Sunday, June 2, 2013
Sin and Its Effects
Sin and Its Effects
1 Samuel 2:17, “Wherefore the sin of the young men was very great before the LORD: for men abhorred the offering of the LORD.”
Hebrews 3:13, “But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.”
Many times we think sin is something that only happens to someone else or it is what we see on the evening news. Man by nature is a sinful creature. The bible gives us the definition of sin, “for him that knoweth to do right and doth it not to him it is sin.” Sin is something we don’t want to talk about and surely don’t want anyone to know about. It can come quick and it has long reaching fingers. It can and will deceive us. It is a lie that the devil uses to keep us from the God who loves us and paid a high price for us.
Sin can reach from the pulpit to the back pew. Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” No one is safe from the ravages of sin. 1 Samuel chapter 2 talks about how the sons of Eli the priest were causing a entire nation to turn away from God. Just like these sons of Belial, or worthless men loved sin more than they loved God we today are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. What dose sin cause? It causes us to harden our hearts and draw away from God. Sin comes in many forms and will affect many people. Whether the sin is lust or greed or anger or pride (to name a few) it will deceive us by promising to give us pleasure, satisfaction or success. To gain an upper hand or get more stuff is the lie the devil uses to lure us away from the truth of God.
This is nothing more than a lie Satan uses to defeat God’s children. He polishes up worldly stuff and bates us to just take one little taste. What can it hurt? He sneers. But it is a lie. True and lasting joy and peace can only come through the love of God. We must walk in constant vigilance for our adversary is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
We are in a war daily and we must be prepared to fight. We must fight while it is yet today for there is coming a day when we will not be able to fight. There is coming a day when all will have to stand and give account for the life God gave to each. We cannot afford to put off dealing with sin. The work of repentance and faithfulness is a fulltime and daily job.
Today is almost over and our Lord is one day closer to His return. Amos told us to prepare to meet our God. Are we ready for His coming? Will you get to go with Him or will you be left behind?
Friday, April 12, 2013
Who is a child of God?
Who is a Child of God
“Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” Matt 7:21
A lot of people today claim to be Christians, but not as many are as claim to be. Jesus said, Just because someone calls themselves a Christian does not mean they are one. Many will miss heaven by 18 inches, the distance from the head to the heart. If you have not received Jesus into your heart and only have head knowledge you may be in trouble. Religion will not get you to heaven. “I am the way the truth and the light. No man cometh to the Father but through me.” Jesus said. Jesus is the way.
God has given us a test to measure if you are a child of God. It is found in I Tim 4:12, “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith in purity.”
To be a child of God one must believe Jesus in the Christ; God’s Son. Those who don’t believe, God called liars. “Who is a liar but he denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that deineth the Father and the Son.” I John 2:22
A child of God is one who loves God. “We love Him because He first loved us.”
A child of God has real affection for God and is concerned about God’s work. The bible says in Matt 7:20, “By their fruits ye shall know them.” We don’t serve God to get something we want. We serve Him because we love Him and want to please Him.
We know we love God because we keep His commandments. The bible tells us plainly, “ He that saith I know Him and keep not His commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him.” In I John2:5 we find these words, “We know we are saved because we keep His commandments.”
Here are some of God’s commandments: see if you are keeping them.
1. Witnessing or telling others about the Lord
2. Living a clean Christian live
3. Tithing so as not to rob God
4. Praying—do you pray only when you want something.
5. Studying—Studying to show thy self approved unto god, a workman that needth not be ashamed rightly diving the word of truth.
Are you a Child of God? If not you can be. Seek and ye shall find. Ask and it shall be opened unto you.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Finding God
Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called FAILURE, a loop called CONFUSION, speed bumps called FRIENDS, red lights called ENEMIES, caution lights called FAMILY. You will have flats called JOBS. But, if you have a spare called DETERMINATION, an engine called PERSERVERENCE, insurance called FAITH, a driver called JESUS, you will make it to a place called SUCCESS.
The above quote was floating around the Internet so I thought it fit well with our devotion on finding God.
God has never left us we leave Him. He is right by our side. As a loving father, he will pick us up when we fall off whatever we climb up on. He will guide us through stormy seas so that we may learn life lessons. God knows what is ahead. He will guide us through the maize if we will but allow Him.
One thing must be clear, before we can follow His direction we must first know who He is. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone knows the Lord. Oh, many use his name, swear by him and try to persuade the world he is only necessary when someone dies or gets into trouble. Some even try to ease their conscience by going to church on Easter and Christmas, but they do not know Him. They have only heard of him. In our world today, few there are who want to know Jesus.
Jesus is a friend in the truest sense of the word.
Therefore, if you have not met my friend let me introduce you to one of the greatest friend I have ever known. Jesus stood by me in good times and bad.
The bible says in John 15:13, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” That is exactly what Jesus did. He laid down his life for you and me. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in His should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John3:16 KJV). Is Jesus your friend?
In my life, I have wandered away from Jesus at times. During those times, I have found I have wandered into places and situations that were not desirable. At the lowest time, all I had to do was look up, and reach for His hand and He helped me up, dusted me off and put my feet back on solid ground. If you don’t have a friend like that you are in a sad state.
I will tell you this that God’s love is so great that no matter how dirty we get or how far away from him we wander, He still loves us. Though you sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow so the bible says.
If you do not know Jesus seek Him in your heart, confess Him with your mouth and He will come and dwell with you.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Always Joyful
Always Joyful
1Thessalonians5:16-19, “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Quench not the Spirit.”
In Paul’s letters to the Thessalonian church he often gives instructions or commands for things that they, and we, need to do immediately. Here in chapter 5 we see we there four things we need to do now,
First we are to be joyful. Joy does not mean that we are happy. How could you weep with those that weep and be happy? Joy is something much deeper than your present emotional state. It is the sense that comes when you believe that all is in the hands of your loving Father. Joy in difficult circumstances is a powerful testimony to the reality of your faith.
The next instruction is to pray continually. People often ask how this is possible. If you mean to isolate yourself and speak out loud to God without stopping, it is impossible. If it means to walk in constant heart to heart communion with God; it is the life of the Christian. Jesus should be our closest friend with whom we share the moments of each day. A constant sharing with Him and listening to His voice will keep you walking in the Spirit.
God's will for us is that we give thanks in every circumstance. Everyone knows this is impossible without a radical commitment to walk by faith and not by sight. How can we thank God for loss and pain? It is only possible when we trust that He will work out everything for good. Giving thanks changes our perspective and cuts short the damage that the enemy intends.
The commands go on, but the last one for today is to not quench the Spirit's fire. The Spirit of God will cause you to share His passion for certain needs you come in contact with. Don't squelch that. Don't harden your heart to His leading. Go with it. He is encouraging you to step out and meet that need in His power. The reason we throw water on that fire is that we know it will cost us. Worrying about the cost is a carnal perspective. The godly perspective is that it is an opportunity to be an instrument of God, pleasing His heart, and laying up treasure in heaven.
Remember: Be joyful; pray always; give thanks; yield to the Spirit.
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