all have questions about life. Many look for answers in the wrong places—and they find more questions.
Some look for the answer in drugs only to become dependent on them. Some seek the answer in material possessions only to find that they must be updated and replaced.
We deceive ourselves into thinking that man will successfully work out all his problems.
The common denominator of young and old seems to be disillusionment. People are not really happy.
God wants us to know the “why of life.” So He gave us a Book and then He gave His Son to tell and also to show us about life. Jesus came to bring the abundant life (John 10:10). Christ gives meaning to life. How does He do that?
First He gives us purpose. Everything has purpose. Everything happens for a reason. That reason may not be readily apparent to us but God does have a reason. Each tool has a specific purpose. So God created man with a purpose. To each He gave special talents to use for His honor and glory. When we are fulfilling God’s purpose for us, things go well, but when we are outside that purpose, things do not go well.
Jesus gives us peace. He said, “Peace I leave with you.” (John 14:27) that doesn’t mean Christians won’t have problems. The difference is that Christians have someone who will help them with their problems.
Jesus gives us power through His spirit. The Holy Spirit energizes us with a new power. This happens when we are born again into the family of God. The caterpillar is an ugly hairy worn that cannot fly until it is born again as a butterfly. We too, are powerless until we are born again.
Christ gives us pardon. The thing that keeps us from God is sin. Sin separates, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” With His blood Jesus paid our sin debt on the cross.
Do you want purpose in life? Do you want peace? Do you want power over life? Do you want pardon from your sin? All of this can be yours if you but turn your life over to Christ. Give your heart and life to Him. “Fear God and keep His commands for this is the whole duty of man.”

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Being Honest With Yourself

In I John 1:8 we find these words, “ If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” If there is anything worse than deception, it is self-deception. John is telling us that the person who denies he has sin is not deceiving others because they know better. He only kids himself, and truly this is bad. Are you really honest with yourself? Why try to kid yourself when you know you cannot deceive others. The poet Dale Wimbrow pined these words,

“When you get what you want in your struggle for life
And the world makes you king for a day
Then go to your mirror and look at yourself
To see what that guy has to say.
For it isn’t your father or mother or wife;
Whose judgment on you must pass;
The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the guy staring back from the glass.
He’s the man you must please, never mind all the rest,
For he’s with you clear up to the end;
And you’ve passed your most difficult, and dangerous test,
If the man in the glass is your friend.
You may be like another and “chisel” a plum
And think you’re a wonderful guy;
But the man in the glass says you’re only a bum,
If you can’t look him straight in the eye.
You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years
And get pats on the back as you pass,
But your final reward will be the heartaches and tears,
If you’ve cheated the guy in the glass.”

This is just another way of telling that we need to take a careful self-examination regularly. It says, “Pass judgment on yourself before the other fellow dose. “ we ought to be honest with others, but we must be honest with God and with ourselves. We can deceive the whole world but we cannot lie to God or to ourselves. Granted it is much easier to see faults in someone else than our own imperfections. One of the signs of true greatness is to be able to accept constructive criticism from others. Yet, our greatest and best critic should be ourselves.
The person who does not practice self-examination will soon become a very sever critic of others. Jesus said we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. How then can we love our neighbor if we don’t love ourselves?
How can we love ourselves if don’t even know who we are? God loves us just as He made us. My question, are you a sinner saved by grace or are you lost and dieing in your sins? Only an honest self-examination and a talk with the Lord can answer that?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Me Give Up?

Many of us become discouraged when we face even the least difficulty. This causes us to give up, and thus fail at many tasks to which we are assigned. The following are words from an unknown author but whose words ring true about a Christian life.
“Shall I give up because I am tired and discouraged; because I have failed and no one seems to care? Ah, just let me wait and rest awhile and then go on. Shall I submit when I’m tempted and tired? Surrender? Never while I live. I’ll not give up when I’m fallen; lie there and cry and die; be hated and forgotten. I’ll rise, honestly and admit my failure and try again.
I’ll not stop when I get old. Positively no. I may not march at the front of the line, but I’ll march.
Me give up? Only when Jesus says ‘Tis done.’ Me give up? When breath is gone, when heart is stopped, when strength and life is no more. Me give up? Yes. I will some day, when God assigns a greater task.”

This expresses the true Christian’s attitude toward his work and the work of God. Does it fit your concept of life? Let us remember the words of Paul when he said, “And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9
This means there will be a payday some day. Our main task is to remain faithful over the few things to which we have been appointed.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

What is a Hypocrite?

What a nasty word hypocrite is. Yet it is used to describe how a Christian is today. We have all heard, “I could never join that church as it is full of hypocrites.” While it is true there are many in the church there are also many in the school, the club, the government and the lodge. There are even hypocrites in the home. Hypocrisy does not mean we don’t measure up to our beliefs. If it did we would all be guilty. Hypocrisy is pretending to be something we are not. The word comes from the Greek word meaning an actor. Someone as well said that, “ Hypocrisy is the compliment that vice pays to virtue.” To be a hypocrite one would recognize a good quality of another—Christian virtue—and pretend to have the same quality all the time knowing he does not possess that quality. In other words he is an actor playing a part.
Many today are play-acting. Most are so caught up in the need to impress another they forget that they have real personalities that God Himself gave them. Each has talents that when used in harmony with another beautiful music is heard. A good example of this would be an orchestra. Each musician has the talent to play an instrument. Each instrument has a specific sound. When a master conductor raises his wand all play in harmony and the result is breathtaking. But let each play as an individual only noise can be heard.
God is not the author of confusion. His plan is for total harmony in His church, in the lives of His children and in the world He created and in the government we have under His guidance. Man on the other hand has decided only he can conduct his talents and make his own music, when each elects to do this ciaos results.
Can REAL Christians be hypocrites? The answer is YES. But we can overcome this problem if we will surrender our will to the will of God and let Him direct the instrument He made and tuned for a specific sound. You can pretend to be something you are not and only noise is heard.
The Pharisees were accused by Jesus of being hypocrites in Luke 20:20. This was because they were pretending to be righteous by keeping punctilious little traditions of hand washing and tithing of mint, meanwhile they cheated widows out of their houses and violently opposes the only completely righteous Person who ever lived.
The book of James speaks strongly against a religion of all talk and no reality.
Jesus said, “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees hypocrites! For you are like graves which are not seen by men who walk over them and are not aware of them.” Today are you a hypocrite?

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Each day we make choices that affect how we act, live, love and be. Those choices cause us to look up or down.
Look up the Psalmist said “I will lift mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my strength.” Psalms 121:1
As we travel through life we are given options which roads to travel. We make the choice where we travel, who we travel with and how fast we want to travel. A good traveling companion is the Lord. Quoting the psalm again, “The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.”
One thing I have learned over the years is that the Lord always has our best interest at heart. We sometimes are reluctant to listen to what He has to say. It’s not socially acceptable to be seen in public with the Lord. There again that is a choice we make.
Those who are recovering form an addiction I find are all seeking an answer. None know where to find it. They are too busy looking down to see all that is around them.
Have you ever felt as though you were down on hands and knees with no power to get up? Daily loads seem to get bigger and larger forcing your down even lower. I am reminded of a quote from the AA book, “Let go and let God.” Picture if you will yourself on hands and knees under a very heavy load. Standing right beside you is the Lord. He places His hand on your shoulder and gently says, “Let me take some of that load off you.” Then He says, “Give me your hand and I will help you up.” If you take His hand He will raise you to your feet. After you are standing once again you think you can handle things again and you say, “Thanks I can take it from here.” The Lord looks straight ahead and says, “ I don’t think you are ready to walk just yet. Hold my hand and let’s just take one step. See how you feel about that.” “Oh, that works well now can I run.” “Not yet there are still loads that you are not ready and should not be carrying.” “But”, you insist,” I can handle things now.” Gently the Lord says, “ Let us take one step at a time, it would be much easier if you would drop all those burdens you are carrying.” “What burdens?” “ The grudges, the hatred, the unforgiving spirit, all the things that weigh you down and get in the way. Many are trying to run while still on crutches.
If you are down look up and take the hand that is ready to lift you and support you.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Let Go and Let God

The following poem by Brenda Yancey sets the theme for today’s devotion.

HELP ME LORD by Brenda Yancey
Oh, gentle Savior, please hear my plea,
To Heaven’s door—thou art the key.
I am poor and weak and blind,
Help me, Lord thy grace to find.
I nee thee, Lord, to guide my life
In this old world of toil and strife,
Oh, precious Savior, please take my hand
So I can take the Christian stand.
Without Thee, Lord, I can but fail,
But, by Thy help I will prevail.
Help me, Lord, to live like Thee
So others can see Christ lives in me.
Thank you, Lord, for Thy saving grace,
Now I can dwell in that heavenly place,
Help me to be worthy of Thy love
Which comes so often from above.

So many times we hear the words, “Let go and let God,” but have we ever stopped to consider what those words really mean? Human nature being what it is we have a very difficult time getting self out of the way so God can work. Too much of the time we are striving, struggling, pressing and pushing to promote ourselves and our ideals. As long as we are standing in the way it will be difficult if not impossible for God to work in our lives. I like to think God is standing by just waiting for us to give Him a chance to do wonderful things in our lives. He might be saying, “Lead follow or get out of the way.”
Life is full of ups and downs. We so often think we are in control of our destiny. We do everything we know to do to gain that higher moral plane. Each time we come upon an obstacle we struggle, push and pull a little harder to get over or by that which is blocking our path. When all we ever need to do is to “Let go and Let God.”
This concept is not only found in the secular world but is wide spread in the Christian world. We want the church to grow, but we won’t exercise any faith. The bible says, “without faith it is impossible to please God.” We find in the book of Acts that God added three thousand souls to the church. To do that the church had to be in one accord and in daily prayer.
In our lives when we reach the point when there seems to be no solution to our problem, “Let Go and Let God.” If you have reached the end or your rope and the dark chasm of despair and loneliness is just below tie a knot in the rope and let God pull you up.
So today no matter how big or how small the problem, “LET GO AND LET GOD.”
You might be surprised at how He can work in your life.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Woodcutter

A woodcutter went out one day in search of a fine piece of wood to craft a special gift for the one he loved. He came upon a grove of trees. All were standing tall and each had a special purpose and design. After much thought and examination the woodcutter selected just the right tree for his project. As he touched the tree with his axe he had to stop and offer a special prayer to the tree for giving all its beauty and strength to him for this special gift. He thanked the creator for this special tree and all the love and care provided to develop the special design and purpose. As the tree fell the woodcutter vowed none would go to waste all would be used for this special gift.
As he worked removing the branches and bark revealing all the beauty beneath he marveled at much this tree was like our lives. We each have been designed for a special purpose. Crafted for a specific and special job. Only when the master creator touches us will our true beauty and strength be revealed.
As the woodcutter placed each section of rough-cut wood into the splitter did he notice how much alike are the trees and we. How a life can be changed by what we put into it just like how the beauty of the wood grain is exposed by the edge of the splitter. As each wedge was driven through the wood he saw how the wood fibers were divided. He saw how different the new pieces looked. He reasoned that life is like that wood. To expose the quality hidden beneath the rough exterior we must break the bark off. We do this by using the wedges of education, love of family and those chosen from the foundation of the world to polish the diamond buried deep within.
Many times we use the wrong wedges that only damage and destroy. Just like a find piece of wood if the incorrect wedge is used to expose the beauty then no beauty is shown only ugly scars.
The woodcutter paused from his labor and as he wiped his head he began to see how man has devised ways to improve, and destroy, to laugh and love.

Just like cutting wood. You can look at the grain and you can tell the quality and strength and potential of the piece. Though you can see the potential and beauty in the wood none can come to formation without the master craftsman. The wood may be strong the potential great but left in the dirt nothing happens.

Life is like that. Each person has within strength and quality. Sometimes these traits are hidden deep under fear, prejudice and neglect. Yet the touch of the masters hand can bring out the beauty that was placed there at creation.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Need for Paryer

The issues that now face our nation are not political economical or social, they are spiritual. Just as Israel once turned their back on God and faced near ruin, so then has the USA. This country has lost all touch with God. Christians have too long been silent and allowed the godless crowd to dominate. History should teach us that when God is taken out of the picture evil will reign.
We have had warning upon warning and still we won't listen.
It is now time for all true born again children of God to pray as never before. Pray for this country, and then stand up for what made this country great. This past election should give all Christians a strong wake up call.
There are no political parties now serving the interest of the people or willing to defend the principles this country was founded upon. This is a CHRISTIAN Nation and as such should be dominated by God loving and God serving people. Not run by Satan and the anti-Christian God hating minority.
It wasn't a single political party that caused the chaos that is prevalent today. It is the loss of our contact with God.
Our churches are empting and Christians are cowering in corners afraid of offending someone. So afraid we will offend that we say nothing when our own existence is threatened.
Each person has the God given right to choose. If religion offends you change the channel. If our Christian beliefs and principles offend you leave this country and find one that suites your political vision. Christians need to stand up and say enough. Don't remain silent while the God we love and serve is bashed and not allowed public air.
This nation will continue to decline until we return and once again embrace the fundamental Christian principles upon which this nation was founded. Principles men and women died to protect.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

God Made You-You for a reason.

One of the best-kept secrets in the church today is that God had a very special purpose for everyone in His church. He made each one unequaled and with special talents that only they possess. He then placed positions in the church that only that person could handle. Each and every person God made has a reason and a mission in life. He fully expected for us to use what He gave us in His service. Should we decide not to follow what God has planned for us to do then someone will miss out on a blessing and a very important area of God’s work will go undone. God did not make pew warmers He made people with specialized talents to reach a lost and dieing world for Jesus Christ.
Every one was given natural talents at birth that no one else in the universe has. God then designed places for each to use those talents for His glory and to provide a blessing for someone else. Not every one can preach, not everyone can sing nor can everyone plan direct or teach. Yet we seem to place that burden on those who are not gifted to do those activities because we don’t want to get involved.
Often we hear the excuse for not serving God, “I just don’t have any abilities to offer.” This is ludicrous. That would be like telling God He made a mistake. Every ability can and should be used for God. It is the churches responsibility to identify and release your abilities for serving God.
For some strange reason we have gotten hung up on only a very few gifts God has given to only a few. And we feel we should have received one of those special talents so we try to show God we have developed the talent we want. I feel the reason for this is that for the most part the church of today is man made and man controlled, and driven for entertainment rather that serving God.
We should all say,” What I’m able to do, God wants me to do.” He never intended for us to do something He did not equip us to do. You are the only person on the planet who has your talents and abilities and you are the only one who can use those abilities.
Your abilities and talents were not given simply to make a living. God gave them to you to be used in the ministry He designed for you. Others may appear to have similar ministries but only you can do what God wanted you to do. Only you are you there is not another like you on the entire planet.
No matter what you are good at that is what you should be doing for God in His church.
There is an old saying,” It is not work if you love doing it.” The problem today we have lost our first love.
We should each take time and look God square in the eye and ask, “What can I do for you today?” Instead of asking God, “ I need you to give me something.”
If you are serious about doing this be ready for the answer.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

In God's Presence

One of the best-kept secrets in the church today is that God had a very special purpose for everyone in His church. He made each one unequaled and with special talents that only they possess. He then placed positions in the church that only that person could handle. Each and every person God made has a reason and a mission in life. He fully expected for us to use what He gave us in His service. Should we decide not to follow what God has planned for us to do then someone will miss out on a blessing and a very important area of God’s work will go undone. God did not make pew warmers He made people with specialized talents to reach a lost and dieing world for Jesus Christ.
Every one was given natural talents at birth that no one else in the universe has. God then designed places for each to use those talents for His glory and to provide a blessing for someone else. Not every one can preach, not everyone can sing nor can everyone plan direct or teach. Yet we seem to place that burden on those who are not gifted to do those activities because we don’t want to get involved.
Often we hear the excuse for not serving God, “I just don’t have any abilities to offer.” This is ludicrous. That would be like telling God He made a mistake. Every ability can and should be used for God. It is the churches responsibility to identify and release your abilities for serving God.
For some strange reason we have gotten hung up on only a very few gifts God has given to only a few. And we feel we should have received one of those special talents so we try to show God we have developed the talent we want. I feel the reason for this is that for the most part the church of today is man made and man controlled, and driven for entertainment rather than service to God.
We should all say,” What I’m able to do, God wants me to do.” He never intended for us to do something He did not equip us to do. You are the only person on the planet who has your talents and abilities and you are the only one who can use those abilities.
Your abilities and talents were not given simply to make a living. God gave them to you to be used in the ministry He designed for you. Others may appear to have similar ministries but only you can do what God wanted you to do. Only you are you there is not another like you on the entire planet.
No matter what you are good at that is what you should be doing for God in His church.
There is an old saying,” It is not work if you love doing it.” The problem today we have lost our first love.
We should each take time and look God square in the eye and ask, “What can I do for you today?” Instead of asking God, “ I need you to give me something.”
If you are serious about doing this be ready for the answer.
As God was preparing to carpet the fields, to give flight to eagles and sculpting the mountains He was thinking about each of us and what we were to do. He placed the detailed design for the mighty oak tree inside the tiny acorn. He also placed within each a complete design for our purpose and mission. Nothing was left to chance. He thought of everything. Gave us tools only we can use. In short each one is a special creation for a specific purpose. Why then is it so hard for us to follow directions?
After twenty years of wandering in the wilderness of religion and tradition I came to the Holy mount of God. As I stood at the foot of Sinai I felt as though I had at last reached my destination. The ground began to shake and lighting flashed and God said come on up I have something to show you. Fear of the mountain caused me to stand back and say, “Lord if I come up there I might die.” Yet something drew me to the top to meet God. Many today say they have had a mountain top experience. If that is true that was a terrifying eye opening experience. For in God’s presence everything is exposed whether it be true or false. All the things we thought we believed may not hold water in light of God’s Holy presence.
So far I have not made it to the top of the mountain. I have made steps toward the top but I know I must get everything in order before I make the climb. I have had to ask myself do I want to set and visit with God? Can I stand where Moses stood and have a conversation with God?
I just don’t know the cost. That fear has held me back. I must truthfully answer I am not ready in my current state. As the priest had to sanctify himself before he entered into the presence of God at the Ark of the Covenant. We each must be cleansed and made ready to meet God. You don’t just go into the presence of God without sanctifying yourself first. You must remove your shoes as you are on Holy ground. In other words you must get rid of all your sin in repentance. As in days of old something must die and blood must be shed so that we can come into the presence of God. Jesus took our sins to the cross and shed His blood so that we might live.
To meet God you must do it on His terms. If you try to do it any other way it will meet with failure. When the high priest entered behind the vale he had to have purified himself of all sin. If he failed to do this when he came into the presence of God he would die. Tradition would not save him. Religion would not save him. Church membership and social standing would not save him. Only by sanctifying and purifying himself the way God directed would keep him safe.
Today if we want a mountain top experience we must take off our shoes. Humble ourselves, be covered with the blood of Jesus and have a repentant heart. Only then can we set down and talk to God.
II Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Freedom is more than cities and buildings. Freedom is a state of mind and a way of life. Freedom is not free for it is bought with a price. A price that far exceeds that of putting up concrete and steel. The right to live free and to think free and to disagree comes only when men and women are willing to give their lives to protect that right. There have been many over the years that have tried to put out freedoms light. Each one has failed. For those that try do not understand what freedom is really all about. You see, freedom is walking along a neighborhood street on a Sunday morning and hearing church bells calling you to worship as you choose. It is worshipping God in the way you believe not according to the whims of a ruling government. Freedom is the right to voice your opinion without fear of imprisonment. It is the opportunity to improve your mind by attending whichever school you choose. Freedom allows a man to become what ever he sets his mind to become. The only limits are those he places on himself. In a free land a boy can become president or the owner of a large corporation or a cowboy riding a bull. A woman too can run a company or raise a family or fulfill the desires of her heart. Each is free to choose that path that best matches their ideals. Freedom is setting on the porch in the evening and listening to the nightingale song echo through the trees. Or watching the waves sweep over a sandy beach. Seeing the color change on the hills as nature prepares the seasons to change, is freedom too. Taking a child fishing for the first time and seeing the sparkle in his eyes as he catches his first fish, is what freedom is all about. Freedom is feeling the wind in your hair as you stand on a bluff and look out across a sun painted desert. Freedom is looking on snow-capped mountains and seeing an eagle sore.
Freedom is not bound up in concrete and steel. Freedom is not something that can be killed by knocking down buildings or crashing airplanes. Freedom is not found in gold or silver. Freedom is in the heart of peaceful people who, when pushed, will fight you if you try to take their freedom away. Many men and women over the years have paid the ultimate price to live in a free land. Those same people still hold freedom’s light high for all to see. For their spirit burns in the eyes of every man, woman, boy and girl that stands on freedoms shore. You can knock down our buildings but you can’t put out the light in our eyes or the fire in our hearts. To stop freedom you must understand freedom, and if you understand freedom you won’t want to stop it.
America did not get to be a free and independent nation by accident. It is a nation that was build with faith in God, prayer and hard work. Our money reflects what we believe, “In God we trust”. While we might not all agree we each will defend the right to disagree. We are a family and each time the family has a problem they come together and solve the problem. It happened in 1941, in 1951 and in 1990. It happened in 2001. The American family is together like never before. Freedom will ring across the waves and those who would kill freedom will pay a great price. Freedom has a price and it is not only paid by those who defend it but also by those who would destroy it. The eagle is quiet most of the time but when the eagle screams and spreads its wings freedom will be defended.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Bear Hugs Kettle

I once read an anecdote from the West that carries a wonderful lesson for us today. It goes something like this.
A party of hunters being called away from their camp by a sudden emergency left the campfire unattended, with a kettle of water boiling on it.
Presently an old bear crept from the woods, attracted by the fire, and , seeing the kettle with its lid dancing about on top, promptly seized it. Naturally it burnt and scalded him badly; but instead of dropping it instantly, he proceeded to hug it tightly---this being Mr. Bruin’s only idea of defense. Of course, the tighter he hugged it the more it burnt him, and the more it burnt him the tighter he hugged it. This vicious circle was the undoing of the bear.
This illustrates clearly the way many people amplify difficulties. They hug them to their bosoms by constantly running them through their minds, by constantly telling themselves and others about the problem, and by constantly dwelling on them in every possible manner, instead of dropping them once and for all so the wound can have a chance to heal.
Whenever you catch yourself thinking about your grievances, say to your self:
“Bear Hugs Kettle!” Then think about God and how He can provide you the answers you seek.
Just like treating an open wound, you have to stop picking at it so that it will heal. The fact that you have medication does not mean it will magically heal your wound if left in the tube. You have to open the medication and apply the ointment to the wound. Just like the ointment you have no control of how it will heal you. You simply trust it to ease the pain and cause the wound to go away.
When we apply the Word of God to our problems the same trust must be present. We cannot know how He will sooth our soul or solve our problem, but we must trust Him to do what He said He would do.
To hear what God has to say we must not only open our Bibles we must open our minds and be receptive to His voice. Jesus said we are to love the Lord with all our soul, with all our spirit and with all our mind.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Good Old-boy Network

One day a very distinguish group of people arrived at the gate of Heaven. Each carried bundles of documents showing what each had accomplished during their lifetime. Among this group were leaders of every religious group, denomination and sect on the earth. The list included doctors lawyers preachers deacons church leaders, social workers and some very devout religious professionals. As each approached the gate they presented their documentation showing what they had accomplished, what church they attended, what social standing they held and requested entrance. The old gatekeeper looked at the identification packages of each and opened a large book. He scanned the pages of the book and begins to have a very distressed look on his face. Once again he scanned the pages of his book and did not find any mention or listing of those who were standing at the gate. He asked if this group would have a seat and he would make some phone calls. As he was reaching for the phone another group approached the gate. This group was dressed in stained white clothes none carried any baggage or held any documentation. Each stated they were there to see Jesus. As the gatekeeper started to dial a number a voice was heard, “These are my brothers and sisters and I have been expecting them.”
The great gates began to open and this group started to enter. As they passed the keeper he asked where had they been and what had stained their clothes and where was their luggage. One stopped and said we were at the cross these are bloodstains and Jesus has all our things.
As the last one crossed the threshold and the gates closed the first group rushed the gate and demanded to be let in. After all look at who they were and what they carried surely there was a mistake.
The gatekeeper made another call and this time a different voice was heard, “ I have no idea who these are I do not know them. Send them down to the red gate. “
So you see the good old boy network is alive and well in Heaven. It did not matter that some in that group had REV or DR in front of their name. Nor did all the letters that followed after their names matter. The church name each carried had no affect on the gate. You have to know someone to get in. You have to know Jesus, been washed in the blood and have your name written in the book. You church affiliation will not get you in. Your college degrees will not get you in. Your good works won’t do it. No matter how much you attend church is not enough to open the gates. There is only one key. Jesus said, “I am the way no man comes to the Father but through me.”
My question is which group will you be in?