Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Watching The New Day

Setting on the edge of the world in predawn darkness I watch the vast black sky filled with small points of light. We call these stars. The absence of any man made illumination magnifies this wonder. As I watch each star striving to out shine its neighbor, trying to penetrate the inky darkness. I am filled with the vastness of creation and awe struck by the majesty of it all. Somehow each star knows it will soon be veiled by the light of day. This knowledge does not in any way diminish the brilliance of the light projected from each star. In the day light the star is still there just its light will not be visible. Man is much like that. Men are everywhere and some shine above the rest. Many though still there do not shine at all. Pondering this dilemma in the darkness just before dawn I am at a loss as to why this should be so. Knowing that each creation was given special talents and skills to make it shine. I again pose this question to the creator of the universe. The answer again came that in the book you will find the answer.

The earth’s star begins to rise over the eastern horizon and light invades and banishes the darkness. The starlight gives way to the rays of the sun. The cloak of darkness is pulled away and a new day begins.
Slowly the light of day marches over hill and valley. As a virtuoso would draw his bow across magic strings the day breaks bright and clear. The explosion of color is breath taking an experience like none other. No two days break the same. None have the same volume of color or hue. This is like many other things God makes that are similar yet different. Consider the snowflake millions of them will cover large sections of this country and no two are the same. Each snowflake is intricate in design and form. If man should undertake the task to design and build a snowflake his number would be minimal. God on the other hand makes billions upon billions with a blink of his eye and all are perfect and none the same. In the mountain forest many different species of trees each tree with an abundance of leaves again no two are exactly alike. Mankind is no different. God made all of us and none are the same. Each has a specific purpose and special talents to fulfill that purpose. Like all of nature God created a balance. Man for some strange reason has devised ways to defeat that balances for personal gain and by that his own destruction.

As I watch the earth comes alive. Gentle breezes stir the leaves awake. This awakens the songbird that welcomes this new day with its song. Here too is another analogy there is not a single song to awaken the day there are unnumbered notes raising into the morning air. Though different all are in perfect harmony tone and pitch. Nature stretches and yawns and all creation come to life.
This day is like none other, yes-familiar tasks are preformed and familiar paths are walked, but this day is unique. It holds adventures yet to be explored. Loves to find and loose, jobs to start and jobs to finish, decisions and choices to make. Like the light that pierces the night sky time and day march forward. This is the most valuable day ever as it cannot be replaced. Once it is gone it is gone forever. The time we spend in this day is all the time we have. The time of yesterday is gone and the time of tomorrow may never come.
We can spend this day wisely or as a fool and squander its value. A lesson from nature can be learned this day. Each of God’s creatures gathers food, builds shelters raise young and never strives to be something they are not.
Watching I see life begin and end. Leaves bud grow and fall. Birds feed their young and watch as the young grow strong and take to the air never to return. From high upon this mountaintop I see eagle deer elk bear and lion each going about their daily task living as they are made to live. Life is all around changing and giving, moving and growing. Nothing is still nothing is quite in this new day.

I set in awe of the wonder and splendor that is displayed before me. There is no flaw everything is perfect, everything in perfect harmony. Only God can create a day such as this that will only last till the sun sets. Then at night He creates a new day grander than the day before. That in itself is an awe inspiring concept that God would even consider to make us another day grander than the day we may have wasted, a day full of wonder and amazement more than any days past. Opportunities presented greater than any we may have seen in our lives to this point. Unfortunately man likes to walk with his head down and eyes closed not wanting to see the world God has placed around him. This is due in part to man’s shame that he alone is destroying all that God has made almost as fast as God creates it. I feel man is jealous of God because man cannot do the one thing he has longed for since the beginning of time, that being the ability to create. God alone has that ability and has given man charge of the creation not the ability to create anything on his own. Man cannot keep what he has been given charge of why should he be able to create anything? Ashamed man walks with head and eyes down not wanting to look God in the eye for fear of what he truly will see. When man does raise his eyes and opens his mind God lovingly shows man how and what he must do. Gently caring to give detailed instructions how to maintain God’s creation. While some truly listen most quickly drop their eyes and instantly close their minds and continue to walk into obscurity.

Watching transfixed by the wonder and grandeur of it all I can’t help but feel saddened that at dusks this day will be gone forever, only a memory will remain. At the same time I am overjoyed at the prospect on the morrow another new day will replace this one, a day the same yet different in every way a true paradox.
In awesome wonder I watch as day turns into night. The days end is filled with another color show that is never to be seen again. A light show that stories are written about and lovers set and marvel at its beauty. The sun dropping over the western horizon taking light and warmth closes this breathtaking splendor. The cloak of darkness is once again drawn over the landscape. Nature yawns a sleepy sigh and all is quite and at peace.

On my lofty perch I too close my eyes as the stars once again sparkle and pierce the darkness. Try as I might I can no longer keep a watchful vigil.
Though it was a dream or a vision I cannot say. From whence it came I can only
guess but this I know my eyes though closed did see many wonderful things and my ears heard the voices of nature.

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