Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rise Up and Build

Let Us Rise Up and Build The Bible has many examples of building, and how it is to be done. The books of Ezra and Nehemiah teach us about building the city of Jerusalem and God’s Temple. The New Testament teaches how to build the church. Building is as old as time. Man has always built something from simple shelter to massive cathedrals. Most of the building man has done down through the ages has been for the wrong reasons. Seldom does man build anything to honor the Lord. God’s children ought to be builders, but should be sure they are erecting the right kinds of buildings. We definitely need to build strong Christian homes. Our homes today reflect our strength. Satan from the very beginning has sought to destroy the home. For he knows if he succeeds there he can defeat God’s people. Today we do not have a strong home life centered on God the Bible and the church. No nation is stronger than the homes of which it consists. No church is stronger than the homes, which represent that body. As individual believers we need to build our character. Character is what a person is made of. His reputation is what others think of him. Yet a person is more that the opinions of others. This generation has tried to substitute money for character; it doesn’t work now and never will. If Christian character is not built into a child in the home and in the church he has very little chance of becoming somebody in this world. Our churches should be built on strong doctrine not on traditional thinking of man-made ideas. Today we see churches with small congregations and some with multitudes in attendance. There are congregations made up of wealthy people and there are those made up of poor people. Neither of which should a church be build around. Some churches are built around a pastor because of his strong personality. God pity the man who wants to build around himself! The problem in most churches today is the lack of God inspired and spirit filled leaders and teachers. We need men and women in every area of the church who are sound in doctrine and grounded in faith and are washed in the blood. There is much confusion today in the church caused by those who are not sound in the faith and doctrine. We cannot build strong churches today and cling to the ways of the world. The church must be in the world, but the world must not be in the church. Many preachers today find it easy to compromise with the world, because it helps them to grow in number. Building a church means building a people who will walk in God’s way. Who have faith God will provide and care if a sinner is lost or saved? We need to build evangelistic churches done God’s way and in God’s time. In the book of Acts we find God added to the church such as should be saved, and added three thousand in one day. Once a person is saved and baptized there needs to be discipleship, people being taught about and from God’s Word. The Great commission is to reach the world with the gospel. That world starts in your neighborhood. When was the last time you invited your neighbor to church? We must build for the glory of God. To do less is to build for the glory of man.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

What Do You Cling To?

What Do You Cling to? Acts 3:10-12 And they knew that it was he which sat for alms at the Beautiful gate of the temple: and they were filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened unto him. And as the lame man which was healed held Peter and John, all the people ran together unto them in the porch that is called Solomon's, greatly wondering. And when Peter saw it, he answered unto the people, Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? or why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk? Try to imagine: If the beggar's healing had made today's news headlines -- who would get the credit? How would the world explain his healing? Would God get the credit? It is doubtful God would even get an honorable mention. Many would give credit to the doctors who worked on him or to some new and wonder working drug. There would even be those who would claim it is due to membership is some special group who had been given special powers. Have you ever thought why we don’t see this same kind of miracle today? Ok I know God does work miracles today and He still heals many ailments. Lets look for a moment and see what would happen if you saw your pastor at the mall and there was a man in a wheel chair setting waiting for another to push him around. The pastor stops and talks to the man for a few moments then he speaks as Peter spoke. The crippled man leaps out of his chair and starts running around the mall. Who would get all the attention—the man, the pastor or God? The pastor knows who did the healing but who do the bystanders think did the healing? Right ---just as those in the temple with Peter and John did –everyone would gather around the pastor and stand in amazement at how he had done this great thing. Even the one who is now standing would shout praises for the pastor. There is a warning given to us in the last sentence of this story: "Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?" Our own power or our own godliness. If we error here then we miss the point as did those at the temple that day. God is the same today as He was then so why don’t we see the same kind of miracles? I feel it is because today man would get the glory over God. Keep in mind Peter had been with Jesus had seen what the power of God was really all about. He knew he was but a simple fisherman but he also knew that having total faith in God would and could do great things. He had seen evidence of how that worked. Maybe our vision is blurred today. Maybe our faith is weak or maybe we are too logical to think God can do what He said He can do. Logic says man can change if he wants to change. Logic says all we need to do is to work hard think right and all will be well. Let me know how that is working for you. Let us go one step farther. How would you explain how God can save a soul? How does he do that? When I was introduced to Jesus and I prayed the sinner’s prayer was it the one who showed me the way who changed me? Or did he show me some magical logical method that changed me? Not by a long shot. Could anyone on the nightly news explain how I was changed from a drunken lost soul to one God called into His service? I can’t but I know that it did happen. I know I was changed in an instant. It was a miracle that happened in my living room that night. Can you explain how your salvation was accomplished? You are saved aren’t you? The crowd's focus was on Peter and John, not on Jesus. We need to watch this as well. When God does a miracle, do we take credit for our own power (ignore God), or do we give God the glory but take credit for our own godliness? This is tricky ground. How would you respond? How do you think God wants you to respond?

Friday, April 20, 2012

Do You Know Who Jesus is?

Who Is this? In Matthew 21:10 we find a whole city was moved and ask, “Who is this?” In this age of high-tech high speed and vast technological advancement we still are uncertain as who this is. Some one has said, “We know HOW, but we do not know HIM.” An old adage says, we will never get the world right until we get the right man.” We will never get the right man until that man gets right with and has a personal relationship with the God-man. Men have questioned who Jesus was from the first century up until today. Many things may change, but man remains largely the same and his problems are the same. The sin question is ever with us. The opening passage marked the Passover at which time it was believed the Messiah would reveal Himself. A great multitude from all over the region had gathered to observe the Passover. As the procession passed by, led by One on the back of a lowly donkey, the cry went up, “Who is this?” Who is this so-called “Son of David?” Who comes in the name of the Lord? Who is this Person who is the center of such an unusual demonstration? These and many more questions filled the minds of the multitude. A universal question is raised in the human heart. “Who is this?” Kings have asked, those in search of peace have asked, hungry hearts, thirsty minds, broken spirits, searching eyes and listening ears have all asked the all important question. The fact is all who what to know Him can know Him. In the great search to know Christ, men have tried many things. There have been cathedrals built that tried to be worthy of Him. Many a man has tried to compose songs and poems that fully describe Him. Artists have painted pictures but all have failed to show who Jesus really is. There is a story told of a group of people in London, England. They had been brought together in a small room, waiting for the passing of a severe storm. To pass the time, they decided each would tell of the greatest man they knew about. The names of Socrates, Plato, Charlemagne and others were mentioned. Finally it was time for Charles Lamb to speak and he said, “Gentlemen, before us this night have been paraded the names of great men. Certainly if any one of them should enter this room, we would stand in honor. But the One I would like to have known in the flesh, Jesus of Nazareth, should He enter this room tonight, we would kneel before Him and exclaim, ‘My Lord and my God.’ ” Who is this Christ to you? Is He just a stranger you have heard about; an imaginary Person you know nothing about? What have you done with Him? The greatest sin one can be guilty of is the sin of rejecting Him. Please examine your heart and see just what you have done with this One of Whom men asked, “Who is this?”

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Stone Was Rolled Away

Matthew 28:2 “And behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angle of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.”
Matthew records just how much the religious crowd was afraid of Jesus. They saw him die. They knew he was buried but they were afraid what Jesus had said just might be true and then what would they do? As is always the case when man goes against God man feels his wisdom and cunning is sufficient to cover up his sin. The chief priest and Pharisees wanted to make sure the tomb would be secure so they ask for Roman protection. Look at their request in Matthew 27:64, “Command therefore that the sepulcher be made secure until the third day… the last error shall be worse that the first.” They knew they had made a huge mistake and now wanted Pilate to keep them safe.
After Jesus had died and his body taken down off the cross we find the account of his burial. A great stone was rolled over the door of the tomb as was the custom and the sepulcher was sealed this time with a Roman guard and Roman seal. All is secure and the religious crowd could rest easy. When the women came to prepare the body as also was the custom they were concerned they would need help moving the stone that sealed the tomb. When they got there at sun rise they found the stone had been rolled away the guards were asleep and an angel was waiting for them.
God had smiled and sent an angle and an earthquake not to let Jesus out but to let the women in. The angle spoke to the women “Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.”
There may be a stone covering your heart. You may be sealed in a tomb of your own making. It may be sealed with doubt, tradition, pride, selfish indignation, or any number of other stones we place there. Maybe you are like the Pharisees and don’t believe and have asked the god of this world to protect you. God can remove all the stones just as He did that first Easter morning. No stone is too large that God can’t move it. He can move it gently or He can send an earthquake. Once He rolls the stone away we are to do as the women did we are to go quickly and tell others He is risen.
Jesus bore our sins on the cross and became our atonement before God. He is not still on the cross he is not in the tomb He is alive and well and seated on the right hand of God. Do you have a stone that needs to be rolled away?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sound Doctrine

Titus 2:1- 2, “But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine: That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.”

In view of the multitude of religious sects, teachings, and denominations of today, we do well to consider the importance of sound doctrine. Does it make any difference what you believe, so long as you are sincere? In the book of Titus chapter 2 verses 1 and 2 Paul answers that question when he says, “But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine: That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.” There is a trend today to consolidate all churches into one universal church. To do this would mean we would forfeit the fundamentals of the New Testament. It would be saying that it makes no difference what you believe, just so you are sincere. Our nation is governed by a sound constitution. We get very upset when anyone tries to destroys that--- why then don’t we get upset when someone tries to destroy a sound constitution God has set down to govern our lives—the New Testament.

The condition of the world we live in today is shown in II Timothy 4:1-3, “ Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.”

People are turning away from the Bible because it rebukes and condemns their lives. A small boy once told his preacher he could no longer read the Bible. Concerned the preacher asked why he felt that way. The lad said, “cause this book kicks.” As a result of this turning away people are fleeing from the truth.
What is the result if we continue to turn away from and fail to preach the truth? If we compromise on God’s plan for salvation, we frustrate grace and lead men into eternity LOST and WITHOUT CHRIST. At the judgment I wonder who will be most ashamed, those who rejected Christ or those who refused to tell anyone about Christ? Galatians 2:21 states, “I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.” If there were something we had to do by work to get saved we frustrate grace. Ephesians 2:8-9, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works least any man should boast.”
I pose this question today if Christ does not have the power to keep, where is the power to save? If the observance of ordinances would save, why did not Jesus use them? If membership in a church could save, why did Jesus not organize the church first?