Thursday, May 31, 2012
What is a Hypocrite
What a nasty word hypocrite is. Yet it is used to describe how a Christian is today. We have all heard, “I could never join that church as it is full of hypocrites.” While it is true there are many in the church there are also many in the school, the club, the government and the lodge. There are even hypocrites in the home. Hypocrisy does not mean we don’t measure up to our beliefs. If it did we would all be guilty. Hypocrisy is pretending to be something we are not. The word comes from the Greek word meaning an actor. Someone as well said that, “ Hypocrisy is the compliment that vice pays to virtue.” To be a hypocrite one would recognize a good quality of another—Christian virtue—and pretend to have the same quality all the time knowing he does not possess that quality. In other words he is an actor playing a part.
Many today are play-acting. Most are so caught up in the need to impress another they forget that they have real personalities that God Himself gave them. Each has talents that when used in harmony with another beautiful music is heard. A good example of this would be an orchestra. Each musician has the talent to play an instrument. Each instrument has a specific sound. When a master conductor raises his wand all play in harmony and the result is breathtaking. But let each play as an individual only noise can be heard.
God is not the author of confusion. His plan is for total harmony in His church, in the lives of His children and in the world He created. Man on the other hand has decided only he can conduct his talents and make his own music, when each elects to do this ciaos results.
Can REAL Christians be hypocrites? The answer is YES. But we can overcome this problem if we will surrender our will to the will of God and let Him direct the instrument He made and tuned for a specific sound. You can pretend to be something you are not and only noise is heard.
The Pharisees were accused by Jesus of being hypocrites in Luke 20:20. This was because they were pretending to be righteous by keeping punctilious little traditions of hand washing and tithing of mint, meanwhile they cheated widows out of their houses and violently opposes the only completely righteous Person who ever lived.
The book of James speaks strongly against a religion of all talk and no reality.
Jesus said, “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees hypocrites! For you are like graves which are not seen by men who walk over them and are not aware of them.” Today are you a hypocrite?
Friday, May 18, 2012
This Generation
In the book of Acts chapter 2 verses 36-41 we find Peters sermon on Pentecost. This was a great sermon as it contained all the necessary ingredients. The preacher was filled with the Holy Spirit. It foretold of the coming of Christ. It warned against willful sin. And last it exhorted the hearer to repent. As Peter closed his message that day he exhorted all repent and be saved from an unwilling or crooked generation.
We live in a time of unwillingness: Unwillingness to listen to Gods Word; to be separate; to serve God; and most damaging the unwillingness to change.
This is a Think less age. As a whole people don’t think about God. He is not part of their thought process. To many He doesn’t even exist. People today are living only in the material realm. Earthly things like gold, silver, houses and land, and only things that give them pleasure fill their worldly thoughts. But then the bible teaches that men the last days, “shall be lovers of pleasures more that lovers of God.” Most people today set their affections on perishable things, like buying ice cream on a very hot day.
In a Christian nation it is sad when a blood bought believer grows cold, indifferent and unconcerned. They are unconcerned about their church, about their fellow man and the fate of their nation. Many Christians today give no thought to bible study, prayer, church attendance, and the use of their God given talents for His service. Please don’t ask them to take a stand for the Christ who died for them on the cross.
Along with the ungodly crowd the Christians today give no thought to the second coming of Christ. Jesus said, “Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.”
Ours is a thinkless nation all tied up in NOTS: See not—our need for Christ; Hear not---God’s plan and warning; Know not---God’s love; Awareth not---of the judgment to come; Prepared not---for eternity; Believing not---what God said is true. Ours is an age of preconceived ideas what other people should do or think to conform to our ideas, wills or desires.
This is also a THANKLESS generation. Paul has this to say about this age.” This know that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy.” Paul went on to say in Romans 1:21 why we are this way, “Because when they knew God they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.”
We are not thankful today for anything. Not for Gods blessings; Not for His Son who died for our sins; Not for Gods church. We are the richest nation on the face of the earth and we owe it all to God and yet we can’t even take time to thank Him.
Are you thankful you live in a free country blessed by God? If so have you thanked Him lately? Have you even thought about Him? Why haven’t you stood up and told someone about Him?
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Let's Change Places
How would you like to change places with those you do not understand, and try sitting where they sit? Not many would like to try it. It is much easier to stand back and condemn than to put yourself in the place of the one you condemn. In Ezekiel 3:15, the prophet said, “ I sat where they sat.” Being a prophet, God picked Ezekiel for a special task, a difficult task. But before he was able to carry out the mission given him, it was necessary for him to know first-hand what the people were going through. Not only did he sit where they sat, but “he remained there astonished among them seven days.”
How would the rich like to sit among the extremely poor for seven days? Would the man with good health want to take his place among the diseased for a period of time? Would the complaining wife be astonished if she followed her husband around for a week and sat where he sat, heard what he heard, did what he did, worked as he worked? Would a husband who lacked complete understanding of home problems be more helpful if he changed seats with his wife for a week?
There is a story about an employer who sent for a young man who had been stealing money from the firm. When the young man fully confessed his guilt, saying, “I did steal. I am guilty. Better send for the police and have it over with.” The boss replied, “ I am not even going to fire you, let alone call the police. You see, I did this very thing many years ago and my boss gave me another chance.” This caused a great change in the young bookkeeper and he became the most trusted man in the entire firm. His boss sat where he sat, and felt what he felt.
If we could only exchange jobs, duties, incomes, responsibilities, how much more understanding we would be! We certainly would have more sympathy and tolerance with those we deal with from day to day.
There are many times when the Pastor must seek to “Sit where they sit.” as far as the membership of the church is concerned. We may sit where others sit, God helping us, for a purpose. We must seek to see what others see and feel sorry enough to help them do something about their plight in life. We must seek to implant in hearts hope and cheer, and the only way to do this is to introduce the unhappy ones to Jesus. No other way is worth even a slight consideration. If we can implant in the lives of others, sincere love for God, a sincere desire to do His will, a total dependence on Him, they will soon be able to wipe out all criticism and rise out of the miserable depths of degradation.
Have you ever tried to sit near the throne of God and watch the world go by? Has it occurred to you that God is very patient with you, very kind, longsuffering, merciful, tenderhearted, always eager and anxious to help humanity out of their distress and despair? If not, possibly you need a new vision of Him.
Ezekiel was willing to suffer. We must do the same. He was not too proud to work, to tell the truth. He had no fear of what man might do. He defied the royal prince and according to tradition, lost his life, but above all, he never lost his desire to help those he came in contact with. How about changing seats with someone today?
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Decisions and Choices
Decisions and Choices
Proverbs 1:5-9
A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:
To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother:
For they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck.
Proverbs 2:10-11
When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul; Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee:
Through out our lives we make decisions and choices that affect nor only our life but the lives of others. Many times we make choices based on the conditions and situations of the moment. Sometimes those choices are good sound choices with positive affects. Other times our choices are based on emotion and lack sound judgment. Either way we have to live and die with the choices we make.
There are many factors that affect how we make decisions. No decision should be made purely on emotion. In reality that is not the way we do things. We make a lot of decisions on our emotions. How we feel at the moment. How we react to a situation or to decisions of others. Once we make and act on our decision it cannot be withdrawn. We are responsible for that action and the decision we make. If it is a good sound decision we will prosper. If our decision is made out of deceit, anger or lack of data the outcome is usually one we regret.
Just like words when spoken decisions made and acted upon cannot be returned for us to edit. Whether we admit it or not or like it or not we and we alone are responsible for the decisions and choices we make.
God gave each or us free will to make our own decisions. To control our lives as we feel is correct. He also gave us rules we are to base our choices and decisions upon. If we choose to ignore those rules we make decisions we regret and have to live with the consequences. Each decision and choice has a consequence. No one forces us to make the decisions we make. We make our decisions to do or to say what we want but we will have to live with the choices we make. Good or bad right or wrong we still will be held accountable for the decisions and choices we make. If not in this life then when we stand before God we will answer for all we do and say in this life.
Our decisions have long reaching fingers and will always touch the life of another. It may be the life of someone we love. It may be a stranger or a friend. Our choices may cause someone to cry or laugh, feel joy or pain. No matter which we are still responsible for what we do.
If we decide we do not need to follow the rules of society we will have to pay for that decision with the loss of our freedom or some of the material things we have gathered and hold dear. If we choose to disregard God’s rules the payment is far greater and has longer lasting results. Should we decide to ignore the need to follow the rules that does not free us form the responsibility of the results.
We can make believe we are immune to the results of our choices. That we really don’t have to answer for what we do or say. We can color our lives with deceit or fanaticize a world that is far from reality. In truth deep down in our being we know the truth. It has been said you cannot lie to yourself or to God, all others you can deceive.
How we make decisions is a copulation of trial and error. We will not always make the right choice or decision. When we do make a wrong decision we must live with the results of that decision. The same way we must live with the results of a good sound decision. Our decisions will help or hurt those around us. The more we make decisions that go against the rules of society and those of God the worse our lives will become. This is not a complicated matter. It is not rooted in deep emotional or physical thinking. It is simply a matter of what is right and wrong. You can accept it or reject it but that will not change it. You can ignore it or pretend it does not apply to you. But in the end you are still responsible for your decisions and for those helped or hurt by the decisions and choices you make. The choice is yours to make. Make it wisely.
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