Monday, January 31, 2011

When Lighting Flashes

When the Lighting Flashes!
The following is a great devotion I found that was written by Muncy Harris in 1985.

Many have been the times, when on a hot summer evening, the typical thunderstorm would begin boiling in from the west.
First, would come the brilliant lighting; to be followed, momentarily, by the threating thunder.
Now, the thunder contributed nothing to the lighting but it was an evidence that the lighting was a reality and a storm was truly approaching.
Likewise, the “lighting” of saving faith must be followed by the “thunder” of good works to demonstrate its reality. True, the “thunder” of good works adds nothing to the “lighting” of our salvation but it is a witness that something has already happened.
In the inspired words of the apostle James, “Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works,” James 2:18
When the “lighting” flashes – it should be followed by the “thunder” of good works.

So then it would stand to reason that all that claim to be born again and there is no change in their lives would give us cause to doubt. One can pretend to be something they are not only so long. For by their fruits ye shall know them the Bible says.
There will be a lot of those who claim to be saved and born again that will be standing in empty churches when Jesus comes to claim those who have truly been washed in the blood of the lamb, have asked Jesus to forgive them and to come into their hearts and save their soul.
Jesus knows who they are for He wrote their name down in the Lambs Book of Life, they know who they are! Are you one of those whose name has been written down? Or will you be among those who Jesus will say depart form me I never knew you?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pure Legalism

In the book of John chapter 3 there is a story that mirrors the attitude of many today; a legalist description of the religious crowd then and now. It is the story of a Jewish leader, a Pharisee, a religious man and devout; a teacher and respected in the Jewish community. This man’s name was Nicodemus. Like many of his day he was very concerned about the letter of the law, the appearance in public, titles, rules, ceremonies and eloquence when praying. In other words he wanted to make sure everyone around him knew he was a religious man. Even with all his education and learning about the law he had an empty space inside. Something was missing. He must have searched every area of the law to find out what it was but to no avail. Then a very strange thing happened. There came news of this itinerant carpenter who was traveling around the country healing people and speaking with authority. At the synagogue the buzz was that there was a heretic loose and was trying to teach things that were not right according to the religious leaders. All the Pharisees had taken the position that something had to be done to put a stop to this man. After all who was he? What gave him the authority to say and do the things he was saying and doing. But there was something that pricked old Nicodemus’ curiosity. He wasn’t sure what it was but he had to find out. To be seen talking to this carpenter in the day light would have been political suicide. So he made a plan to find this man under the cover of darkness. So one night he crept out and found Jesus and asks to speak to him. Being a good Pharisee he offered what he believed to be the proper greeting and complement. “Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.” Jesus knowing his mind and better still his heart ignored the complement and spoke bluntly to Nicodemus, “Verily ,verily , I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Oh my; this flew against everything Nicodemus had ever learned, taught or thought. Jesus wasn’t done for he knew what Nicodemus really needed. It was not to study harder. Live better. Be a pillar in the community. Attend the biggest church twice a week. Sing in the choir. Stand and pray eloquent prayers on the street corner. He did not need to be the most successful or charismatic teacher or speaker. He needed to be saved by the grace of God not by the law of man.
Not to belabor the point Jesus went on to tell Nicodemus what he must do and how he must do it.
Read the story in John 3.
I will close this blog with this one thing Jesus told Nicodemus, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Do We Plant seed?

This is part two of sowing seed series.
How we are to sow our seed.
As we go about sowing the seed of the gospel of Christ just how are we to do that? In Psalm 126:5-6 says, “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.”
There are a lot of things that make us cry. We cry at weddings, at graduations, sad movies and anything that tugs at our emotions. When was the last time we cried over a lost soul? Or cried because someone had wandered away from God? Preachers sometimes get so burdened about those in their flock they have a hard time seeing through their tears. I hear the voices saying we have never seen our pastor cry. Maybe not on the outside but if he is a man God called he may be crying none the less. Crying because of something a backbiter spoke without all the knowledge necessary; crying because he is witnessing the destruction of a soul at the hands of Satan. Crying because he watched as something he loves more than life itself is ripped away.
As we sow we need to water that seed with our tears. Tears of compassion, love and concern for the one we are praying for. Have you ever considered how the farmer must feel as he watches the seed he plants start to grow in the spring. Then as he harvest the fruit of his labor in the fall the joy that is in his heart. Keep in mind that once the seed is planted the farmer has no control over how the seed grows. We also cannot know how the seed we plant is someone’s heart will grow. That is not our job it belongs to God. What we can know is what type of seed we plant. We either plant good seed, mixed seed or bad seed. John 4:36 shares with us a great thought and promise, “And he that reapth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.” How many will you get to rejoice together with in eternity?
What kind of seed are we sowing? The seed must be the right seed. We need to sow the best seed if we expect to reap the best fruit. 1Peter 1:23, “Being born again, not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever.” We are not to sow mixed seed. We can’t mix the seed so as to satisfy the natural man. I read a story about evangelist Sam Jones. At one of the services where he was preaching he was told that he was rubbing the fur the wrong way. He replied then you best turn the cat around. God is not the author of confusion. Satan on the other hand is the master of confusion. If he can get you to sow mixed seed then the pure message won’t get out and souls will be lost or God’s work will go undone. When Jesus preached he also was told “you offend these people…” . The natural man understandeth not the things of God. We are not to mix satan’s message with God’s message. “We don’t do that!” “Really?” Let us see if that is true. Do you love your neighbor as you love yourself? Satan’s message is you really don’t have to do that ? God’s message is , “Oh yes you do.” Satan’s message let’s take and separate church and state. Let’s take God out of our schools. After all we need to teach our kids and make sure they are well educated. Humm! That is not God’s message. Preach the gospel in season and out of season. That is God’s message. Preach the gospel to the entire world so that my house may be filled. Satan then injects it really doesn’t matter what you believe just as long as you are sincere. The road to hell is paved with sincerity. There will be a lot of sincere religious people standing at the gate begging for a drop of water to cool their tongues. That is God’s message. Don’t shoot the one bringing the message.
The fact is that there will be many who are members of the church who will be standing in empty buildings one Sunday morning wondering why the preacher is late and why no one is preparing for the service. They will be joined by others who just didn’t have time to get involved. When God reaps the harvest of the save born again souls He will cast into the fire all the tares. Don’t believe me take a look at Matthew 13: 24-30. Especially note verse 30, “ Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.” Now you don’t have to believe or accept this message. Satan would prefer you not listen. The choice is yours. Heaven or hell you chose.
Jesus said this message would fall in many places. It will fall on the hard hearted. Those who are just too good to be religious and don’t need to be saved, the ultra religious, those who just don’t need God in their lives.
He also said it would fall on the half hearted. Those who are saved but just don’t have time to get involved. Just go to church when they feel it is needed. Those who would not ever tell anyone about Jesus for fear they might be labeled as a Christian. There was an apostle who did just like that; Remember Peter. He denied Christ three times. He did go out and wept bitterly and repented of his error.
Jesus also told us the seed would fall on fertile ground and would produce much fruit. When our seed falls on a heart that is truly looking for God that seed will take hold and God will give the increase. We might call those the whole hearted.
It is our job to sow the seed of the gospel. It is God’s job to give the increase. Once again I ask this question. What kind of seed are you sowing? Where do you keep your seed? What type of harvest do you expect?

Friday, January 28, 2011

People Are Like Leaves

Life is like unto the wind. Jesus gives us insight to this concept in John 3:8 when he said, “The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth: so is everyone that is born of the spirit.”
Paul talks about how children, spiritual children, are blown about by every wind or doctrine in Ephesians 4:14. “That we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the slight of men and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.”
In nature when the wind blows the leaves are carried about. In the fall as the leaves turn brown and begin to fall the wind will scatter them all over the yard. You can see the leaves being carried around but you can’t see the wind that is carrying them. The wind can cool us or knock us down yet the wind has no substance of its own. All that can be seen is what is carried by the wind. Damage is caused not solely by the wind but by the debris it carries. We can be protected from the wind by the shelter we select.
In the spiritual world if we are like children with little protection or guidance we will be blown by any winds that may come our way. Unless you have strong roots and a strong faith then you will be blown about by cunning craftiness. The bible speaks volumes about how the evil one walks about seeking whom he can devour. If we seek shelter under God’s wing then satan has not power over us. If satan can get you to listen to his doctrine he will get you blown off course. God is not the author of confusion. If there are winds of confusion in your life who do you think is causing the problem?
Our faith in God and His care can protect us from the spiritual winds of evil, division, corruption, and sin. While some spiritual winds are of great benefit and give us peace and strength others can cause great damage. God’s grace will shield us from those damaging spiritual winds just like our walls can protect us from the physical storms. As we must seek shelter from the physical winds so must we have a shield from the evil spiritual winds. So then we need strong roots to withstand the destructive winds. Winds of doubt, winds of carnal knowledge, winds or spiritual unrest, winds of sin that will separate us from God from all these we must find shelter. We must have roots anchored in Jesus and the love of God. Secure in the rock of ages. In Jesus’ hands we are safe and secure. Without Jesus we will be blown about just like the leaves in the fall.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Greatest Commandment

The Greatest Commandment
When Jesus was asked , Which is the greatest commandment in the law?” He answered, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
From the words Jesus spoke we see that we must first love God with our whole being, body soul and spirit. Then we are to love ourselves. We need to love ourselves for what we are: children of God, made in God’s image, with all the attractive and unattractive human qualities we possess. The degree to which we are able to love ourselves determines how much we can love our neighbor.
When we start looking for spiritual enlightenment our humanity seems to get in the way. This hinders our commitment not only to ourselves but also to God. What will people think if I am spiritual? What will God think if your are not?
However spiritual we are, and however dedicated we are to serving God most of us will still encounter trying, human situations. Many times we seek guidance in the places we feel are closest to God. That may be a church, for God surely is in church, or it may be on a mountaintop nothing could be closer to God than that. While both of these locations can serve as a vehicle to help us reach out to God there is still a better way to commune with God. If we will but open our hearts and minds and spirits to God and His will He will dwell with us. If we don’t love our neighbor as we love ourselves how then can we truly love God? Or maybe we do love our neighbor as we love ourselves. If we go to church on Sunday and sing Oh How I Love Jesus then use his name in vane on Monday who do we love?
The bible says, “What so ever a man thinketh in his heart so is he.”
Man is a three part being. We are body soul and spirit. We choose to live in any one of these areas. The body is carnal and only wants material things; the soul and spirit want to be in Gods presence. Most of us only live in the carnal state. God wants us to live and abide with Him in all three states.
Learn to love yourself, love God then you can love your neighbor.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Finding God

Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called FAILURE, a loop called CONFUSION, speed bumps called FRIENDS, red lights called ENEMIES, caution lights called FAMILY. You will have flats called JOBS. But, if you have a spare called DETERMINATION, an engine called PERSERVERENCE, insurance called FAITH, a driver called JESUS, you will make it to a place called SUCCESS.
The above quote was floating around the Internet so I thought it fit well with our devotion on finding God.
God has never left us we leave Him. He is right by our side. As a loving father he will pick us up when we fall off what ever we climb upon. He will guide us through stormy seas so that we may learn life lessons. God knows what is ahead and will guide us through the maize if we will but allow Him.
One thing must be made clear. Before we can follow His direction we must first know who He is. Contrary to popular belief not everyone knows the Lord. Oh many use his name, swear by him and try to persuade the world he is only necessary when someone dies or gets into trouble. Some even try to ease their conscience by going to church on Easter and Christmas. But they don’t know Him. They have only heard of him. In our world today few there be who want to know Jesus.
Jesus is a friend in the truest sense of the word.
So if you have not met my friend let me introduce you to one of the greatest friends I have ever known. One who has stood by me in good times and bad.
The bible says in John 15:13, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” That is exactly what Jesus did. He laid down his life for you and me. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John3:16 Is Jesus your friend?
In my life I have wandered away from Jesus at times. During those times I have found I have wandered into places and situations that were not desirable. Even at the lowest time all I had to do was look up and reach for His hand and He helped me up, dusted me off and put my feet back on solid ground. Those who don’t have a friend like that are in a sad state.
I will tell you this that God’s love is so great that no matter how dirty we get or how far away from him we wander He still loves us. Though you sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow so the bible says.
If you don’t know Jesus seek Him in your heart, confess Him with your mouth and He will come and dwell with you. What a friend we have in Jesus.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Let Go and Let God

The following poem by Brenda Yancey sets the theme for today’s devotion.

HELP ME LORD by Brenda Yancey
Oh, gentle Savior, please hear my plea,
To Heaven’s door—thou art the key.
I am poor and weak and blind,
Help me, Lord thy grace to find.
I need thee, Lord, to guide my life
In this old world of toil and strife,
Oh, precious Savior, please take my hand
So I can take the Christian stand.
Without Thee, Lord, I can but fail,
But, by Thy help I will prevail.
Help me, Lord, to live like Thee
So others can see Christ lives in me.
Thank you, Lord, for Thy saving grace,
Now I can dwell in that heavenly place,
Help me to be worthy of Thy love
Which comes so often from above.

So many times we hear the words, “Let go and let God,” but have we ever stopped to consider what those words really mean? Human nature being what it is we have a very difficult time getting self out of the way so God can work. Too much of the time we are striving, struggling, pressing and pushing to promote ourselves and our ideals so that we can get the glory. As long as we are standing in the way it will be difficult if not impossible for God to work in our lives. I like to think God is standing by just waiting for us to give Him a chance to do wonderful things in our lives. He might be saying, “Lead follow or get out of the way.”
Life is full of ups and downs. We so often think we are in control of our destiny. We do everything we know to do to gain that higher moral plane. Each time we come upon an obstacle we struggle, push and pull a little harder to get over or by that which is blocking our path. When all we ever need to do is to “Let go and Let God.”
This concept is not only found in the secular world but is wide spread in the Christian world. We want the church to grow, but we won’t exercise any faith. The bible says, “without faith it is impossible to please God.” We find in the book of Acts that God added three thousand souls to the church. To do that the church had to be in one accord and in daily prayer.
In our lives when we reach the point when there seems to be no solution to our problem, “Let Go and Let God.” If you have reached the end or your rope and the dark chasm of despair and loneliness is just below tie a knot in the rope and let God pull you up.
So today no matter how big or how small the problem, “LET GO AND LET GOD.”
You might be surprised at how He can work in your life.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Me Give Up?

Me Give Up?

Many of us become discouraged when we face even the least difficulty. This causes us to give up, and thus fail at many tasks to which we are assigned. The following are words from an unknown author but whose words ring true about a Christian life.
“Shall I give up because I am tired and discouraged; because I have failed and no one seems to care? Ah, just let me wait and rest awhile and then go on. Shall I submit when I’m tempted and tired? Surrender? Never while I live. I’ll not give up when I’m fallen; lie there and cry and die; be hated and forgotten. I’ll rise, honestly and admit my failure and try again.
I’ll not stop when I get old. Positively no. I may not march at the front of the line, but I’ll march.
Me give up? Only when Jesus says ‘Tis done.’ Me give up? When breath is gone, when heart is stopped, when strength and life is no more. Me give up? Yes. I will some day, when God assigns a greater task.”

This expresses the true Christian’s attitude toward his work and the work of God. Does it fit your concept of life? Let us remember the words of Paul when he said, “And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9
Galatians 6:7 “Be no deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
This means there will be a payday some day. Our main task is to remain faithful over the few things to which we have been appointed.

Jesus gave up heaven went to a Roman cross shed his life’s blood that we might be saved. He never gave up on me how can I give up on Him? A greater love hath no man than he give his life for his friends. Yes we get down sometimes. Yes we think we can’t go on. God never leaves us we leave Him. He is right there by our side ready to offer a hand up. If you don’t know the Lord He still loved you and sent His son to die for you. If you are saved but have wandered away you can still stand up. I saw a quote on Face Book that I think says it all. No matter how many steps you have taken to go away from God it only takes one step to get back.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Who Is Limiting God?

I heard a story of a woman who had a very serious problem; a problem that would shatter her world. She had just lost her husband she was dead broke and deeply in debt. Creditors were beating down her door demanding payment. They were demanding payment in blood if she did not come up with the money she owed. This did not happen yesterday but it could have. This story is found in 2 Kings 4:1-7.
Her husband was a man of God and so she went to another man of God for counsel. The prophet Elisha asks her what she had in the house. She said, “Nothing save a pot of oil.” “Ok”, the preacher told her, “go borrow as many vessels as you can from your neighbors. Then go home and you and your sons start pouring out the oil into the borrowed vessels.” Now I am sure she must have thought the preacher was crazy, but she did as he said. As she was filling the borrowed vessels each one was filled and she asked for another until there were no more empty vessels. She then noticed that her oil pot was still full. Back to the preacher she went asking what she needed to do. “Simple”, he said. “Go sell the oil and pay your debt then you and your sons live of the rest.”
Look at exactly what she was told to do in verse 3. “Go borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbors, even empty vessels; borrow not a few.” She went and borrowed what she thought she needed not really knowing what or how many to borrow. God did what he said he would do. He blessed her to the extent she let Him. Why? Well we don’t know how many she borrowed but we do know it was enough to get her out of debt and have money to live on. God blessed out of one small jar of oil He solved her problems.
Two things had to happen here, first she had to ask God for help and second she had to trust him and do what she was instructed to do. Had she used current logic she most likely would have starved and lost her sons.
Even though this woman followed exactly what God led her to do there was a limiting factor. She borrowed as many empty jars she thought she needed. What do you think would have happened had she actually borrowed from all her neighbors and had empty jars all over the house, yard, and basement and stacked in every empty space she could find? What would her neighbors think? Had she lost her mind? Yes she was faithful, yes she followed instructions, but did she still limit God? You see we limit God when we think we know more that he does. So then the only thing that limits God is us. God’s riches are untold and His love is unlimited.
You have a problem talk to God. Don’t know God? Then go find a man of God an ask to be introduced.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sowing Seed

In the book of Matthew chapter 13 we find a story Jesus told about service. Note verse 3 , “Behold, a sower went forth to sow…”
Let us look at what this sowing is all about.
In his story Jesus is telling us if we don’t sow we can’t reap. He is also telling us that not every seed we sow will produce fruit. There is a great mystery today how people seem to think they can get rewards without doing any work. Or reap without sowing. Farmers don’t expect that. Farmers gather their seed in the spring and prepare the ground and plant all the seed. I don’t know of any farmer who plows the ground then leaves the seed in the sacks in the barn and expect to harvest in the fall. Do you?
The prophet Isaiah told us to sow everywhere. “blessed are ye that sow beside all waters…” Isaiah 32:20
In 2 Corinthians 9:6 we find we are to sow bountifully (or a lot). “He who soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly and he who soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully.”
Let me ask you this question how good do you think your seed is if it is stored away inside the covers of your bible? If people don’t get to hear about Jesus how then can they get saved? How did you get saved? Did it just happen one dark and stormy night by magic or did someone tell you about the love of Jesus. Did they tell you about the cross the Son of God died on for your sins? Or did you just some how get a revelation and here you are? No someone sowed some seed and someone watered the seed and God gave the increase.
Paul ask these very same questions in Romans 10: 14 “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?”
Oh I see you don’t want to be a preacher. I would like to share with you a personal experience. Some 30 years ago I was working as an electrician in a potash mine. I had a good living, a good family and I thought I was doing ok. A co-worker always had a new testament in his pocket and I like many teased him about his little bible. One day I just came out and ask him why he carried that bible to work. He told me it gave him peace, joy and strength to face each day. That is all he told me. That small seed started to grow. It had struck a cord in my mind. You mean to tell me that little book can make me stronger? The more I thought about that the more curious I became until one day I invited my friend and his wife over to the house for dinner. After dinner I started asking all sorts of questions about how to get this strength he talked about. I thought it was some magic pill or something I could buy or find if I got me one of these little books. Oh I knew all about church or at lease where the church was. I knew there was a man called Jesus. I knew there was a god somewhere, because those I ran with were always calling his name when ever things went wrong. I thought I knew all about being religious and how I probably didn’t need all that church stuff. As we talked my friend asked me this question, “If you died tonight where would you go?” My answer,”Die? I’m not going to die. I’m not sick.” His answer, “Are you sure?” To make a long story short he went out to his car and came back with a BIG book; a big black well worn book. He ask if he could show me from God’s Word how I could find peace and strength. Well yes now I see that he had a much bigger book that probably had a lot more power than that little book I see him carrying to work. Show me he did! There at my coffee table in my living room I met Jesus for the first time. True to his word I found peace and such relief as I felt the weight of the world was lifted off me. Words cannot explain or express how I felt but one thing was for sure I was not the same person. Jesus was real to me and I felt I could conquer the world. Looking back now I see that weight was all my sin debt I had been carrying. Jesus took that off me and put my sin on His shoulders and told me he would carry it for me from now own.
Now my friend was not and is still not a preacher. At lease not in the sense of the word that he stands in a pulpit every Sunday, but in my mind he is a preacher none the less. Would I have found Jesus had he not carried that little book to work? Who knows, but I am sure glad he did.
So my friend planted the seed at work, the Holy spirit watered that seed in my mind then God gave the increase as he brought that seed to life in my heart. So you see you never know about the seed you plant, but God does. Where do you keep your seed between the covers of a bible or do you put them in fertile ground in someone’s soul?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Is God Real?

Is God Real?
You better believe He is real. He is also alive and well. This is contrary to the now common belief that God has somehow gone away and doesn’t care about your and me. There is a movement started by the devil and his crowd that we don’t need God in our schools, in our government, in our offices in our lives. They would love that but it won’t happen. History should tell everyone everywhere that God will take care of His own. I’ll bet you may think you are the only one who cares about God today. You know there was a prophet in the bible who felt the same way. Elijah had been following what God told him to do but then a queen got mad and threatened to kill him. So he left town went out into the woods and ask God to let him die. You will have to go the 1 Kings 19 to find out what happened.
God is real and has made a promise He will provide for those who believe. In Psalms 84:11 we find, “For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.”
He is our guiding light. Psalms 119:105 “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”
So yes God is real and very much alive and He is still in control. There is a day coming when he will say that is enough and come to take his children home. How will he know who belongs to him. First he will look for the blood. Then he will look to see if your name is written in the Lambs book. If he does not see the blood form the cross or find your name in the book he will pass you by. Don’t believe that? Maybe then you need to take that up with God for those are His rules and requirements.
Satan would have you believe God is not real and that if he was he really doesn’t care anymore. That would be a lie as satan is a liar and the father of it.
God is real and very much alive. He loves you so much He sent His only son to die for you. To take all you sin debt upon him and hang it on the cross. He then went to start building a place for you in heaven where he is waiting to welcome you home. Will we see you there?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Who Is This?

Who Is this?
In Matthew 21:10 we find a whole city was moved and ask, “Who is this?” In this age of high-tech high speed and vast technological advancement we still are uncertain as who this is. Some one has said, “We know HOW, but we do not know HIM.” An old adage says, We will never get the world right until we get the right man.” We will never get the right man until that man gets right with and has a personal relationship with the God-man.
Men have questioned who Jesus was from the first century up until today. Many things may change, but man remains largely the same and his problems are the same. The sin question is ever with us.
The opening passage marked the Passover at which time it was believed the Messiah would reveal Himself. A great multitude from all over the region had gathered to observe the Passover.
As the procession passed by, led by One on the back of a lowly donkey, the cry went up, “Who is this?” Who is this so-called “Son of David.” Who comes in the name of the Lord? Who is this Person who is the center of such an unusual demonstration? These and many more questions filled the minds of the multitude.
A universal question is raised in the human heart. “Who is this?” Kings have asked, those in search of peace have asked, hungry hearts, thirsty minds, broken spirits, searching eyes and listening ears have all asked the all important question. Who is this Jesus? The fact is all who want to know Him can know Him.
In the great search to know Christ, men have tried many things. There have been cathedrals built that tried to be worthy of Him. Many a man has tried to compose songs and poems that fully describe Him. Artists have painted pictures but all have failed to show who Jesus really is.
There is a story told of a group of people in London, England. They had been brought together in a small room, waiting for the passing of a severe storm. To pass the time, they decided each would tell of the greatest man they knew about. The names of Socrates, Plato, Charlemagne and others were mentioned. Finally it was time for Charles Lamb to speak and he said, “Gentlemen, before us this night have been paraded the names of great men. Certainly if any one of them should enter this room, we would stand in honor. But the One I would like to have known in the flesh, Jesus of Nazareth, should He enter this room tonight, we would kneel before Him and exclaim, ‘My Lord and my God.’ ”
Who is this Christ to you? Is He just a stranger you have heard about; an imaginary Person you know nothing about? What have you done with Him? Is Jesus just a bible character you have only heard about? Do you only know about Jesus and really don’t know him? The greatest sin one can be guilty of is the sin of rejecting Him. Please examine your heart and see just what you have done with this One of Whom men asked, “Who is this?”

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I was wanting to start a daily devotion,just food for thought for the day. I still will be posting a weekly series.
So for today--
Each day we make choices that affect how we act, live, love and be. Those choices cause us to look up or down.
Look up the Psalmist said “I will lift mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my strength.” Psalms 121:1
As we travel through life we are given options which roads to travel. We make the choice where we travel, who we travel with and how fast we want to travel. A good traveling companion is the Lord. Quoting the psalm again, “The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.”
One thing I have learned over the years is that the Lord always has our best interest at heart. We sometimes are reluctant to listen to what He has to say. It’s not socially acceptable to be seen in public with the Lord. There again that is a choice we make.
Those who are recovering form an addiction I find are all seeking an answer. None know where to find it. They are too busy looking down to see all that is around them.
Have you ever felt as though you were down on hands and knees with no power to get up? Daily loads seem to get bigger and larger forcing you down even lower. I am reminded of a quote from the AA book, “Let go and let God.” Picture if you will yourself on hands and knees under a very heavy load. Standing right beside you is the Lord. He places His hand on your shoulder and gently says, “Let me take some of that load off you.” Then He says, “Give me your hand and I will help you up.” If you take His hand He will raise you to your feet. After you are standing once again you think you can handle things again and you say, “Thanks I can take it from here.” The Lord looks straight ahead and says, “ I don’t think you are ready to walk just yet. Hold my hand and let’s just take one step. See how you feel about that.” “Oh, that works well now can I run.” “Not yet there are still loads that you are not ready and should not be carrying.” “But”, you insist,” I can handle things now.” Gently the Lord says, “ Let us take one step at a time, it would be much easier if you would drop all those burdens you are carrying.” “What burdens?” “ The grudges, the hatred, the unforgiving spirit, all the things that weigh you down and get in the way. Many are trying to run while still on crutches.
If you are down look up and take the hand that is ready to lift you and support you.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Will of God and How to Know It

I want to close this series with how to know God's will.
In the book of Romans chapter 12 verses one and two we find some instructions about Christian service.
“I beseech you therefore, breather, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
As we have looked at many areas of how to find our purpose in life we now need to look at just how God wants that to happen. Let us look at God’s will and how we can know what God would have us to do and how He would have us do it.
Step One:
The first thing anyone must do to know God’s will is to know God. To have a personal relationship with Jesus and know not only who he is but really know him as friend and savior is the first step to finding purpose.
Step Two:
Now let’s look at your surrender. Have you ever completely surrendered your self to God? If not it will be hard to know what He wants you to do. Oh I can hear all the voices clambering, “I just don’t want to go there or do that?” “I’m afraid He will send me to a faraway mission field.” “I really don’t want to preach.” Oh so then you really don’t want to know God’s will. “Well I do I just am afraid he will send me some place I don’t want to go.” May I suggest until you surrender you will have no idea what God wants you to do. The words surrender, mission, work, commitment and service all place fear in our hearts. I would like to tell you a secret God has a lot of things He needs to get done right where you are and you may be the only one who can get those things done. But until you ask you will never know.
Step three:
The next thing we all have to do to get in tune with God is forsake sin. Just like when we got married we forsook all others for the one we married. To know God’s Will we must forsake sin in our lives. Does this mean you will become perfect? Not by long shot. As a sinful creature we will all sin and come short of the glory of God, but it should be a goal to get as close to God as possible. You adversary would have you stay in a sinful condition so that you won’t hear God’s call. If you can’t hear His call you will have no idea what He wants you to do. Let’s think for a moment that there is someone God had designed to be a great teacher, preacher, evangelist, missionary (the list could go on for ever) and you are the only one who could lead them to Christ. Oh here comes another excuse, “God would find someone else to do that.” Are you sure about that? You just don’t want to get involved. After all what will people think? Who will miss the blessing? You for one would miss a blessing and then all those who that person would be able to touch, they too will miss out. Some might even miss heaven. Wow, that is a heavy load. Whose hands will their blood be on?
Step four:
Next we need to find out what the need is. Paul had a vision of a man in Macedonia who said we have a need come and help us. The great apostle heard the cry for help and went. I’ll bet your mind just went to the mission field. Right after the objection of I sure don’t want to go there. Did God call you there? Did He even mention it to you? What about the need of the local church to teach Sunday school, do administrational work, how about building maintenance, sing in the choir, help in children’s church, witness to your neighbor are these not a mission field we need to support. In other words find out what job needs to be done, pray about how God would have you do it then get it done. Here is another secret, God may have something completely different in mind for you, but until you ask you will never know.
Step five:
What are you burdened for? Paul had a burden for all those he ministered to. Pastors have a burden for those they have been called to lead. Paul prayed long and hard for those he had a burden for. I am sure the pastor has prayed for, has a burden in his heart for those he has been called to guide. Are you burdened for some lost soul? So burdened you spend time on your knees talking to God about that person. What about something you heard in a service that went to the depth of your heart and is smoldering there as a burning fire? What that is only you and God know? Isn’t it funny that some times when we are in God’s house something will be said sung or mentioned that will get our attention? The pastor is given a message and thoughts that God will direct to a special heart. Have you ever been in a service where you were sure the preacher was talking just to you? Could it be God was speaking to a heart? Is that heart yours and is it open to receiving God’s call? What are you burdened for? To find out you must search your heart and talk to God.
Step Six:
The last step to knowing God’s will and your purpose is this—look at your talents.
Honestly look at your talents. What are you really good at doing? What can you do well? What have you developed in your life that has prepared you to do what God may be calling you to do? What interest you the most? Remember God already knows what you are good at doing. He made you and put your design in you before you were brought into this world. He is just waiting for you to receive His call to fulfill your mission in this life.
“He said unto them. Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” Mark 16:15
God’s call to service reaches out to all. Everyone can do something---pray, encourage, witness, or lend a helping hand. “The harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.” Matt 9:37-38
So the short list to find your purpose is this:
Know Jesus as savior
Surrender to His will
Forsake sin in you life
Look for the need
Reflect on your burdens
Look at your talents.
Last and most important Trust God to direct you to where He wants you to serve.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Why Am I Here?

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

Why am I here? How many times have you asked that question? What we are going to discuss may not give you the answer to what your purpose is but it will give you a place to start looking. How do you discover your real purpose in life? I’m not talking about your job, your daily responsibilities, or even your long-term goals. I mean the real reason why you’re here at all — the very reason you exist.
As we look to find a purpose let us first examine ourselves. The Bible instructs in 2 Corinthians 13:5 “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith: prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves how that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be reprobates?” We must first take a hard look at who we are and what we truly love. Let me ask these few questions to aid in this examination. What do you really enjoy doing? What gives you the most satisfaction? To use a slang phrase, “What turns you on?” Where is your passion? Or what are you most passionate about? What are your three greatest strengths? What is your life really all about? If you had to guess your life purpose (from looking at your life to date), what would it be? Are there changes you would need to make?
These are but a few questions we each must answer if we are to find our purpose as God intended. We must do a soul search as it were. Look deep within ourselves to see what it is that makes us tick. When you stand a look in the mirror who do you see? Are you satisfied with what you see? Don’t just look on the outside look deep within for there you will find your purpose. God put it there and He may only be waiting for you to open it so He can bless. You must also be ready for the answer.
For decades men have asked the question what am I really here for. Finding our purpose has been a subject men have sought after debated and searched for, written books about and gone to the far reaches of the earth to find. This search is filled with all manner of delight and sorrow. All we need to do is go to Him and seek His will, we need go no farther. Jesus said, “And I say unto you, “ask and it shall be given you: seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you.” Luke 11:9 Rest assured God does have a plan and purpose for each life. After all He is the one who made you. He put the design in your genes. It then stands to reason to know what our purpose is we must first have a personal relationship with the creator. In Ephesians 1:11 we find these words, “In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will.”
God doesn’t make mistakes! He gave to each special gifts or talents. In 1 Corinthians 12 we find the Apostle Paul addressing spiritual gifts and relating them to the body. In verse 4 he states there are diversities of gifts but the same Spirit. God gave gifts or talents to every person so that His plan could be completed. In verses 8 through 11 of 1 Corinthians 12 we find a list of just some of the different gifts God places within each. “For to one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit; to another the workings of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kind of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues; but all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.” So from that we are to learn God wants some to preach, some to teach and some to sing His praises. Some are to lead and govern. Others are to write so God gave them the talent to string words together that others may be instructed. He gave some the gift to understand and learn another language so the His message could be given. For some the love of education was given so that disciples can be made. To be a disciple one must learn and then teach. Jesus took three years to turn fishermen, tax collectors and other skilled laborers into a force that turned the world upside down. Common men all each had specific talents that alone had little effect but when placed together a force to be reckoned with.
I have heard many say I just don’t have anything I can do. I have to ask then did God make you by accident and forgot to give you a design? Not for a minute is that true. Every one has a reason for being. Everyone has a specific place in God’s plan. Let me make one thing very clear your job is not your purpose. While you may have talents to make you good at your job that is not what God made you for. He makes us all to serve Him to use what he has given us so that others can see Him better. We are all part of God’s picture. Each has a place. Each has a purpose. Just as each piece of a puzzle has a specific place so then do we all. Have you really ask God what your purpose is?
If you did what did he say?
Next week we will look at the body of Christ and how it is to function.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

How Can I Find My Purpose

In the last post I made reference to finding purpose for a life. This sparked a great suggestion from a friend to begin a series of how to discover the purpose for our service to God. How can we know what God wants us to do? As God works in many and wondrous ways I would like to begin such a series. Over the next several weeks I hope to explore the ways and means to discovery.

The first thing I would like to explore is how exactly do we get in touch with God so that we may know what His purpose for our lives really is. While this is a personal issue it is still not about you. It is about what God made you to be and to do. It is about your personal relationship with the creator. If you don’t know Jesus as personal savior then the rest will not make sense to you.
With that said let me be clear on one very important point. Before we were conceived God had a plan and a purpose for each of us. He made each or us special with talents only we can use. He also gave each of free will to chose how we are to use what He gave us.
As I began to look into how a person was to get to know God it occurred to me some may not know how to get in touch with God. Maybe there needs to be instructions on just how to do that. Yes God has sent preachers and teachers and given us the Bible yet there are many who still cannot understand what God’s purpose and plan is for their life. So I asked myself just how do you get in touch with God. I first began to look into what makes a person and how we must relate to God and ourselves. To do that first we must look at who we are what we are and how we function. If you will accept for a minute that each of us is made up of three parts. We are body, soul and spirit. With the body we have the ability to relate to our environment. With the soul we have a consciousness that allows us to relate to other individuals. This gives us the ability to laugh smile, and cry, weep, think and make decisions. With our spirit God has given us the capacity to relate to Him, so that in our spirit we are God conscience. In our soul we are self-conscience, and in our body we are world conscience. God created each of us in this manner. None of us are just body, none are just soul and none are just spirit. God has created us as complete beings. Each was given special talents and skills to fulfill the planned mission. There is a principle found in the Bible in John chapter 12 which gives us a very clear picture of what must happen before any of us can get in touch with God. That principle is this and is found in verse 24. “Verily, verily I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringth much fruit.” In other words a seed must be planted and the outer shell must die so that the inner seed can grow and produce more fruit. The same holds true with each of us. We must bury the outer man, controlled by bad habits and worldly desires, and allow the inner man to begin to grow and produce a new person, a person who has a clear vision, and a clear mind. This process is very painful sometimes, as we do not want to let go of the old man and let the new man grow. If the new man is to prosper we must allow the old man to die and the new one to be fed and nourished. In nature once we bury the seed we must trust God to break open the outer shell and allow the new seedling to begin to grow. We cannot break the outer shell ourselves all we can do is plant it. The same holds true when we turn our inner being over to God, we have to trust God to break the outer shell and start the growing process. We then nourish the seed with positive thinking, support from others and the Word of God. If we hold on to the old outer shell little will happen to the seed. But once we put it in the ground and cover it over with dirt something truly wonderful begins to happen and a new life is born. It is nothing we created it is a gift from God. This thing we are going to do is done by faith and trust in God. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1) So when we plant the seed we hope it will grow and make more seed. It is our faith that gives us courage and knowledge that the seed will germinate and grow. The same holds true with our spirit. We have to give our being over to God trusting Him to make the changes and cause a new person to emerge. We cannot see how the changes will be made and we cannot make the changes ourselves. We must completely trust that the necessary changes will be made that will produce a new strong vibrant person. From that we see then that God has placed the design for each life within our inner man. He does the same thing when he creates the oak tree or an ear of corn. He puts the design for each within the seed. The mighty red wood trees started from a small seed. The plan and purpose or the design for each life was placed within each before we were born. As with a natural seed we need to have a relationship with the creator. It is true you can become successful as related to worldly standards and still not follow the design God made for you. We each must have a personal relationship with Jesus and be open to His leadership if we are to be able to discover our true calling or purpose. This is done when we accept Jesus and our personal savior. If you do not know Jesus then you may not have access to who and what your personal design really is. Once you accept Jesus as your savior you have access to God as never before. Just like a new born child a new Christian must be fed milk and not meat. You may have been saved for many years and yet are still a child in the Lord. There is a law in nature that states a plant will not produce fruit until it has matured. The same holds true for each of us. Once we get saved we are to learn and be fed from God’s Word, fellowship with others and trust me at some point God will show you what He wants you to do. This scares most people so they simply back away from God and stop growing. We each have a mission God wants us to fulfill, a calling for our life. I think the words calling and mission truly place fear in the hearts of men. Each one produces visions of some remote island or a far away spot on the globe where we are to go and do something. Yes God does have that in mind for some but not for all. You may be needed to cut the grass for a neighbor. Or how about sharing what God has given you with someone in need. Maybe your mission is to pray seeking God’s grace for an ill friend or family member. Then there may be a place in His church where you are needed. I am not one to tell you what your mission is that is between you and God. I will tell you this He does have a mission and purpose for you. Keep in mind He made you He gave you the skills and talents you will need all you have to do is ask Him how to use the things He gave you. He made each one unequaled and with special talents that only they possess. He then placed positions in the church that only that person could handle. Each and every person God made has a reason and a mission in life. He fully expected for us to use what He gave us in His service. Should we decide not to follow what God has planned for us to do then someone will miss out on a blessing and a very important area of God’s work will go undone. Let me make one thing clear. Traditionally we have been taught to be in God’s service we must be at work in the church house, on the mission field or secluded in a room praying. If that were true God would have provided each with the same talents and skills. God’s work is not confined to a building or to a particular location. God did not make pew warmers He made people with specialized talents to reach a lost and dying world for Jesus Christ.

I guess this whole thing could be summed up with the following illustration.
We want to get to the fifteenth floor. So we step into an elevator. Now as the doors close we must trust the cables, which support the car to raise us safely from the ground to the fifteenth floor?
We don’t know how all this is done but we have faith that it will be done and we will get off on the floor we want. The same faith must be used to reach out and touch God. Depending on Him to make all the necessary changes, which will make us whole again? As with the elevator we can’t get off the ground if we don’t step into the car. So it is with a personal relationship with God. You must get in the car. You must ask for His help. And know this He will never leave you nor forsake you.